A new lever action firearm that i named Dreadnought;
Using .44 magnum cartridges this rifle packs quite a punch when it comes to last-resort situations.
Because not all heroes wear capes...
Thanks dude couldnt have perfected this mod without you!
Can be found in Miguel's Pawn Shop.
I've always wanted that repeater in my collection, really; saw it on advanced warfare and thought it might look cool on New Vegas.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
3DS Max
Weapon specs
-Damage: 76.
-Critical damage: 76.
-DPS (Damage per second): 128.
-Weight: 5.
-Health: 180.
-Ammo capacity: 7 rounds.
-Strength Requirement: 4.
-Skill Requirement: 50.
-Ammo Type: .44 magnum.
-Skill: Guns.
Scales with the cowboy perk.
I do NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE own anything from this mod; from the model to the textures are owned by Sledgehammer and Activision.