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The Ouachita Wasteland Mod Team

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  1. LuckyOwlOfficial
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    For those still tracking this mod, This project still exists (kinda) We've moved to Fallout 4. I'm the same Project Lead, I just lost my password to my old account. We've just started to release our standalone mods (kinda like the concepts here, but better).
  2. SunshineBlind
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is this still alive?
    1. kvatchcount
      • premium
      • 423 kudos
      Nope. Unfortunately.
  3. Stephi8732
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm confused. How does this mod even start? I downloaded and loaded this up on a clean new save file, but I'm still in the Mojave at Doc Mitchell's with no sign of this mod in site. What am I doing wrong? Where do I go to get this to start? I NEED HELP!
  4. As an Arkansas, I gotta say I'm super pumped to give this a go
  5. DWNewkirk193
    • member
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    Will this mod be compatible with tale of two wastelands?
    1. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yes, as we will not make any changes to freeside, where the train station is.
  6. deleted67361091
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Not really a fan of reusing factions, but I'm really excited for the landscape and new quests. It's always nice to see New Vegas is still getting big mod project after all these years. Do you guys have discord or any other place where we can follow the mod dev. closely?
    1. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Currently we have a private discord for the mod team itself. However, if requested, I could totally make a public discord and make announcements.
    2. deleted67361091
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Oh, fine. If you need some help or suggestions open up for the public. Anyway, can't wait to see new updates...
    3. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      We now have a public discord! check it out!
  7. glacialmind101
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Interesting. You should make a discord. Would be willing to throw in my hat for writing.
    1. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Interestingly, you're the second I've seen that has suggested this. We currently have a private discord. I guess that this would be a great idea. I'll talk to the team.
    2. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      We now have a public discord!
      In regards to writing, most of the main storyline is ironed out, with very few changes to come. We could always use side content writers. feel free to message one of us to get the private discord link
  8. dinaheverton
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have lived in Arkansas for my entire life (Hot Springs, to be specific) and this mod is a dream come true. I can't wait to see the full version!
    1. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Hey, I'm from Arkansas originally! (Though I'm currently in Texas) that's what inspired me to do this mod!
  9. harmanwood
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this project going to feature a whole new World space?
    1. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yes! Currently we are in a concept phase, where we bring a small list of items from the future project into the Mojave so y'all can get a glimpse of what's to come. The Ouachita Wasteland Mod will feature a brand new worldspace, in the wasteland of the former state of Arkansas.
    2. harmanwood
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome,I think I"ll be adding this as another chapter to my fallout new california series just after the second battle for Hoover dam.
    3. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Oh, are you a YouTuber?
  10. Dracarys82
    • member
    • 8 kudos

    Brotherhood of Steel helping locals because seeing them broke the Elder's heart?
    I'm sure you can do better than that.

    I think this will fit better in Fallout 3 than in New Vegas.

    Regardless of that good luck with the project. Even if I don't agree with the premises more options is always a good thing.
    1. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This elder is more in line with the founder Roger Maxson. This much we know from Fallout 76. I will be tapping into brotherhood lore from all of the canon fallout games. (And maybe some stuff that isn't if it doesn't contradict canon, so you may or may not here about the Midwestern brothers )
      When the project is near completion, it should be easier to see why the conditions in the Ouachita Wasteland are saddening to some. Also, due to the real world geography of Arkansas, and how we will start the players near post war Ouachita National forest, starting from DC wouldn't make a lot of sense.
    2. madmongo
      • member
      • 48 kudos
      There are three main branches of the Brotherhood of Steel, and they are all very different, even though they all started out as one group.

      The East Coast Brotherhood started out as an expedition to find the Midwestern Brotherhood. This was a small group, and out of necessity ,they joined forces with locals and accepted outsiders into their ranks. Through the events of Fallout 3, they became heroes of the wasteland, and are generally respected by those around them. This gives a lot of players the impression that the entire brotherhood is a bunch of heroic knights, but that's not true.

      The West Coast Brotherhood faced an entirely different situation. They weren't the biggest and baddest group around with all of the best toys, and instead faced technological competition from the Enclave and the Shi. They also got into a long battle with the NCR, and while the Brotherhood had better technology, the NCR had overwhelming numbers. Integrating with the locals and accepting new members worked well for the East Coast Brotherhood, but it did not work at all with the West Coast Brotherhood, and instead of being seen as heroes, the West Coast brotherhood are seen as a bunch of jerks who hoard technology and refuse to help anyone around them with it. By the time of Fallout New Vegas, the entire West Coast Brotherhood is in ruins. They aren't even a complete group any more. They have been shattered into tiny groups, like the group at Hidden Valley, and all of the little groups have gone into hiding so that they don't get wiped out and they don't even have contact with each other.

