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- Fallout - The Frontier
Fallout - The Frontier
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The Frontier teamUploaded by
macintrollVirus scan
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Tags for this mod
- Gameplay
- English
- Music
- Voice Acting
- Terrain
- Sky
- Weather
- New Lands
- Quests
- Races - New
- Scripted Events
- New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE)
- Not Lore-Friendly
- DLC: Dead Money
- DLC: Honest Hearts
- DLC: Old World Blues
- DLC: Lonesome Road
- Mod Configuration Menu (MCM)
- User Interface Organizer (UIO)
- JIP LN NVSE Plugin
- Visual Effects/Particles
- Fallout: The Frontier
Current section
About this mod
Fallout: The Frontier is a gigantic DLC/New Game. As the “Courier” you start a new adventure centered around a conflict between the NCR and the Legion in the snow blasted remains of Portland Oregon. Featuring 3 major questlines, 60+ side quests, hundreds of new armours, weapons and items, and tens of thousands of lines of new voiced dialogue!
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Dead Money Honest Hearts Lonesome Road Old World Blues Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes FNV 4GB Patcher Required JIP LN NVSE Plugin Required JohnnyGuitar NVSE REQUIRED NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Highly recommended The Mod Configuration Menu Highly recommended UIO - User Interface Organizer Required Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes NVSE Absolutely required Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Donation Points system
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- Changelogs
Version 1.0.0
- Hotfix 0.4.5
- Major fix for the crashes, freezes and C++ runtime error.
- Multiple fixes to quests
- Multiple fixes to ground vehicles
- Multiple failsafes for the NCR and Crusaders MQ- Fixed numerous issues with the end of the Crusaders MQ
- Included fixes for numerous broken dialogue topics
- Mesh fixes for clipping armours
- Hotfix 0.4.1
- Fixes to the first chapter of the NCR for targetting bino's, as well as a
- more sensible objective to follow the guard in front of you
- Fixed a bug with Signal Interrupted where a stage wasn't being correctly
- checked on the equipment, resulting in the ability to break the quest before you start it
- Locked a few things behind Wild Wasteland that weren't already
- Fixed a number of issues in the crusaders MQ that would result in the quests breaking when done out of order
- Fixed a few perk related issues
- Fixed vanilla radios not being re-enabled when coming back to the mojave (Not retroactive)
- Fixed a bug where getting skitters note early would break her quest
- Fixed a few bugs in the legion side quests
- Fixed a number of missing voice lines
- Fixed poor performance in archimedes zone C (Starting area)
- Added some failsafes for the crusaders and NCR MQ's when things weren't occuring in time or an NPC got stuck
- Cloud imposter fix. Should help with stuttering and FPS drops on older machines
- Hotfix 0.4.0
- Fixes numerous reported crashes with the vertibird support binos- Fixes
- numerous reported softlocks with the armoured bear tank mission
- Fixed numerous other CTD's including some reported with the later parts of the NCR MQ
- Fixed a ton of content related to the Militiamen
- More stuff than I can count
- Hotfix 0.3.8
- Fixed numerous CTD's across the NCR MQ, including a temporary workaround for the crashes in the vertibird stadium crash
- Multiple fixes to cars
- Fixed a bug where the mansion ghoul dialogue quest wasn't enabled
- Added an objective to Chapter 4 to point you to where Valerius is, and to ACTUALLY go into the castle and not wait around
- Modified Esther to use a vanilla hair and gave her a new look
- Fixed a bug where the quick start wasn't correctly disabling itself
- Added a failsafe for unequiping the legion armor at the end of Legion Quest 1
- Added a message for the player that they should look for the Nuke Base Key at the end of Mollie's bark in that room
- Added a failsafe to prevent the player getting stuck in autosaves on the Chapter 4 fallout quest
- Fixed an isseue in the Bleeder's quest where getting a note early broke the quest.
- Added a failsafe to prevent head popping at the end of the Legion first quest
- Fixed an issue where cosmic PA's jet booster wouldn't go away if your jump ended early
- Added a failsafe to Parks/Badgers conversation to prevent it from breaking when talking to Badger
- Hawkings can no longer get stuck not leading you to Blackthorne.
- Fixed a CTD when picking up the Crusader Scout holotape
- Fixed a bug where companions would activate a forcefield in the Robco Factory by removing the forcefields.
- Finished all of the "return to the mojave" content and scripting including the option to get your gear back from Soldier mode
- You can no longer start Shop Till You Drop if you're not a Legion character.
