Commonly traded and used items have the chance to be removed when traveling. Fast traveling is unavailable until one of the required traveling supplies is added to the inventory. Various types of supplies may be used or traded. Long travels often become a burden causing many to reconsider carrying their valuables and equipment.
Required to make changes to fast travel requirements.
Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features without permission from or credit to me
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission or crediting me
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Version 1.1
Supplies like food and drinks are used before using other items like equipment and money.
The chances of using different supplies while traveling have been rebalanced.
Version 1.0
Weapon repair kits have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Gold bars have the chance to be used during fast travel.
MREs have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Water has the chance to be used during fast travel.
Legion money has the chance to be used during fast travel.
NCR money has the chance to be used during fast travel.
Bottle caps have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Trail mixes and caravan lunches have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Rad-X has the chance to be used during fast travel.
Lottery tickets have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Pre-war money has the chance to be used during fast travel.
Snakebite tourniquets have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Bedroll kits have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Sierra Madre chips have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Scriptures have the chance to be used during fast travel.
Packs of primers and powders have the chance to be used during fast travel.
When traveling to a location on your map, one of the various travel supplies items are used and removed from the inventory. Different travel supplies will be required depending on which version you install. Travel supplies can vary from a range of items including alcohol, sodas, food, various forms of money, miscellaneous items, medicine, and utility items.
Install any required mods. Choose only one version to install. Install the latest main file. For manual installation, extract the file to your game’s data folder. For a mod manager installation, install the file with your preferred mod manager.
In Stewie Tweaks, enable and set the CostsSpecialNukaBottles tweak sItemEditorID value to FTSSupplies. Once set, all versions of Fast Travel Supplies will be ready and compatible. It is recommended to also manually change your Item Removed and Item Required messages to reflect using fast travel supplies.
This mod only provides a list of items for the function that's already present in Stewie Tweaks so, all compatibility is limited to that mod. Fully compatible with Expensive Fast Travel.