About this mod
Makes the "Water Consumed" general stat actually work as intended. REDUNDANT.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Be aware that this is a very old mod, and it is probable that both of these bugs have subsequently been fixed in alternative packages. It's tradition that nobody is obliged to tell the original bug fixing authors when their fixes have been integrated into somebody else's package. The Water Consumed bug fix was added to something like half a dozen other mods. I don't personally know whether the Camel of the Mojave bug has been fixed anywhere else, but, again, it is probable.
V1.0: Makes the "Water Consumed" general stat actually work as intended.
V1.1: Also fixes a bug with the Camel of the Mojave perk. (See below.)
Fallout New Vegas maintains a list of statistics which accumulate over time as the player completes whatever each statistic references. "People Killed", "Mysterious Stranger Visits", "Pockets Picked", etc. One of the items on this list is "Water Consumed". Even though the game is now very old and has been quite thoroughly patched, somehow this statistic slipped through the cracks.
What is supposed to happen: When you drink a "water item", your "Water Consumed" statistic rises by 1. "Water item" means any of the following: Purified Water, Dirty Water, Irradiated Water.
What actually happens: It doesn't.
This mod makes sure that it does.
New in version 1.1:
I recently discovered a very obscure bug that nobody had fixed, also related to drinking water items. It seems that the Camel of the Mojave perk can be incremented when NPCs drink water items, which is definitely not intended. The overall impact on gameplay is of course minimal, which explains why it went undiscovered for so long. I offered my fix for this bug for inclusion in the Yukichigai Unofficial Patch, as NVSE is not required to get it to work, but as of this writing (2017-08-25), the fix has not been added. Therefore I am pasting the fix onto this mod. I will leave the old version 1.0 available, in case the fix does ultimately get added to YUP.
- If you have already earned the "Camel of the Mojave" perk, your "Water Consumed" stat will be set to 100 upon loading a game, assuming it's below that.
- You can manually tweak your "Water Consumed" stat with the console, to force it to be in sync with your estimation of how many items you've consumed. Use the following syntax: ModPCMiscStat "Water Consumed" [number to add to the total]
Other New Vegas mods I made:
- JSawyer Mod Vanilla Number Of Perks
- Honest Hearts Workbench Crate Luck - HH crates obey PC's luck.
- Wild Wasteland Checklist
- Choose Lockpick Or Use Key
- Higher Female Protagonist Voice
- Higher Voice for Veronica
- Legendary Difficulty - Matches Skyrim's "Legendary" settings.
- Dark Craving - Adds the cannibal addiction feature from Fallout 4's survival mode.