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Evertaile - Apachii - zzzJay - Wildgravity

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About this mod

71 New Male Hair For New Vegas! Time For A Change!

Permissions and credits
                    Sin City Skyhair
             Hairs By: Apachii & Throttle & KS 
Ported by Evertaile, zzzJay, and WildGravity

UPDATE 1.0: 
- Fixed most of the hair meshes and some clipping issues. 

UPDATE 0.1: 
- 7 New Hairs Added
- Room 207's Thong Has Been Added At Doc Mitchell's house, on top of his gurney.

Do I have to write a summary? It's just 71 new amazing fucking hair! 
Just turn on that plugin and go to Sergio at The Kings place to check out some new cuts. Or insert "ShowRaceMenu" in the console commands menu. 

Permission from Apachii was granted to both me and zzJay. Only with the condition that we do not include Geonax's hairs. 
In the future, zzzJay may include this pack in her Megaton Hairs. So don't worry if this gets taken down! 
Permission was given by Kalilies as long as I ask for permission! Which was given to me by the original authors. 

Q01: Will there be updates? 
A: Maybe... Maybe no... Maybe yes.. Only time will tell! 

Q02: These hairs sucks! They look worse than vanilla!!
A: Then delete them. IDGAF.

Q03: Why is this named after your Sin City Mod? Isn't it Skyhair? 
A: Sin City NPC's will include some of these hairs, plus.. Sounds cool! 

Q04: Mod me bruh! 
A: That's not even possible! 

Q05: Will Fallout: Sin City really be out in 2027? That's fucking long dude! Like... Woah man! Chill! 
A: Fuck my life! No!! I don't know! I hope and pray not! Happy? 

Q06: I love zzzJay and Wildgravity! Are they working on Sin City with you? 
A: zzzJay isn't working on Sin city with me. But Wildgravity has pretty much come up with the story for the mod. So basically, Wildgravity is. Twin Peaks b****!