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About this mod

A configurable, no-nonsense, ESP-free mod to enable select radio stations everywhere. Intended for use in TTW.

Permissions and credits
2025 update
Hey all, sorry for leaving this in a broken state for so long. I didn't expect something I made quickly to get even a little popular. This was mostly just me messing about to see what could be done without an ESP.

I'm going to mark this as abandoned, as I haven't had an interest in playing FNV since around the time I uploaded this, but I'll be leaving the mod up with the posts section open. Feel free to alter this and redistribute it as you see fit. Credit would be appreciated but isn't necessary.

Final update
A final version has been uploaded with the fixes provided by Flipocles in the bugtracker. These changes are untested by me, but they are single-line workarounds which don't otherwise affect the functionality of the mod. This should provide compatibility with JIP LN NVSE Plugin v57.

The open permissions for alteration and redistribution still apply. Thanks for enjoying the mod, I'm really happy that a lot of people have found it useful.

The original description follows:

There are a few mods out there to do this already, but they touch a lot of game content and make compatibility a nightmare for something that should be relatively simple.

The stations which are enabled are;
  • Agatha's Station (TTW)
    • By default, requires her quest to be completed and her to be alive. Both requirements can be disabled.
  • Black Mountain Radio (FNV)
    • Disabled by default. The vanilla station already has a limited broadcast radius within the Mojave.
    • Changes the station's broadcast type from radius to everywhere.
  • Enclave Radio (TTW)
  • Galaxy News Radio (TTW)
    • By default, the radio quality behaves the same as F3.
    • Can be disabled until an appropriate quest is completed.
  • Mojave Music Radio and Radio New Vegas (FNV)
    • Bundled together because I can't really think of a reason not to do so.
    • Can be configured to require the completion of the NV intro.
  • Mysterious Broadcast (FNV OWB)
    • Configurable level requirement, set to 12 by default to match Delayed Downloadable Content.
    • Starts the broadcast quest (NVDLC03RadioBroadcast), because the station is silent without it.

  • The scripts are written really poorly because this scripting language makes me want to die, but they should work just fine.
  • While this is intended for TTW, I have written the scripts in such a way that they'll silently do nothing if the necessary content isn't detected.
  • No game content is altered, so the scripts should be compatible with anything that doesn't outright delete the content and the mod is safe to remove.

The configuration at config/RadioEnabler.ini has a bunch of options. Comments above relevant lines tell you how to use them.

The scripts only run once when a save is loaded. Events that would change the state of a station won't be checked until you next load a save. I'd like to set up event handlers to deal with this, but that would require knowing what I'm doing with this language.

This mod was written in about an hour between looking things up on the GECK wiki and getting IDs. The code is far from elegant and well-styled, but it works and I'm not spending much longer learning about the intimate details of this scripting language just to make the code more presentable. If somebody points out a better alternative that I've missed with my cursory searching, I'll probably just delete this and pretend it never happened.