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About this mod

Changes speed for the plasma projectiles. Check the details for all the available options.

Permissions and credits
~~ Changelog ~~
1.1 Corrected the bug described in 1.0
1.0 Main release, broken paths for 1.5x speed... whoops

~~ Summary ~~

This started because I noticed EVE was changing the Plasma projectiles speed, slowing them down like crazy. It annoyed me so I decided to make this/these patch(es). Weijiesen probably had his reasons to put the speed he did, but I found it rather immersive-breaking.

~~ Options ~~
There are several options possible: your first choice will be the speed.
  • Average speed : the mean speed between vanilla speed and EVE's speed, a good compromise and a considerable gain over EVE.
  • Vanilla speed : simply reverses the speed edits EVE brings.
  • 1.5x Speed : for the extreme people out there, this is the Vanilla speed times 1.5. Your projectile will almost instantly hit its target even from far away.

~~ Installation ~~
For each of those there are compatibility versions for users of EVE, Get Lit (adds light sources to the projectiles), the mix of both or just Vanilla. Just launch the FOMOD and you'll get what you need. Put the plugin at the end of your load order. If you use LOOT, it should put it fairly low by its own.

Good plasma hunting!

~~ Credits ~~
Weijiesen for EVE
Onvil for Get Lit
Me for the edits
Thanks to VishVadeva50 for helping me set up my first FOMOD