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About this mod

Allows you to switch between several equipment configurations depending on whether your weapon is holstered or not, or depending wich hotkey is pressed.

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Allows you to switch between several equipment configurations depending on whether your weapon is holstered or not. 
The mod allows you to own 4 different equipment configurations (2 "civilians" and 2 "combat").

The process is very simple : when you draw your weapon your civilian clothes are saved and replaced by your combat clothes. When you sheath your weapon, you are again equipped with your civilian clothes, and the combat clothes you're wearing are saved for later.

By default, the mod will only work for items using 'vanilla' headgear slots, backpack slot and body slot, but you can also enable others slots, if needed. You have two main outfits (one civilian, one combat) as well as two alternative outfits (one civilian, one combat). When you draw your weapon, hold down the chosen key and you will then be equipped with your alternate combat gear. To switch to your alternate civilian outfit, all you need to do is hold the same key while holstering your weapon.

Available through the .ini, those modes are totally different from the main one. In 'Hotkey' mode, the holster/unholster function is replaced by an hotkey system. Each vanilla hotkey set with nothing or with a weapon will have an equipment configuration.
'Mixed' mode will use the 'Hotkey' mode for body armor and the holster/unholster system for headgear. Still a bit experimental right now but seems to work without issue.

If in your mod you need to disable Auto-Equip, you can do it very simply by adding the following lines to one of your scripts:
if getINIFloat "ModList:bAutoEquip" "zebumper\zebumper's cross mods config.ini"
   setINIFloat "Function:bIsStopped" 1 "zebumper\AutoEquip.ini"
The first and third lines are optional (it's just to avoid creating INI files if user doesn't use the mod) and will check if the mod is active, even if user merged it while the second line will prevent the mod from working. When you want to enable the mod again, just change the 1 from the second line for a 0.

Thanks to Gdhvd for the video.