About this mod
Add a New Game+ function to the game allow starting a new game with previous Equipment
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- Changelogs
New Game+ Arrived this Year the New Vegas Community and let you replay the Game with previous Stats, Perks, Equipment. No hacky Save Game edits.. This mod is pure done via Script Extender. I could write a long text but i think its pretty self explaining what it does.
The New Game+ is bound to the Final Battle. A decided it as it isnt Intended to keep Items from the FInal Battle. While doing Doc Mitchell Tutorial you slowly gather all items back. Im to stupid actually to make a Quick start as TTW does. If ever figure out what im missing i will change it.
This Mod has for sure 2 Major issues:
You can not take over your previous Cutie Sexout Face. To explain they are a command which would allow it but if the game gets restarted the information get lost. This will bypass the issues .
The Misc Tab section seems to be mostly left out from improvements. So Mods adding new Misc Data will not be include they are no way to actually to know them. As this Misc Function also does not support Inline and String nothing i cant do anything about it. Its also auto complent some Challenge and giving you free XP.
To solve this issues i would need new commands espically for it:
GetPCMiscAlt allowing using String or Inline
ModPCMiscAlt allowing using String or Inline
GetPCMiscArray Returning an array of all Misc including custom created ones.
However it wouldnt fix the Challenge thing. Unless to allow using fake Values get displayed which does not affect the real Value like a Temporary effect similiar to the AV System.
How to Use:
Once you can start the Final Battle the usual Message appear and has a third Option "New Game+". Select it and wait until another Message appear. This can take up to 30 Second and you will encounter freezes. Once the Message appear you can start a fresh game. While doing the Tutorial you gather all Item/Stats/Perks back so make sure you have everthing in inventory what you want. This mod is designed to make multiple NG+ on fly so you dont have to worry.
Solving Issues Method:
The Mod does not take over Non Playable/Quest Items. In Addition you can create a Exclude list to solve issues. As the script cant take Scripted change in account and dont know if a item can break a Quest. This is up to you the Community to solve this Problems. Im no going to patch Mods as its become to time consuming. Most sort of trouble are Perks like Companion Perks or Perks utilizing Hardcoded Unique Function such as Tag and Intense Training. Or Items relied on a Quest to work such as Archimedes 2.
Create a INI
Item1=Weap9mm;The first name dosent matter always place the EditorID here
AnotherWeapon=WeapNVMinigun;The first name dosent matter always place the EditorID here
ShittyPerk=Tag; Like i said it dosent matter
Place the INI inside "Data\Config\NG+\Exclude"
The Mod is incompatible with the DC Start from TTW even with the Patch. I recommend anyways the New Vegas Start due its anoying rebalance.
"Insert Lore Complain" They are no lore breaking thing just because you started in the Mojave.
Fallout New California. I mean the mod is anyways in a very unlucky state. Pay me and for installing it to make a Patch.
Functional Post Game Ending. If you start the FInal Battle without selecting New Game+ before you get locked out of this Function. I don use this mod as it
has no worthwhile addons yet.
SFW or Piracy TTW how i call it. No Support for this. Dont ask for permission you wont get it. :)
Custom Start Mods in general.
The usual script extenders, as I don't track where the functions I use stem from
ShowOff NVSE
Johnny Guitar NVSE
Stewie Tweaks
Special Thanks on DarkPopulous and Mojave Workshop providing enough Save Files to test it.
Special Thanks on TTW Team for easy way to skip the whole Doc Mitchell Stuff.
DarkPopulous for Mod Banner.
Elpascal as usual.
You may want to check out my other mods
UX Toolkit
M.U.X. Series - Immersiver HUD
Tacticool - Reload UI
M.U.X. Series - Enhanced Vanilla
Item Explorer
Floating Healthbar
Floating Damage
Controller Tweaks
C.A.F - Chargebale Weapon Framewark
T.U.W - True Unique Weapons
You also could check out my Discord for feedback, suggestion or just hanging around and chatting.