- Fixed a typo in one of the Bounty notes.
- Ensured both buggys in the ostia flee and bridge scene have infinite fuel
- Buffed the health of the Ostia Flee Buggy
- Hotfix 0.3.1
- Fixed some broken forms that would cause CTD's
- Fixed cars not functioning
- Hotfix 0.3.0
- Fixes all crashes with the Funeral and Body Retreival section
- Fixes multiple bugs with cars
- Fixes numerous softlock and objective issues
- Hotfix 0.2.6 is out with critical NVTF update!
- NVTF: Fixed compile issue that made NVTF incompatible with pre-AVX processors.
- Changed the message description of Clement's cup to make it more clear what the player requires to do the options.
- Fixed LOD blocks (meshes and textures) for TFtrainWS
- Delivery Van cab model stencil corrected and diffuses textures
- Goose Hollow Post Exchange lights rework
- Hotfix 0.2.0
- Fixed a serious issue that prevented proceeding in the NCR side quest 01
- Added a potential failsafe for one of the breach outreach lines
- Added a failsafe for a performance fixing part of the early parts of the MQ that were somehow triggering late
- Added a failsafe for an endgame segment of the NCR MQ
- Made one of the flyable vertibirds at the end of the NCR MQ tankier for the player
- Fixed a massive bug in the last few quests of the Legion MQ where a conversation with a crowd would not occur
- Nerfed a few of the NPC weapons for scripted sequences
- Nerfed a few vertibird sequences
- Added some failsafes for the Space station
- Added a failsafe for Chapter 4 with regards to the pipboy light
- Hotfix 0.1.0
- Added missing mod completion stuff to the end of the NCR MQ
- Fixed a bug where Alexander wouldn't talk to you at the dinner at the hunters lodge
- Fixed a bug with one of the terminals that applies an IMOD
- Updated Johnny Guitar Version Checking
- Added a failsafe for music stuff at the end of the funeral scene
- Reduced the time spent in the last cutscene of Act 1
- Hotfix 0.0.6
- Fixes unequippable item in TFNazo3Quest1
- Fixed an oversight during the Terra Tremuit quest for if you explore the metro station without interacting with the terminal first
- Fixed potential bug with breaking mojave actors. Credits to HopperHorn
- Hopefully fixes the body bag crash for good (still working on the part with Parks)- Fixed an oversight in the dump cell function
- Added a failsafe for a broken IMOD
- Hotfix 0.0.4
- Fixes an issue in Chapter 3 related to the turret
- Fixes the crash for the BodyBags in chapter 2
- Hotfix 0.0.3
- Should fix a bug for those playing the crusaders through Esther, and Henderson should no longer follow the player.
- Fixed a potential bug with the stadium.
- You will no longer get head popped in the walk of shame / Crucifixion.
- The two body bags can be taken at the same time.
- Fixed a bug at the funeral section. Should properly play taps now.
- Made the pressure plates in the hangar course take into account Light Step.
- Removed a few of the pressure plates from the end section.
- Added a GOODBYE for Hardcase for the Hangar area (UNTESTED).
- Added more robust error checking, now checks for if you have BLEED, if you aren't LAA patched and if you aren't using the correct clouds.nif
- Added a more robust implementation of our Return Companion UDF (Thanks Jazz).
- Ensured the legion prepper wouldn't go after the player if they weren't legion affiliated.
- Removed a few mines near the body area.
- Removed the Hanged Man from the NCR Ally Faction.
- You can no longer get the Eyebot quest from Betsy if you've completed a Power Greater Then Atomic.
- If you've started the Netwrk Questline and complete a Power Great Then Atomic, the quest will fail.
- Fixed a conditional error in Snake Eyes.
- The player is no longer added to the main Legion faction on completion of the first Legion quest, because it was making all the NCR auto-hostile.
- Fixed an infinite XP exploit with Combs.
- Added in Lieutenant Castelano unique lines and extra greeting lines.
We are working on a massive overhaul of the Frontier, aiming to fix a lot of the flaws of the original mod, including new content, massive balance overhauls and lore rewrites.
Please follow progress or join the team at the Discord here: https://discord.gg/auPVURaEVu
2 years anniversary ! Thank you all for your support.
We (Finally) added the side quest Unsafe harbor in the optional downloads
This is a huge side quest fully voiced with multiple endings (more than 4 hours of gameplay depending your choices).
You can see a walkthrough of it on mikeburnfire Youtube channel.
We have officially reached 150K unique downloads on the nexus! This is a huge achievement and thank you to everyone who has supported the mod.
For those with capped downloads, or bad network we also added a torrent file to download the Frontier
link avalable in "mirrors" section just over this description.
We decided to send all DP directly to charity because we as people want to make the world a better place
The donation points gathered will be dispatched as below.
We do not accept direct donations. If you consider a donation, please donate to charity instead.
100% of DP money goes to charity where it is most needed
/////////////////////// TECHNICAL INFO
! All four main FNV DLC are required !
Honest Hearts, Dead Money, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road
Any required mods?
/////////////////////// INTRODUCTION
In the cold, snowy streets of Portland Oregon, the New California Exiles and Caesar’s Legion fight for the domination of a city rich in resources and military hardware, but what lies in wait under the snowy ruins...
The Frontier is a new game sized modification for Fallout: New Vegas. Created by a passionate group of dozens of community members over a seven year period, The Frontier is the largest modification ever released for Fallout: New Vegas, and aims to be a unique experience for players both old and new.
Featuring new gameplay mechanics such as high quality drivable vehicles, and incredible scripting and visual effects that are sure to impress even the oldest fans of the series. All of this wrapped up with high quality voice acting, dozens of side quests and hundreds of exciting new characters!
/////////////////////// QUESTING:
The Frontier features 3 distinct main quest lines, each totaling up to 15+ hours of gameplay each, with the NCR being the longest at 35+. The New California Republic questline will take you on a linear, action packed adventure with in-game cutscenes and state of the art scripting, the Northern Legion is a dialogue heavy adventure with an expanded view of the Legion, and the Crusaders of Steel are a wonderful blend of the two, with state of the art scripting and complex dialogue and topics.
Included is also a huge variety of side content, from side quests, to characters and unmarked quests. There’s an infinite variety of stuff to do!
/////////////////////// GAMEPLAY:
Whether you’re a driver or a walker, the Frontier has you covered. Featuring a revolutionary driving system, created entirely without low level code integration, our vehicles are the best iteration of a modded driving system for a Fallout title ever! You’re not the only one with a new vehicle though, your enemies are just as prepared, and you’ll encounter a huge variety of new vehicles and enemy creatures. There’s plenty of armour and new items to keep you safe, and you’ll have a ton of time to spend looting and enjoying your new gear.
/////////////////////// WEAPONS:
Guns, guns, GUNS! You’ll have no problem satisfying your inner gun nut, with over 150 new weapons, featuring state of the art VFX and sounds. From ballistic weapons with punchy impacts or energy weapons with glorifying critical kills, to hard hitting melee and fire weapons, kill punch and slice your way through the hostiles of the Frontier!
/////////////////////// ENVIRONEMENT:
Snow, rain, mist and fog. Sounds chilly. Set in the ruins of Portland Oregon, the city has been replicated with detail given to landmarks and streets. With a fresh coat of snow, you’ll find yourself trudging through the destroyed suburbs and inner city of Portland. Our weather effects are top of the line and represent the absolute best of what Gamebyro of this generation can handle. A new experience to be had at every twist and turn! Stay wrapped up.
/////////////////////// GENERAL INFO:
How big is the Frontier?
Size wise, this is shaping up to be one of if not the largest mod released for New Vegas, and perhaps on any Bethesda game. The current asset size is above 25 gb. The ESM (The main plugin) is 250+ mbs, Our esm size is actually sitting at 760,000+ records, making the mod bigger than NV in that regard, and nearly as big as Fallout 3!
How big is the Frontier map or worldspace?
The Frontier is roughly the same size as the Mojave.
Complete map dimensions : 383x383 cells
Playable area : 64x64 cells
However combined with extra worldspaces, interiors and the like, overall size is much much larger. In technical terms, the Frontier main map is the max size create-able in the heightmap editor of the GECK.
The Frontier contains over 530 interiors, which is more than all of the vanilla game and DLCs combined!
What mods are compatible?
Here you can find a spreadsheet with a number of mods. The Frontier aims to be one of the least conflicting mods out there, with little to no vanilla overwrites, in both records and assets. TTW 3.0 and above will also be compatible, however there will be some compatibility patches needed for some content. Body mods are not recommended, and we strongly advise you not to use them, as they will break our custom armours.
