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About this mod

Ever wanted your own private army of scumbags and deplorables, vagabonds and outcasts and maybe even worse?
Ever wanted this in new vegas?

Update coming soon.

Permissions and credits

The Renegades mod is a add on to the amazing enclave commanders mod, made by J3X, RickerHK and Vivanto!
I have written permission from RickerHK expressing permissions to create add ons for Enclave commanders mod.

This mod completely replaces all (I think anyway) infantry units in that mod with 38 new units to roam the wastes causing havoc with you! However the options for any Robot units have been left untouched same goes for any vehicles listed in the commanders mod. The robots might get customised in the future.

This mod only relies on the Original Enclave Commander mod and the games DLC packs, thats it!
if you have both of those sorted already, you are set since the changes that have been made all use base game or dlc assets
just download this file and paste it into the Data folder of fnv!
(I would always suggest using a mod manager too)

please check out the uploaded images to get a better idea of what this mod brings to the table!

I would also recommend getting familar with the base mod before using this one, all commands and uses of the mod are left unchanged this mod ONLY changes the units! 
everything else such as Vertibird transports or Airstrikes are still included however completely untouched.
PLEASE NOTE: I cannot as of yet change the names of the factions in the commander radio (ENCLAVE, BROTHERHOOD, NCR, AMERICAN ARMY, FACTION 5, FACTION 6) however if you select a faction through the options for instance NCR then call in troop types these troops will come out of the vertibird, not the ones listed in the radio. Sorry for any confusion this might cause but this mod is working, ignore the faction names!


This mod brings a sneak peak of a custom faction I've been making for a story driven silent mod,
the factions name is "The Red Skulls"

They are a nasty bunch of radiated militiamen, hell bent on murder and pillaging, they're the Elite units of this mods army list that bring with them a plethora of lesser troop types (Enslaved Ghost People, Subjagated Tribals, Mind Wiped Lobotomites and more!) to bolster their numbers and to act as meat shields for the Skulls themselves. As you can imagine these guys have crossed almost every inch of the wastes in search of new targets to raid and have amassed quite the variety of "Helpers"
from the Big empty to Zion from Zion to the Seira Madre, these guys have raided it, collected resources and man power and become a power to rival any of the major factions!

Expect an upload in the near future of their very own "Legendary difficulty" mod where they come from the Divide on the hunt for the courier! But for now they make their first appearance here! Armed with all sorts of weapons and a bad attitude to boot, i think you will find them a very useful asset on your mission to dominate the wastes!

Red Skulls Conscripts
Red Skulls Veteran Raiders 
Red Skulls Ex Rangers
Red Skulls Commando
Red Skulls Hacker
Red Skulls Blood Drawer

Next up we have "The Renegades". Militiamen comprised of Ex NCR troopers and the remnants of gangs and groups now long forgotten or wiped out either by one of the main factions of the wastes or some other untimely disaster. These raiders banded together and built themselves a small empire out on the roads towards the divide and were honestly doing quite alright for themselves as far as up and coming raider gangs go, until they started getting raided themselves for materials and man power by the Red Skulls, they were worn down bit by bit until only a fraction of their numbers remained, at which point the skulls sent an ultimatum! Join or die. Well we see how that went, now they've been absorbed into the Red Skulls Militia as a core troop choice.
Experienced enough to survive most fights, vicious enough to leave a mark on the enemy and just worth enough to not be used as cannon fodder... most of the time.
Turns out some of the members quite enjoy life with their new overlords. At least they're (almost) back at the top of the food chain now.

Renegade Guardsman
Renegade Guardsman Trooper
Renegade Heavy Gunner
Renegade 'Eavy
Renegade Scum
Renegade Fanatic
Renegade Mutilator
Renegade Scorcher
Renegade Marksmen
Renegade Enforcer
Renegade Lurker
Renegade Blood Collector

Next up in the pecking order is a horde of "Mind Wiped Lobotomites"
These crazy crazies were captured from the Big Empty a few decades back, in one of the Red Skulls major raids.
Upon meeting the Lobotomites in combat, the leader of the skulls at the time couldn't help but grudgingly respect the lobotomites complete disregard for personal safety and sheer mindless violence, needless to say the Skulls made a point of capturing as many as they could to use as first wave troops against future enemies. However after some time the lobotomites would often start to learn and slowly but surely they started to dull and some even refused to run head first into enemy fire! So the Skulls deemed it necessary to give these unfortunate souls a second form of lobotomy after a while, using some pre-war tech they found in the Divide and this more agressive form Lobotomite was born!


Mind Wiped Lobotomite Gunner
Mind Wiped Lobotomite Slasher
Mind Wiped Lobotomite Moron
Mind Wiped Lobotomite Marauder
Mind Wiped Lobotomite Fister
Mind Wiped Lobotomite Psycho
Mind Wiped Lobotomite Sparky
Mind Wiped Lobotomite Ambusher

Did you ever hear of the legendary raid on the Seira Madre? No? Makes sense, no one with any sense was left alive to tell the tale except the raiders themselves. A Red Skulls path finder company came across it only a few years ago, a huge casino inhabited by all sorts of nightmares, a place blanketed in a thick red toxic mist that no mortal can survive in for long! The path finders breached the walls with ropes and hooks and took a look inside. They couldn't believe their luck! They hit the jackpot! The red mist while caustic to the Red Skulls, wasn't an immediate threat to the men and the ghost people they found were taken down with high calibre rounds and dismembering swings of their melee weapons after they learned of the ghost peoples apparant immortality. After taking all they carry and a few trophies the path finders fell back to their rally point and reported back to HQ: "High Priority Target located, Alpha designated site, Guns, food, money and cannon fodder found, no co-ordinated resistance, send a slaver company and labourers"

And with that they embarked on a mission to take all they could from the fabled casino, including a sizeable number of Ghost people, how they ever "tamed" such a creature is yet to be seen. The skulls never managed to gain entrance to the inner vault of the casino however they did come out with other.... riches.


Enslaved Ghost
Enslaved Ghost Harvester
Enslaved Ghost Seeker
Enslaved Ghost Trapper
Enslaved Ghost Deadhand
Enslaved Ghost Corpse Grinder
Of all the tales of the Red Skulls exploits, none are sadder or more sickening than the raids held in Zion Valley
These raiders, hardened to violence and gore decended on the inhabitants of that tranquil piece of earth like a force of nature, ripping down homesteads, burning farms and murdering without remorse. The few that survived were rounded up and forced into the makeshift fighting pits, brother was forced to fight brother and the survivors were given a place at the bottom of the Red Skulls warbands, but alas a chance to work their way up and maybe even earn the right to lead one day.
But as often is with the forces of evil, the skulls lied. They never intended to give those poor tribals anything other than a taste of enemy fire and the naive tribals believed every word, now they fight like men possessed in hopes of one day leading and becoming like their new masters.


Subjagated Tribal Raider
Subjagated Tribal Brute
Subjagated Tribal Warrior
Subjagated Tribal Creeper
Subjagated Tribal Cultist
Subjagated Tribal Reaper

And with that we wrap up the tales and exploits of the Red Skulls, if you want this monsterous warband by your side see below for:

Enclave Commander NV Edition Additional Requirements for ECNV, please check that mods page for instructions

Download this file and place it in the main data folder of FNV
and then use a mod manager to turn the mod on!

and thats everything!
Anyway! Have fun you nasty A**ed renegades!

if you have any questions or queries, please feel free to post a comment or message me directly!