About this mod
Vanilla+ project that aims to overhaul many Mojave locations to be more useful, cluttered, atmospheric, unique and if applicable, lived in.
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This mod continues my series of overhauling Fallout: New Vegas locations. This entry overhauls many miscellaneous locations in the Mojave world space to be more useful, functional & overall enjoyable to exist within. Although many of the locations in the Mojave are fine in isolation, many remain empty, dirty and without a real sense of character. There's often no reason for seeking, exploring or hunkering down in many of them other than for completion's sake.
I have decluttered, redesigned and reworked many locations throughout the Mojave in my previous mods. With this one - I've aimed to rework many spaces that occupy the wasteland world-space that were either empty, lacking atmosphere or simply providing a forgettable experience in the vanilla game. I've particularly focused on areas The Courier will spend a fair amount of time in, i.e. locations that are either quest / story-centric. All of my reworks are fully AWOP, ILO, FNV Interiors & TTW compatible.
This is probably my most exhaustive Mod yet and as such took far more time and effort than my previous releases, still I'm confident that you will find a renewed experience in many of these more niche / underappreciated corners of the wasteland. I like to design my mods to seamlessly integrate with any playthrough of FNV in a lore-friendly, discreet and lightweight manner, this mod is no exception.

The following video should give you a good idea of the atmosphere/functionality this mod will provide you. It exhibits some of the overhauled locations and shows off their new atmosphere, features and styles. With the scale of this project, I cannot show off every location in this video, but it's always good to leave some stuff to surprise - regardless I've attempted to show key areas with substantial changes.

The main feature this mod provides is improved atmosphere, clutter and world-building in both a variety of commonly accessed and underdeveloped locations. Why do areas like Wolfhorn Ranch have no tangible references to Ulysses, its former homeowner? Why does the ruined Nipton Hotel look nothing like a hotel? why does the Follower's Outpost have no medical equipment? And why does the Searchlight Fire Station have no fire engines?
Furthermore, why are occupied areas always so dirty? Why has nobody ever cleaned up after themselves?
This mod seeks to solve these issues and more, providing new depth, character and atmosphere to many of the Mojave's brilliant yet often mistreated interiors.
Each overhauled location features:
- Completely reworked clutter and interior design
- Improved atmosphere and Fx
- All NavMeshes updated to accommodate redesigns
- Crafting and cooking options added to locations (where appropriate)
- Decor changes made to reflect the identity of the location/owner
- Lots of lazy clutter cleared away (burned books, tin cans etc.)
- Reward loot improved and remains true to geographic / owner identity
- Plugin is fully clean of UDR's, ITM's and deleted Navmesh
- Highly compatible

Overhauls and reworks the following 75 interior cells, many of these overhauls are extensive, innovative redesigns with a minority being focused on smaller less drastic more atmospheric changes:
- Raul's Shack
- Victor's Shack
- Dino Dee-lite motel room
- Boone's Room
- Wolfhorn Ranch
- Vault 21: Player room
- Vault 21: Gift Shop
- Hornet's Nest 588 / (Goodsprings Abandoned Shack)
- Coyote Mine House
- Easy Pete's Goodsprings Home
- El Dorado Gas & Service
- Hell's Motel
- Harper's Shack
- Bradley's Shack
- Hunter's Farm
- The Prospector's Den
- Nevada Highway Patrol Station
- Lucky Jim Mine House
- Carlyle St. Clair's House
- Win's Hideout
- Nellis AFB: Pearl's Barracks
- Nellis AFB: Loyal's House
- Field's Shack
- Jimmy's Well
- Southern Nevada Wind Farm
- Misfit's Tent
- Cottonwood Cove HQ
- Cottonwood Cove HQ: Aurelius' Office
- Cottonwood Cove: Mess Hall
- Cottonwood Cove: Storage
- Cottonwood Cove: Shack
- Great Khan Longhouse
- New Vegas Medical Clinic
- Follower's Outpost
- Issac's House
- Dino Bite Gift Shop
- Captain Dean Boat Rentals
- Nash Residence / Mojave Express Primm
- Gibson Scrap Yard
- Nelson: Dead Sea's Barracks
- Boulder City: Great Khan Hideout
- Boulder City: Train Station
- Goodsprings Gas Station
- Nellis Workshop
- Nipton Hotel
- Nipton General Store
- Bitter Springs: Recreation Area
- Abandoned Home
- Gibson's Shack
- Gypsum Quarry Office
- Hostetler Home
- North Cistern
- East Pump Station
- NCRCF Visitor's Center
- Las Vegas Boulevard Station
- Hoover Dam Storage Closet
- Prospector Saloon
- Ranger Andy's Bungalow
- NCR Embassy
- Fortification Hill: Weather Monitoring Station
- Old Mormon Fort: Eastern Guardhouse
- Old Mormon Fort: Western Guardhouse
- Searchlight Church Basement
- Camp McCarran: Supply Shed
- Dino Dee-lite front desk
- Black Mountain Prison Building
- Crimson Caravan: Main Office
- Abandoned Store (NCR Soup Kitchen)
- Camp Searchlight Fire Station: Engine Room
- Caesar's Tent
- Nellis Medical Station
- Camp Forlorn Hope Jail
- Orion Moreno's House
- Joana's Room
- Sloan Machine Shop

Install with mod-manager and select any optional patches. The installer will attempt to detect installed mods that require a patch automatically. Follow the load order instructions presented by the installer.
- I generally recommend installing this mod on a fresh playthrough.
- Remove any important gear from the vanilla cells before installation of this mod if you were using them as a player home/base. No unique items are affected by the installation of this mod but some containers present in the vanilla locations have been removed/replaced for aesthetic & spatial reasons. If your items were placed in said containers and then this mod is installed they will be lost. If you think you are missing items, uninstall using the next section, load a save before installation of this mod, remove required items and reinstall.
- Load TGMIO.esm below YUP. Failure to do so will cause significant overlapping and other issues. TGMIO forwards all required changes.
- Do not uninstall this mod mid-playthrough!

I have colour-coded the below list to provide a bit more information about where I am with current conflicts and my thought process on each:
ORANGE: Minor / Moderate conflicts that are not yet fixed but I may look to resolve in the future: conflicts are either negligible or are simply not an issue at this date, based on testing performed thus far. You can safely install mods in this category with no major issues.
BLUE: Major, Moderate, Minor or otherwise conflicts exist BUT are fixed using the appropriate patch.
GREEN: No known conflicts. No patching required
Known Conflicts:
- AWOP: Minor, negligible conflicts - does not require a patch in that the conflicts do not cause any functional, aesthetic or gameplay problems (based on initial testing, this is subject to change and I may provide a patch later down the line).
- YUP (Load before TGMIO.esm): Some minor non-harmful conflicts. Should cause no problems.
- FPGE: Use the patch in the installer
- Logic and Consistency fixes: I don't generally recommend this mod anymore, but you can use the patch at the above link.
- ILO: The above link contains a patch, but I recommend using Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul instead which doesn't require a patch.
- Classic Adobe buildings: Use a patch in the installer
- Medical Clinic Expanded: This mod no longer exists on NexusMods, but a patch is contained at the above link.
- TTW: No known conflicts
- The N.V Interiors Project (+Qolore7's Remastered Version): No conflicts
- MoreMojave: No conflicts

Want even more location overhauls? In my other mods, I've overhauled the following 12 locations that are not included in this mod:
- Brewer's Beer Bootlegging - Click here to download
- Old Mormon Fort - Click here to download
- Legion Fort - Click here to download
Faction Safehouses - Click here to download
Casino Suites - Click here to download
- The Tops Presidential Suite
- The Tops High-Roller Suite
- The Ultra-Luxe Bon Vivant Suite
- The Atomic Wrangler Corner room
- The Lucky 38 Presidential Suite