What kind of PC do I need to run the mod?
If you’re able to run a mostly heavily modded setup for modded and can achieve good FPS in most cases, you’ll run frontier fine. A stronger CPU is what’s needed to improve FPS. The Frontier is more intensive than the Mojave by a wide margin, and as such 60FPS won’t be possible 100% of the time.
/////////////////////// GAMEPLAY INFO:
Can I use my existing FNV character to play the mod? Do you go to the Frontier as the courier?
You visit the Frontier as the courier, the Frontier takes place in the same time span as the vanilla DLC's. However, due to a plethora of potential bugs, we strongly suggest you create a new save for playing the Frontier, to minimize potential errors.
What are some of the new features in the Frontier?
Apart from the new worldspace and the environment, we are working hard to add in completely new features in the game. We've innovated on every element of visual effects we possibly can, doing things even Bethesda couldn't do. We have hundreds of new weapons, armours and items; with every single object having custom icons! And we also have drivables Vertibirds, Tanks and Cars.
What's the recommended level?
The recommended level is 11+.
Can we take vehicles to the Mojave from the Frontier?
No, the Mojave gameplay wasn't designed for it. But stay tuned for plugins by Frontier developers that add an interesting integration of TF's cars to the Mojave.
Can we take companions with us to the Frontier?
How will faction main quests play out?
All 3 major questlines will play out in their own unique ways. They were all spearheaded by a single person at the helm, so their unique styles of creating content will determine the way the questlines play.
The NCR is a heavily scripted questline, having had the most work done on it over development, featuring unbelievable scripted cutscenes and content.
The Legion is a dialogue rich questline that massively improves on the New Vegas legion questline, featuring tons of choices and the opportunity to explore the legion in a different light.
The Crusaders are our third and final major questline, featuring a more freeform play style, with many potential endings and a blended mix of scripted content and dialogue richness.
/////////////////////// STORY INFO
Portland, Oregon
The base idea of the Frontier was to construct a completely new environment from the Mojave Desert and Capital Wasteland.
Right now, the reason for a lot of snow in Portland is, when the nukes hit this location, a cloud of dust and ash went up and blocked the sun. So everything under, essentially froze over.
Is the Frontier a continuation of the New Vegas story? When does it take place ?
NO, the Frontier takes place before the Battle of Hoover Dam. How does the Frontier fit in the Fallout lore? This is a very good question. Ultimately, The Frontier is a completely new location that occurs in Portland, Oregon. There haven’t been many references or content around this area. So while building the story we tried hard to make the story fit the lore as much as possible and keep things as clean as possible; with that being said, some things maybe break “canon lore”, as we decided they were necessary to tell our story.
Apart from the chosen location, we tried our best to keep the overall aesthetic of the Fallout universe, with some creative liberties taken of course.
What are the factions that are involved in the Frontier?
The major factions in the Frontier are the Legion, NCR, Crusaders and the Scavengers. The Enclave plays a small role, and there are a number of smaller and larger factions that are involved as well. The Crusaders are a newly created offshoot of the Brotherhood of Steel, on a mission from God to seek revenge against those who have wronged their leader.
Will there be Vaults?
Yes, however we can't spoil too much about them.
Will X appear in the Mojave after or during Y?
No, we DO NOT touch the base game or its respective DLC in any capacity besides the initial location designated to get you to The Frontier.
Will this tie into other mods?
We've not made any specific ties into any other mods, including New California, simply because we didn't believe they were either necessary, or they didn't fit properly into our lore.
Why do vehicles run on GASOLINE?
They do not. You were lied to (again). They run on flamer fuel (like the homemade flamer fuel in FNV base game). Ethanol is derived from corn, which is why corn is a required ingredient for crafting.
/////////////////////// TECH SUPPORT / FEEDBACK
Connect with our Discord server :
/////////////////////// CUSTOMIZATION
What mods to use/avoid?
Please refer to the following guide on mods to use/avoid with Frontier:
Fallout: The Frontier is supported by Creator's Network, a community that supports creative productions. If you are a mod author in need of personnel or someone looking to help out on a mod being developed, click the above Creator's Network icon image (it's a hyperlink)!
Please follow progress or join the team at the Discord here: https://discord.gg/auPVURaEVu
2 years anniversary ! Thank you all for your support.
We (Finally) added the side quest Unsafe harbor in the optional downloads
This is a huge side quest fully voiced with multiple endings (more than 4 hours of gameplay depending your choices).
