About this mod
A pack of pistols from John Wick movies with Akimbo Framework support
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- Donations
- Guns List & Where to get -
1. TTI Combat Master
2. TTI Glock 17
3. TTI Pit Viper
4. Glock 26
5. H&K P30L
6. Kimber Desert Warrior 1911
All added to various leveled list via script, in case you're having trouble getting it to spawn, one non-respawnable copy of each gun will be spawn at Mick & Ralph. Weapon mods will also spawn at Mick & Ralph.
- Features -
- High quality mesh and textures
- scripted leveled list and perks integration
- custom interior/exterior sound: requires sound extender
- B42 Dropmag compatible: require b42 dropmag
- Hitman's 9mm Pistol and 45 auto pistol animation included by default. You can edit the JSON file to change the animation to any other 9mm/45auto pistol type animation set you want
- Akimbo Framework compatible: require Akimbo Framework and its animation.
- Installation -
Just install & activate it with your Mod Manager of choice. The (optional)
4k uncompressed textures can be use to override the base mod (you would
still need to install the base mod).
- Recommended Mods -
Viewmodel Recoil
Realtime Weapon Modding System
Not Viewmodel Recoil
Deus Ex Weapon Spread
ISControl Enabler
- Credits -
Glock 26 - Ryosenka2
TT glock 17 - uncleartyom
kimber 1911 - ense7en
TT Combat Master - jjtorenti
TT Pit Viper - pdh980225
HK P30L - garkain
DBAL-PL - akinaro
Trijicon RMR - psyti
animations - hitman
cubemaps - ajhakra, millenia
Trijicon mount - anonx1987
P30L Compensator - anonx1987
firing sound - anonx1987
- Special Thanks -
Thanks to all my Patrons, your support directly helps me finish this pack.
- Notes -