      Those who play Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 and really like the Brotherhood often don't have a good understanding of how different the West Coast Brotherhood is. They are really very different.

      The Midwestern Brotherhood is different from even those two groups. They were originally an expedition that went east, but got lost and nearly destroyed. They had to completely regroup and reform themselves. If you follow the lore from Fallout Tactics (which isn't considered canon, so you don't have to), then the Midwestern Brotherhood became stuck in a kill or be killed type of situation, and as a result they became harsh warlords themselves. Like the East Coast Brotherhood, they accepted outsiders into their ranks out of necessity, but took it one step further and even integrated non-humans like ghouls and super mutants into their ranks.

      The closest branches of the Midwestern Brotherhood to the Ouachita National forest are going to be around St Louis and Kansas City. Both of these bunkers are populated mostly by new recruits, so they will definitely have a lot more sympathy towards locals than a typical Brotherhood branch from either the East or West Coasts, and will even have more sympathy for locals than the main force of the Midwestern Brotherhood up around Chicago.

      The Children of Atom seem very much out of place in Arkansas unless it's a very small expeditionary group, and Arkansas would not be one of their more likely destinations. A much more likely scenario is it's a group that was heading west to find the old nuclear test sites and got sidetracked (attacked or whatever) and were forced to deviate from their course and ended up stuck in the area around the Ouachita National forest.

      Personally, I would rather see more lore-friendly encounters such as Reavers, humanoid robots (there are some existing mod resources that would be perfect for these guys), deathclaws, packs of wild dogs, remnants of the Beastlord tribals with all of their mutated beasts (again, check out the mod resource section), that sort of thing. With both the Brotherhood and the Reavers in the area, it also wouldn't be too out of place for Hubologists to show up to try to score some tech for their own weird misguided purposes. Hubology was widespread before the Great War, so Hubologists can be found pretty much anywhere.

      I don't play Fallout 76, but Bethesda, especially since Fallout 4, doesn't seem to understand Fallout lore very well, even though they own the friggen franchise. From what I have heard, Fallout 76 is even worse than Fallout 4 in this regard. Many Fallout New Vegas players and especially modders have a much better understanding of the lore, so if you are making a mod for FNV, you probably are going to want to stick more to established lore than go by Bethesda's blatant misunderstandings and silly retconning.

      Good luck with your mod. You have an awful lot of work ahead of you, but you at least seem to have a good vision for where you want to go.
    3. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Hey, as for the BoS in the Ouachita Wasteland, they've been in Ouachita for about 7 years, while we haven't completely decided which branch they were sent from, the reason they're there is because of the AFB, it used to be an enclave base at some point. There is some pre war technology that resides in Ouachita. I won't spoil anything, but there is something big that they were after. As for the Children of Atom? Well we haven't decided where they came from, but it will be a small group of them, basking in "Atom's Glow" in Hot Springs. The old springs became irradiated since the war. As for the reavers and hubologists, I'm not familiar with them. There's still a lot of lore that I personally need to dig through, as I want to pull from multiple canotical elements, and possibly some things that aren't fully canon, but don't conflict with canon. Especially when it comes with Vaults that exist but aren't fully canon, at least those that would fit in Arkansas. There are a lot of real world doomsday preppers in Arkansas right now, though I'm not sure how that translates to an alternative universe, I took it into consideration with Vaults, as Arkansas would definitely buy into them.
    4. madmongo
      • member
      • 48 kudos
      The Church of Atom got its start in Megaton in the DC Wasteland. By the time of Fallout 4, they have expanded at least up to the Boston area. It is difficult to imagine how a group located on the East Coast would have even heard about anything in the Midwest, which is why it doesn't make sense to me that they would be there just because of some irradiated springs. There's irradiated stuff all over the place. Why would they go to someplace in the Midwest that no one on the East Coast has even heard of when there are lot of irradiated things much closer that they have heard of? This is just my opinion, but they seem very much out of place in the Midwest unless you come up with some good reason for how they ended up there.

      The Reavers are a bunch of religious whack-jobs that worship technology. They are more similar to the Fallout 4 Rust Devils than to the Brotherhood of Steel, so think of the Reavers as super-fanatical religious whack-job raiders.

      This should help:

      If there is pre-war tech in Ouachita, the Reavers are going to want it, if they don't already have it (your BoS might have to fight them for it).