You can see a walkthrough of it on mikeburnfire Youtube channel.
We have officially reached 150K unique downloads on the nexus! This is a huge achievement and thank you to everyone who has supported the mod.
For those with capped downloads, or bad network we also added a torrent file to download the Frontier
link avalable in "mirrors" section just over this description.
We decided to send all DP directly to charity because we as people want to make the world a better place
The donation points gathered will be dispatched as below.
We do not accept direct donations. If you consider a donation, please donate to charity instead.
100% of DP money goes to charity where it is most needed
/////////////////////// TECHNICAL INFO
! All four main FNV DLC are required !
Honest Hearts, Dead Money, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road
Any required mods?
- 4GB Patcher Required
- xNVSE Required
- JOHNNY GUITAR [3.40+] Required
- JIP LN NVSE [55.83+]Required
- UIO [2.09+] Required
- MCM is recommended
- FNV Mod Limit Fix is INCLUDED

/////////////////////// INTRODUCTION
In the cold, snowy streets of Portland Oregon, the New California Exiles and Caesar’s Legion fight for the domination of a city rich in resources and military hardware, but what lies in wait under the snowy ruins...
The Frontier is a new game sized modification for Fallout: New Vegas. Created by a passionate group of dozens of community members over a seven year period, The Frontier is the largest modification ever released for Fallout: New Vegas, and aims to be a unique experience for players both old and new.
Featuring new gameplay mechanics such as high quality drivable vehicles, and incredible scripting and visual effects that are sure to impress even the oldest fans of the series. All of this wrapped up with high quality voice acting, dozens of side quests and hundreds of exciting new characters!

/////////////////////// QUESTING:
The Frontier features 3 distinct main quest lines, each totaling up to 15+ hours of gameplay each, with the NCR being the longest at 35+. The New California Republic questline will take you on a linear, action packed adventure with in-game cutscenes and state of the art scripting, the Northern Legion is a dialogue heavy adventure with an expanded view of the Legion, and the Crusaders of Steel are a wonderful blend of the two, with state of the art scripting and complex dialogue and topics.
Included is also a huge variety of side content, from side quests, to characters and unmarked quests. There’s an infinite variety of stuff to do!

/////////////////////// GAMEPLAY:
Whether you’re a driver or a walker, the Frontier has you covered. Featuring a revolutionary driving system, created entirely without low level code integration, our vehicles are the best iteration of a modded driving system for a Fallout title ever! You’re not the only one with a new vehicle though, your enemies are just as prepared, and you’ll encounter a huge variety of new vehicles and enemy creatures. There’s plenty of armour and new items to keep you safe, and you’ll have a ton of time to spend looting and enjoying your new gear.

/////////////////////// WEAPONS:
Guns, guns, GUNS! You’ll have no problem satisfying your inner gun nut, with over 150 new weapons, featuring state of the art VFX and sounds. From ballistic weapons with punchy impacts or energy weapons with glorifying critical kills, to hard hitting melee and fire weapons, kill punch and slice your way through the hostiles of the Frontier!

/////////////////////// ENVIRONEMENT:
Snow, rain, mist and fog. Sounds chilly. Set in the ruins of Portland Oregon, the city has been replicated with detail given to landmarks and streets. With a fresh coat of snow, you’ll find yourself trudging through the destroyed suburbs and inner city of Portland. Our weather effects are top of the line and represent the absolute best of what Gamebyro of this generation can handle. A new experience to be had at every twist and turn! Stay wrapped up.
/////////////////////// GENERAL INFO:
How big is the Frontier?
Size wise, this is shaping up to be one of if not the largest mod released for New Vegas, and perhaps on any Bethesda game. The current asset size is above 25 gb. The ESM (The main plugin) is 250+ mbs, Our esm size is actually sitting at 760,000+ records, making the mod bigger than NV in that regard, and nearly as big as Fallout 3!
How big is the Frontier map or worldspace?
The Frontier is roughly the same size as the Mojave.
Complete map dimensions : 383x383 cells
Playable area : 64x64 cells
However combined with extra worldspaces, interiors and the like, overall size is much much larger. In technical terms, the Frontier main map is the max size create-able in the heightmap editor of the GECK.
The Frontier contains over 530 interiors, which is more than all of the vanilla game and DLCs combined!
What mods are compatible?
