this mod exists, type HRT into the search bar on Nexus you can even adjust how many HRT it takes to change, and they have other effects on more xp gain because gender euphoria, more charisma because cute/handsome, and a point moved between strength and agility depending on if e or t.
I'm sorry, but this mod has a glaring error — it should be the Courier Dusters that have the boymoder symbol. As we all know, the Courier herself is canonically a maladjusted itinerant transsexual murderer — she even programmed Lonesome Road's ED-E to be an HRT workbench/laboratory!
CCourier is too proud of herself and badass in combat to ever need to boymode, she can kill 15 Legion transphobes with a plasma rifle in 5 seconds, and that's without firing once.
It might work in DC, TTW run, though~ Oasis robes and hoods are the basis for Veronica outfit.