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About this mod

Adds large and small portions of most food/drink and high and low potency variants of most chems, with the focus being on expanding the base game. All consumables work with the perks, loot drops, addictions and confiscation lists the originals do.

Permissions and credits
Variable Consumable Qualities

TL;DR- This mod adds large and small portions of most food/drink and adds high and low potency variants of most chems. All consumables work with the perks, loot drops, addictions and confiscation lists the originals do.


Page update- no mod changes, the page description has been refined to make it quicker to read and to ensure that install, uninstall and update instructions are as clear as possible.

1.1 Compatibility update- scripts used to replace any instances of level list edits to maximise compatibility with other mods.

For my other mods, including others in the variable qualities series, check my profile HERE

What the mod does:
This mod adds large and small portions of most food and drink items as well as a high and low potency variant of most chems in the base-game. The consumables can be found in all the same places the originals could and work for the same perks, addictions, confiscation lists etc.

The differences between the food/drink portions is in the HP it provides you, with larger portions restoring more and smaller portions restoring less. You also get more radiation the larger the portion and for hardcore players the hydration and starvation effects have been altered so each portion gives and appropriate value. The differences between the chem potencies is in the strength of the effect you get and also how addictive the chem is. The higher the potency, the stronger the effect and the longer the duration but the more likely you are to become addicted.

I haven't made any changes to base game weapons or unique items. This mod is supposed to expand on the content of the game, not alter what's already present.

Keep in mind that if a quest in the base game or added by another mod requires a specific item, you will need the original item (as referenced by the quest) to complete it.

All items in this pack are entirely new items added to the game and as such should not face any issues interacting with other mods. Any changes made to the base-game items such as re-balance mods should not affect these items. Any mods which use the level lists of the base-game to add new content (such as adding caches using existing assets) will be compatible with this mod and my items will populate the new content added.

Installation & Updates:
1.Click the NMM download button at the top of the mod page or on the files page next to the appropriate file
2. When NMM opens, look in the Items- Food/Drink/Chems/Etc tab of your downloaded mods and install it
3. In your load order, activate the mod and move it somewhere sensible (you can likely get away with them being anywhere, depending on other mods you have in your load order)
4. Launch the game and either start a new save file or wait a few days in game for loot tables to be refreshed in an existing save file.

1. Click the manual download button at the top of the mod page or on the files page next to the appropriate file
2. When prompted, save the file on your PC in a location of your choosing
3. Extract the archive and move the .esp file into your data folder
4. Launch the game and through the game's launcher, activate the mod in the data files menu
5. Launch the game and either start a new save file or wait a few days in game for loot tables to be refreshed in an existing save file.

For NMM, deactivate the mod in your load order and uninstall it from the Items- Food/Drink/Chems/Etc tab of the downloaded mods menu.
For manual users, delete the file from your data folder.

NMM users will have updates delivered automatically, depending on the program settings.
Manual users will need to download updated versions of the file, following the existing install instructions and replacing the .esp file when prompted.

Bugs & Issues
If you encounter a bug with the mod, please use the bug reports tab of the mod page to submit a report, including as much detail as you possibly can. Even small details will help, however can you please at least include the following information:
  • An overview of the bug you encountered
  • The items you were using, including full names of food, drink, chems etc.
  • Where you were in the map including details of if you are in the world, in an interior (and which interior), etc.
  • What you were doing when the issue took place including the action you took, the actions any NPCs took, etc.
  • Any other mods you have installed, even if you think they are unrelated to the issue

If you run into a general issue which isn't a bug but you would still like some help, please feel free to leave a post and I will do what I can to help.