About this mod
This is simply a transliteration of the item value changes from TTW 3.3+, to make the economy make more sense, barter more important, and quest rewards actually consequential.
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This is simply a transliteration of the item value changes from TTW 3.3+, to make the economy make more sense, barter more important, and quest rewards actually consequential.
No further changes were made to any item entries.
I can't locate a direct source on this, but I've heard that NV's economy was balanced very similarly to Fallout 3's until very close to it's release. Item values were much, much lower than the final release, and this made the economy tougher on the player, because you can't just pick up and repair any old armor, or more often, weapon, repair it to moderate or max value, and make equal or greater money in selling it than you would from a quest reward, even with a low barter skill. Sometime near the game's release, a decision was made to jack up weapon and armor prices enormously, and things like aid or misc items much, much less so, or not at all, which made weapons and armors moderately expensive to buy, but you could get and repair enough of them to make plenty of money to buy them routinely, and misc/aid items, and to a lesser extent, ammo, were comparatively very cheap.
Many players like the NV economy, because it's really, really easy, and it lets them de-emphasize barter and not care about quest money rewards much. I don't like this, and TTW's change to align the game with an F3 style economy has proven to be a crucial change that I consider completely indispensable.
Every value change to items made by TTW has been transposed directly, with no other changes whatsoever, via hard edit.
None. There is a base NV version and an all-DLCs version.
Regular installation.
Load Order:
Any mod which touches a weapon or armor entry which doesn't account for this economic change will skew that item's value to sell and price to buy wildly past the standards of the provided economy. It is strongly recommended that this file is used with a very light load order, or that you simply open your load order up in x/FNV Edit, and simply patch this file's value into a custom patch that you place at the end of your load order.
]No patches will be made. This has been created as a resource.
Absolutely not intended to be used with TTW, its function is already part of native TTW, and using it will cause issues where TTW made changes to forms that this mod does not abide.
Incompatible with mods like Economy Overhaul, because they seek to do basically the same thing as this file, only by script. I understand the appeal, utility, and value of doing this by script, but having an alternative to such that does the task with hard edit is also quite valuable in it's own right.
Any mod which balances it's items with NV's awful economy will need to be manually patched for proper use with this mod.
Patch for __ mod?
Absolutely not.
Why did you make this mod?
I've decided to start providing NV versions of my Swee Consumables, STARS, Vanilla SWEEP, and SPARE files again - but I'm not changing the item values back to parody NV's economic values. Doing so is very tedious, and I'm not going to waste my time making an explicitly economically worse version of my files. Once each of those NV versions are released, all of my mods will be balanced for the Sweet/F3 economy as a baseline, and if I'm feeling generous, I may provide scriptrunner patches with them that alter the included items' values to fit into the terrible vanilla NV economy. For people who want to use one or more of the relevant plugins, but don't want the other systemic changes that come with one or more of those mods, this mod can be inserted above any of my relevant mods to have them match the improved economy, at least to a tolerable degree. All of those four mods will be balanced assuming the others are in place and their value changes are abided. (That's what I mean by the "Sweet Economy")
Why hard edits instead of Economy Overhaul(+F3 Economy config?)
Scripted value changes must be very prudent to be able to coexist with mods natively balanced for a different economy than NV's, and this version ensures intended values and simplicity of patching.
Upcoming Versions:
No changes will be made to this file. Any base game bugs or issues that are present in NV's base armor/weapon/misc/ingestible/ammo entries will be fixed.
Do whatever. Literally whatever you want. Take this, include it in your files, make a patch for it, whatever. Don't message me that you're doing so, I don't care.
I only made this to point to as an AIO alternative to use in tandem with my other mods balanced for an economy similar to this one for people that don't like some of the features of my systemic overhaul mods.
Capybra transposed in a large number of YUP changes that I managed to miss.
If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi.