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About this mod

Adds JSawyer support to Yukichigai's Food Sanitizer - Restoration

Permissions and credits
During the quest Hard Luck Blues, you can choose to reroute control of the computer system to the survivors of Vault 34. After 2 in-game days, Horowitz and the other survivors will arrive at Aerotech Office Park Suite 300. Horowitz will offer you a "Vault Trinket" as a reward for saving their lives. Originally he would give you a Food Sanitizer, but this was later patched out.

The original mod is very old and doesn't have a compatibility patch for JSawyer Ultimate Edition. So I went ahead and made a version with JSawyer's changes in mind.

-The Food Sanitizer offers a 20% health bonus to all food and drink items.
-It's weight was reduced from 7 to 1. This is to be in-line with other misc items and to not be useless with JSawyer installed.

Original Mod

Future Plans:
-Place the 5 Food Santiziers back at their original location, REPCONN Test Site.
-Support for Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road.

Credits: Yukichigai