About this mod
Drastically improves performance on The Strip by getting rid of... water LOD
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I hate this game.
Water rendering is so broken in this game, that water LOD simply existing massively tanks the perf.
Unfortunately, Strip's worldspace, uses a partial replica of the Mojave... with the water.
Yes, the Lake Mead is there.
Other bodies of water are there.
Rendered, all the time.
I did what Obsidian didn't and... disabled the water LOD. That's it.
20 fps boost on average on all machines I tested. Other people report more drastic improvements, especially with DXVK.
Slider comparison
Seems like a scam. It's not. I'm literally baffled by how simple it was to gain such big performance increase.
- Everything
Drawing of whatever that is: Kiwi (Midnightcacti)
Check out my other stuff:
Fallout New Vegas Performance Guide
Simple Exterior Fog Remover
High Resolution Bloom
Pip-Boy Shading Fix
High Resolution Water Fog
Pip-Boy Light Flicker Fix
Fog-based Object Culling
Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks
Exterior Emittance Fix