Here you can find a spreadsheet with a number of mods. The Frontier aims to be one of the least conflicting mods out there, with little to no vanilla overwrites, in both records and assets. TTW 3.0 and above will also be compatible, however there will be some compatibility patches needed for some content. Body mods are not recommended, and we strongly advise you not to use them, as they will break our custom armours.
What kind of PC do I need to run the mod?
If you’re able to run a mostly heavily modded setup for modded and can achieve good FPS in most cases, you’ll run frontier fine. A stronger CPU is what’s needed to improve FPS. The Frontier is more intensive than the Mojave by a wide margin, and as such 60FPS won’t be possible 100% of the time.
/////////////////////// GAMEPLAY INFO:
Can I use my existing FNV character to play the mod? Do you go to the Frontier as the courier?
You visit the Frontier as the courier, the Frontier takes place in the same time span as the vanilla DLC's. However, due to a plethora of potential bugs, we strongly suggest you create a new save for playing the Frontier, to minimize potential errors.
What are some of the new features in the Frontier?
Apart from the new worldspace and the environment, we are working hard to add in completely new features in the game. We've innovated on every element of visual effects we possibly can, doing things even Bethesda couldn't do. We have hundreds of new weapons, armours and items; with every single object having custom icons! And we also have drivables Vertibirds, Tanks and Cars.
What's the recommended level?
The recommended level is 11+.
Can we take vehicles to the Mojave from the Frontier?
No, the Mojave gameplay wasn't designed for it. But stay tuned for plugins by Frontier developers that add an interesting integration of TF's cars to the Mojave.
Can we take companions with us to the Frontier?
How will faction main quests play out?
All 3 major questlines will play out in their own unique ways. They were all spearheaded by a single person at the helm, so their unique styles of creating content will determine the way the questlines play.
The NCR is a heavily scripted questline, having had the most work done on it over development, featuring unbelievable scripted cutscenes and content.
The Legion is a dialogue rich questline that massively improves on the New Vegas legion questline, featuring tons of choices and the opportunity to explore the legion in a different light.
The Crusaders are our third and final major questline, featuring a more freeform play style, with many potential endings and a blended mix of scripted content and dialogue richness.
/////////////////////// STORY INFO
Portland, Oregon
The base idea of the Frontier was to construct a completely new environment from the Mojave Desert and Capital Wasteland.
Right now, the reason for a lot of snow in Portland is, when the nukes hit this location, a cloud of dust and ash went up and blocked the sun. So everything under, essentially froze over.
Is the Frontier a continuation of the New Vegas story? When does it take place ?
NO, the Frontier takes place before the Battle of Hoover Dam. How does the Frontier fit in the Fallout lore? This is a very good question. Ultimately, The Frontier is a completely new location that occurs in Portland, Oregon. There haven’t been many references or content around this area. So while building the story we tried hard to make the story fit the lore as much as possible and keep things as clean as possible; with that being said, some things maybe break “canon lore”, as we decided they were necessary to tell our story.
Apart from the chosen location, we tried our best to keep the overall aesthetic of the Fallout universe, with some creative liberties taken of course.
What are the factions that are involved in the Frontier?
The major factions in the Frontier are the Legion, NCR, Crusaders and the Scavengers. The Enclave plays a small role, and there are a number of smaller and larger factions that are involved as well. The Crusaders are a newly created offshoot of the Brotherhood of Steel, on a mission from God to seek revenge against those who have wronged their leader.
Will there be Vaults?
Yes, however we can't spoil too much about them.
Will X appear in the Mojave after or during Y?
No, we DO NOT touch the base game or its respective DLC in any capacity besides the initial location designated to get you to The Frontier.
Will this tie into other mods?
We've not made any specific ties into any other mods, including New California, simply because we didn't believe they were either necessary, or they didn't fit properly into our lore.
Why do vehicles run on GASOLINE?
They do not. You were lied to (again). They run on flamer fuel (like the homemade flamer fuel in FNV base game). Ethanol is derived from corn, which is why corn is a required ingredient for crafting.
/////////////////////// TECH SUPPORT / FEEDBACK
Connect with our Discord server :
/////////////////////// CUSTOMIZATION
What mods to use/avoid?
Please refer to the following guide on mods to use/avoid with Frontier:
Fallout: The Frontier is supported by Creator's Network, a community that supports creative productions. If you are a mod author in need of personnel or someone looking to help out on a mod being developed, click the above Creator's Network icon image (it's a hyperlink)!