Generate terrain and object lod with this on wastelandNV and wastelandNVMini
Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
You do not have permission to make patches or modifications of our alpha file, this is a WIP project.
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
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Version Alpha
- Added new mineshaft interior to malpais legate camp
- Caesar spectates fight with benny
- Ulysses companion mod by Cirosan incorporated into the mod as we have permission to - bugs fixed
- Caesar, vulpes fort npc (not strip or nipton ofcourse) and lucius are disabled until you're invited to the fort.
- Not listening to the praetorian outside Caesar's tent about entering the tent alone and walking in with a companion will make the legion hostile and fail the questline. Tell your followers to wait! ( Doesn't apply to mod followers)
- Legate tent slave and corpses disabled until legate arrives
- Mongrels at the Legate camp now assist the legate in combat ( restored cut concept ) However poison mongrel food quest not yet implemented.
- General Oliver disabled until you start the NCR battle ( necessary to make Oliver's compound explorable )
- Brought Caesar's tent to main worldspace (bug free! )
-Introduced new throwing spear called The Bull's Horn
- While ulysses is a companion, when dismissed to wolfhorn ulysses sits against tombstone as originally intended.
- Dale Barton moved to the new explorable beach area of the fort ( to give the player a reason to go there) ,, he's located at the very bottom of the camp.
- successfully merged malpais legate camp into esm at the request of C16
- Introduced new animations for pickaxe mining , slaves are seen mining away at rocks in the malpais mine
- Improved Legate meeting sequence/made legate tent explorable ( legate despawned until reaching final battle )
- Introduced new explosive mine (slaves burden - the cut weapon variant of the legion backpack), when holstered it is worn like the apparel backpacks
- Legionarries at legate camp no longer say battle dialogue outside of the hoover dam battle
- Made slaves backpack wearable with a world model/world physics
- Lanius reverts to appropriate generic dialogue outside of quests, no longer boots into battle dialogue.
- Fully integrated cut road between legate camp and hoover dam , also repurposed in the legion final battle.
- Oliver's compound fully explorable, oliver, traps, rangers, npcs, everything despawned until playing legion final battle.
- Legionary by the name of Lupa whom captain curtis speaks to over radio spawns in near fiends , by sunset hq if curtis is killed. ( easter egg )
- Wolfhorn ranch's original purpose restored ( ulysseslegionarries that ambush caravans now are stationed and patrol wolfhorn, if you spare ulysses in LR and speak to him until you get the option for him to be a companion - his home will be wolfhorn ranch - his camp and home while a legionary )
- Citizen npcs scrapped for now to restructure NPCs, important NPCs left in e.g priestess
- Prevented final battle things from being triggered before the battle ( including east dam electrical switch as an example ) and disable/deleting from memory for additional support to functional post game ending.
- Added quality of life improvements , trying to leave Caesar's camp by walking out the main gate towards legate camp with the chip before resolving bunker quest will make legion hostile and fail questline. Trying to leave without returning to Caesar also makes hostile. This makes Caesar true to his word about " trying to leave with the chip and not returning to him afterwards"
-Trying to enter Caesar's tent before being invited makes legion hostile and fails questline ( hill is disabled to enter before invitation so this is additional failsafe ) you can still explore the lower half of the fort until you're invited.
Version ALPHA Update
Fixed Fort greeter dialogue
Fixed Unintentional vanilla headshot script edit
Other Misc Fixes
Version ALPHA2021
Added Cut fort stew quest
Numerous Bugfixes to vanilla game elements/compatibility with new areas
Added blockages during the battle to prevent access to new areas
Showcase NPCs including the praetorian ghouls (Very secretly located)
Fixed general oliver dialogue in legion final battle not triggering
Fixed white body bug with new outfits while in interiors
2024 update - development holted, a much better version called Nova Arizona is in development and I have joined them , check out my alt account for a compat patch of this mod TheGreatBhanAlt
2021 Alpha released! Track project progress from then on through our discord and wait until full release.
Extract and put contents in Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data
Requires new save
Create a folder called Settings in Data/Meshes/Landscape/Lod and Data/Textures/Landscape/Lod in your games directory and in both lod folders create a settings folder.
You'll only need to generate for WastelandNV/WastelandNVMini/Boulder city world really, make sure protect borders is ticked , keep settings exactly like this , either generate lod to your main directory, to fnvlodgen directory to transfer into main directory or generate with M02 to M02's overwrite folder (does that automatically if you add process to MO2)
Create process in MO2
Press Ok!
Ulysses companion mod - already a feature
Other mods that are editing land around our region.
Patches will be made for the majority of mods needed.
Legion Quests Expanded will no longer be supported as it is outdated and breaks with many mods.
TheGreatBhan - Lead Developer - Level Design/Level creation, NPC creation, AI Packages/NPC Data/Functions