      Hubology is basically a parody of Scientology. Hubology existed before the Great War, and Hubologists worship Dick Hubbel (aka The Hub), who is basically a parody of L. Ron Hubbard. Hubologists are found on the West Coast in Fallout 2 and on the East Coast in Nuka World for Fallout 4. Just as Scientology is world-wide in real life, Hubology is world-wide (or at least U.S.-wide) in the Fallout universe. Hubologists are also a bunch of religious whack-jobs who have some odd ideas about technology. In Fallout 2, the player can either aid the Hubologists and do some things like help them get fuel for their "spaceship", or you can be hired by the Shi to wipe out the Hubologists. In Nuka World, the player can do things like get "space suits" (just costumes, really) for the Hubologists.

      These may help:

      There isn't a whole lot of Fallout lore for the Arkansas area, so you do have a lot of freedom to do whatever you want in your mod and you don't have to worry too much about conflicting with existing lore.
    5. LuckyOwl23
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you for all the information! This will definitely be considered! The BoS lore is really important as we plan to have a character who will tell the player the history of the BoS until that point. I figured that things from tactics should stay on the table, as I can tell that game is still somewhat popular to some fallout players, and see the occasional mod that brings stuff from tactics into fnv/fo4
    6. Dracarys82
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      As madmongo pointed out you should take more content from "non-canon" Fallout titles than those made by Bethesda.
      They don't seem to understand Fallout lore at all and have on various ocassion contradicted even their own made up lore.

      As I'm not from the United States I actually had to look up in Google Maps where Arkansas is located. But seeing as It's located in the mid-west area your best bet would be to take most of the lore from Fallout: Tactics since it takes place in the same area.

      As for the Brotherhood and the reasons you give, you should take into account that from the 3 main branches the only one that gives a f*** at all about locals is the Washington branch which doesn't even make sense.

      The midwestern Brotherhood actually allowed locals into their numbers for the sole reason that they where in a situation of kill or being killed. They don't give a f*** about locals unless those locals are of benefit to them and their survival. Same reason they allow ghouls, supermutants and even deathclaws into their numbers. Hell, they even allow ex raiders and beastlords to join them.

      The original Brotherhood is as madmongo described almost completely gone after the war with the NCR. Most of them are dead or in hiding as those seen in New Vegas. This same Brotherhood is the one that sent people who wanted to join their ranks on a suicide mission to The Glow, so again they don't give a f*** about locals.

      As you can see Bethesda's Brotherhood makes little to no sense given the previous chapters.

      As a final note I suggest you play Fallout: Tactics if you haven't yet. It's actually a really good game and more consistent to the lore than any of Bethesda's titles.

      Anyway, as I said before good luck with the project, I'll be following it and even give it a try when it's more advanced.

      Edit: Also take a look at this:
      Some good info about the Brotherhood that might give you some ideas.
    7. Deltaforerunner
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Whether or not we like how Bethesda changes the canon, unfortunately, it is CANON. Ignoring it's existence stubbornly instead of working alongside it is just choosing to pout. I think most people (including myself) hate that Disney de-canonized most of Star Wars EU and replaced it with the crap they have, but its still canon, and accepting that is the only choice.

      Once again, there is nothing particularly lore breaking about the BoS's involvement in their mod, the Children of Atom however, is a bit more of a stretch, but I've seen worse lore offenses in these kinds of stories. I.e. Doc Marius in New California being a "Brotherhood slave"

      By virtue of the canon written in Fallout 76, we find that Roger Maxson was much more humanitarian than believed, and that is was his son, scarred by the loss of his mother and the world he was forced to grow up in, that chose complete social isolation rather than adhere to the beliefs of his father.
    8. Makron8
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I'm on the outside looking in, but you've found a unique region in the US timeline where you can have a lot of creative freedom, so it seems ridiculous to be beholden to some "fundamental" canon established by a company who couldn't care less about consistency. They don't owe your respect, nor would they care if you showed them any.
    9. Dracarys82
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      As Makron8 pointed out this is a mod so it's not required to adapt to whatever lore Bethesda made up in a game that's is absolutely nothing Fallout except for it's title (I'm talking about Fallout 76 here)

      The known "lore" about the Midwestern Brotherhood shows they don't give a s#*! about locals except if it benefits them as mentioned before by various people here (Fallout: Tactics lore) so it seems a little farfetched that the Brotherhood in this mod is almost exactly like the Washington DC one.

      Regardless of that it's still a mod and the people making it decide what they put in it.
      As I said before I hope they can finish the project and give us players more options to enjoy New Vegas.
      But the suggestion still stand that since they are using a part of the world that has no "Canon Lore" established since Bethesda doesn't consider Tactics canon they might as well create something original instead of reusing the same Brotherhood from DC.