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File credits
Thanks for dimon99 and Exeter for Type 3.
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Good morning everybody! Happy 5 AM. This is a simple mesh replacer for the WastelandSettler02 mesh (Wasteland Wanderer Outfit) compatible with the Type 3body.
Exeter has one available here, but I personally don't like how the hoodie is unzipped so I took the time to adapt the vanilla closed hoodie to be compatible with the body. In case you're curious, the screenshot shows my character using the textures from Jack And The Fallout Effect by Xazomn. I didn't tweak the body shape too much so it's pretty close to the default thing.
That's about it, really. Download it or don't, I really don't mind. I wasn't even gonna upload this but figured that I may as well. I didn't test very thoroughly but it seems to be working alright.
To install, choose the one you want and extract the contents of the folder to your "Steam/SteamApps/Common/Fallout New Vegas/Data" folder. That's it, no esp required. To uninstall, simply delete the files from your Data folder, and you're good to go. Have fun!