About this mod

Lots of assets legally ported / made by me, for many moddings needs

Permissions and credits
Large library of assets for modders, hence the name, a total of 46 meshes and 141 textures as of 1.6, from many talented artists.

Got a new job at the beginning of April, as a result I am a lot busier than I had been, so this will likely be the last update for a while, sorry Muggzee, I have began work on the prison bus, however finding the freetime to make assets from scratch is nearly 30+ hours of work minimum, from design mock ups, drawings, models, texturing, gamereadying.

1.7 will eventually come, but not nearly as soon as previous updates had came. The point of this is to be transparent about it's development, I still enjoy making this very much! I thank you all again for the feedback and support I have recieved from you all, and the talented artists who have provided me their assets to be used in LoMR, you guys are all awesome, both modders and fans, thank you all again, hope to see you all sooner than later, cya in a bit!

Also no I haven't seen the Fallout show, so no spoilers pls.

Other modder's resources worth looking at:

Classic Fallout Architecture
Sandcrete Architecture
Adobe and Shack Buildings
Old Western Buildings
Old Vegas Resources
Old Vegas Casino Project
Litter Modder's Resource
Low Giant Mushrooms
Phone Booth
Super Mutant Skeleton