About this mod
Notifications! Or, in other words, shows more than one message at a time! Omg it's just like Skyrim! ©
Also download bows: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79786
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

B42 Notify - replaces vanilla messages system with brand-new,
modern Bethesda style, (omg it's just like Skyrim) notifications!
Do you hate F3 and NV messages system just as much as I do?
Are you tired of waiting forever for them to just stop coming in?
"To enter VATS, push V" that never goes away even if you push?
"You are overencumbered and cannot run" annoys the hell oou?
"You've lost Karma!" for 999999 times and it just won't shut up?
With this mod - that nightmare is no more.

"Ok, this sounds good and all, but Beth's notifications system
wasn't that great before mods came out to fix and improve it"
Fear not, just like those mods, this has:
● Notifications log so you never miss out!
● Overall merging and fixes of the vanilla!
● Total filtering! Hide some, just one or all!
● Custom colors per notification? Check!!
● Absolute customization of everything
● Runs ESPless! That's right, scriptrunner!
● So it means it just might not work at all!

Install mod and forget about annoying vanilla messages.
To customize, proceed to "Data\config\B42Notify.ini" file,
and tweak the living hell out of it, until you like the result.
Filtering, both simple and regex, with examples, included.
To access notifications log - look for icon in pause menu.
For controller users - to access notifs log, press Y button.

xNVSE version 6.2.9 or higher
JIP LN NVSE version 56.78 or higher
ShowOff NVSE version 1.51 or higher
UI Organizer Plugin version 2.30 or higher

# item(s) added/removed merge is supported only for Eng version of the game.
Otherwise, everything works okay regardless what language your New Vegas is.
Darn & VUI & oHUD - tested and confirmed working. Cannot promise the same about
any other available HUD mods, so if you encounter one that shows vanilla messages
+ notifications at the same time - I welcome you to leave a comment & I'll look into it.
Scriptrunner, unfortunately, has few bugs that could stop this script from working,
and throw errors into console about "Invalid variable name" and "Invalid operands"
It's being looked into by Jazz as we speak & will be fixed, but FYI - that's a conflict.
Either look for the mod that conflicts, or stay tuned for JIP NVSE update with fixes.

TL;DR - Treat this mod purely as an experiment, that might just not work.
Cringe aside, that's the mod. I really wanted to waste some time with Scriptrunner,
to see just how much farther can it be pushed, until / if it gets unstable and starts falling
apart. And yep, there were a few bugs that required some fixing. But, to be honest, I had
waaay to much fun working on these notifications. I don't expect it to work for everyone
so neither should you. If it breaks -well, it breaks. SR can be fragile, especially with a lot
of mods, bc there are some issues with variables, but it's being looked at & fixed by Jazz.
I've tried to reinforce the whole thing with auxvars and dispatches, so overall it's hard to
break it by usual stuff, eg saveloading, hotreloading (if you do), or just playing the game.
Only bugs you might encounter, should be (in theory), only my mistakes and oversights.
The main idea was to make notification systems as simple as possible, with no lag,
and that's it. And in the beginning it was a copy of Skyrim's notifs behaviour, automated
with almost no code, which was kind of cool as a poc, but didn't really work for multiline
notifications that are fairly common in New Vegas, and I had to add a bit more coding to
make it go. Filtering and merging notifications came later and added some complexity to
the whole thing, and probably unnecessarily overall, but again, it was in fact fun to get it
all working together. I regret nothing. Total time it took me to create this mod is roughly
10 evenings, give or take 1, so I can't even call this mod nor time spent to be truly wasted.
(At least in comparison to some other mods I have in works, that just eat time like crazy)
Anyway! Have fun, enjoy the mod, and download bow ;)
Oh, and soon I'll release few more smaller mods like this, that just kinda happened
while I worked on this on, but served a different purpose - as debugging tools, but turned
out to be actually cool little features on their own, that might find their use for gameplay,
so stay tuned for those too.

Install all required mods first, then this one.
Uninstallation - do the same, but in reverse.

Jazzisparis, ScriptRunner, listening to bugs that make no sense
Hitman47101, testing, suggestions, hell of a lot of bug tracking
Quicksilver, testing, initial help and feedback, early bug tracking
Bethesda, for the engine
Obsidian, for New Vegas
Armed Forces of Ukraine, for keeping me alive and safe
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