File information
Created by
xGeorge - Anirvana - Yusuf Matini and othersUploaded by
georgem1010Virus scan
About this mod
Adds the Gilboa Snake DBR AR15 into FNV with a full custom KNVSE set, sounds, B42 inspection, and JAM sprint animations.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- Donations

Adds the Gilboa Snake DBR AR15 into FNV with a full custom KNVSE set, sounds, weapon inspection, custom pip-boy icon, and sprint animations, as well as a custom crate in which the weapon can be obtained from.

- Full KNVSE set, excluding 3rd person, featuring 2 reload animations, foregrip, and non-foregrip, as well as two corresponding partial reload
- B42 Inspect animations for foregrip and mon-foregrip
- Two Custom Sprint animations, which one you use is decided by the user
- Custom pip-boy icon
- Custom reload sounds, unsuppressed and suppressed fire sounds
- 4k uncompressed textures
- 3 weapon attachments, a suppressor, holographic sight, and a vertical foregrip
Note: The third-person animations are buggy and are a huge WIP, so if you don't like them, open up the mod and delete the meshes\AnimGroupOverride\Ani_DBR_AR15\_male

The weapon as well as its 3 modifications can be found inside a military crate in the gun runners' HQ
at the back of the room with all the workbenches
(see images section)
Alternatively, you can use Tomminfinite's extremely useful item browser mod, which can be obtained from his discord server or online (google it)

- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- JIP LN NVSE Plugin
- Stewie's Tweaks (enable bPartialReloads = 1)
Not hard requirements but highly recommended
- B42 Inspect ( I have provided custom inspect animations for this weapon)
- JAM/JVS (I have provided custom sprint animations for this weapon, a tactical one and non-tactical, non-tactical is included by default but can be overwritten by the tactical one)
- Johnsonn's JAM sprint animation mod, overwritten by my DBR
and if you wish to use the tactical sprint, overwrite my DBR with that, as shown below

Sprint animation #1

Alternative tactical sprint animation (optional file)

Huge credit to Anirvana for the animations included in the mod, the mod wouldn't be nearly as amazing without his beautiful animations
Huge thanks to ZR9Z for the sexy pip-boy icon
Huge thanks to everyone who tested the gun for me on my discord server
Huge thanks to boomstick467 for creating the mod page headers, cheers mate
Credit to Ajharka and millennia for the cubemaps
Credit to Yusuf Matini for the beautiful model and textures
Huge thanks to Revswagger for the perk integration, thanks dude!