About this mod

You can finally play a game of Dice in Fallout: New Vegas.

Includes support for various Casino-related mods and Tale of Two Wastelands.

Permissions and credits

This mod (and other mod developments of mine regarding Fallout: New Vegas) are now on indefinite hiatus.

Current Events, Natural Disasters, Environmental Factors and Rapidly Declining Health have forced me to put my focus on things of greater importance first and foremost.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I thank all those who have shown care and support in these troubling times.

My mods will remain up on Nexus, but will not be updated or maintained. I hope for and appreciate your understanding.


[What This Is]

You know the story of how supposedly there was meant to be a Craps mini game.
It was much too complicated and not enough development time was given to accomplish this in New Vegas.
Instead of going out of the way to do the same in a later title, they kept it a little simpler.
While still a game played with Dice, it inspired me enough to try my hand at making something similar in an earlier engine.
Thus, with enough hard work, time, and effort... Dice is now playable in New Vegas.

[What This Does]

+Dice mini game tables vaguely inspired by a mini game in a later title.
+Activate any table to play; Bet Amounts and Payout Multipliers are statically set (but different) per casino.
+Pick a number and the Die will Roll! If the number it lands on matches the number you Bet on, you Win!
+The tables check if you're Banned from playing their respective casinos, as well as check if you have enough Chips to play.
+Places the Dice mini game Tables in the various casinos, as well as select locations in the wasteland(s).
+Optional Luck-Based functionality  (off by default), toggleable via Dice.ini . Having Luck of 7 or higher provides better odds.

+Highly configurable via Dice.ini , you can toggle which locations you are interested in playing at.
+If you're banned from any tables, you can set "BansDisabled" in Dice.ini to 1 to bypass any bans on Dice minigames.
+If you'd like to enable Luck-based functionality, set "LuckEnabled" in Dice.ini to 1.

+Should be compatible with mods that don't drastically overhaul the original layouts casinos.
+Has been tested with Vikki and Vance Improvements, works fine, even better if you run it on a new game.
-May have compatibility issues with mods that heavily alter Casinos and locations that the tables are in.
-Will likely have compatibility issues with mods that add functional Craps tables where vanilla Craps tables are, if any.

+Patched versions included for combinations of Run The Lucky 38 / Open The Lucky 38, The New Bison Steve, and TTW.
+An optional patch for Iguazu Shopping Center is included, which gives the Rainbow Craps Tray more functionality.
+The latter is WryeBash Bashed Patch mergeable, so you can save a load order slot using WryeBash on it.

+Modder's Resource functionality has been moved to the main, "New Vegas Version" plugin. Please give credit and RAFTM.
+I may consider making custom table artwork for your mods. You must ask, I must approve, and credit must be given.

+Lastly, I may eventually make a version that does 2-12 instead of 1-6. Maybe someday. 1-6 seems fair enough for now.

[Casino-Specific Bet Amounts / Payout Multipliers]

Each Casino has it's own basic Bet Amount and Payout Multiplier for the Dice mini game.

Base Table- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 100 Caps
Vikki and Vance- Bet Amount: 25 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 4x , Possible Payout: 100 Chips
The Atomic Wrangler- Bet Amount: 25 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 8x , Possible Payout: 200 Chips
Gomorrah- Bet Amount: 50 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 250 Chips
The Tops- Bet Amount: 50 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 500 Chips
The Ultra-Luxe- Bet Amount: 100 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 500 Chips
The Sierra Madre- Bet Amount: 100 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 1000 Chips

[Add-On Specific Bet Amounts / Payout Multipliers]

Add-On Casinos and Extra Locations also have their own values for their Dice mini games.

The Lucky 38- Bet Amount: 1 Pre-War Money , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 10 Pre-War Money
The Bison Steve- Bet Amount: 5 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 25 Caps
Vault 21 Atrium- Bet Amount: 25 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 250 Caps
NoVac Gift Shop- Bet Amount: 15 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 150 Caps
Big Horn Saloon- Bet Amount: 20 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 100 Caps
Prospector Saloon- Bet Amount: 5 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 50 Caps
Freeside Alleys- Bet Amount: 5 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 25 Caps
Westside Alleys- Bet Amount: 5 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x, Possible Payout: 25 Caps

[Mod-Patched Specific Bet Amounts / Payout Multipliers]

Mods that are patched to have Dice mini game functionality also have different values and conditions to play.

Run The Lucky 38
-  Bet Amount: 10 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 100 Chips
Wild Card - Open The Lucky 38- Bet Amount: 50 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 500 Chips
The New Bison Steve- Bet Amount: 50 Chips , Payout Multiplier: 4x , Possible Payout: 200 Chips
Iguazu Shopping Center- Bet Amount: 1 Chip , Payout Multiplier: 25x , Possible Payout: 25 Chips

[Tale of Two Wastelands-Specific Bet Amounts / Payout Multipliers]

If you have TTW, it's you can add Dice mini game functionality to The Capital Wasteland via the Patches and AddOns FOMOD.

Megaton- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 50 Caps
Meresti Metro Station- Bet Amount: 50 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 250 Caps
Big Town- Bet Amount: 5 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout : 50 Caps
Lamplight Caverns- Bet Amount: 5 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x ,Possible Payout: 25 Caps
Canterbury Commons- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 100 Caps
Rivet City- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 100 Caps
Tenpenny Tower- Bet Amount: 50 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 250 Caps
Underworld- Bet Amount: 50 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 250 Caps
Paradise Falls- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 50 Caps

The Pitt - Downtown- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 5x , Possible Payout: 50 Caps
The Pitt - Uptown- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 100 Caps

Point Lookout - House of Wares- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 10x , Possible Payout: 100 Caps
Point Lookout - Haley's Hardware- Bet Amount: 10 Caps , Payout Multiplier: 20x , Possible Payout: 200 Caps

[Fine-Tuning Individual Table Parameters and Values]

It's also possible to adjust these values per table if your want, provided you have NVSE and know your way around the console.
Open the console, click and select a table,  and use SetVariable on one of the following values.

BetAmount - Must be a Positive Whole Number (no decimals), controls the initial Bet Amount. Also used for messages.
PayoutMultiplier - Must be a Positive Whole Number (no decimals), controls how much Bet Amount is Multiplied on Payout.

Within reason, you could use this method to "update" the numbers if anything in the scripting changes regarding that.
That, or you could be an evil vault dweller and make the values whatever you want. It's whatever!

You can also (in theory) technically make the table accept anything for betting in a similar way.

Chip - Must be a valid FormID, controls the table's currency.

Ideally, Chip should be something money-related, but no stopping you from gambling your Teddy Bears and Energy Cells away.

Lastly, there is a new variable that should be adjusted if you change any of these values after the table is initialized.

PayoutAmount - Sets the value used to indicate payouts in the winning messages.

By default this is set up as "BetAmount*PayoutMultiplier", so consider doing the math and setting this value to the result.

[Update History]

+Added statistic tracking for how many times you've rolled the dice. As this is the case, JohnnyGuitar NVSE is required now.
+Added a non-recurring challenge for playing Dice minigames 10 times. Grants 100XP and a shiny trinket upon completion.
+Nerfed the Tenpenny Tower table mat's Payout Multiplier. 500 caps won is too much. It's still possible to set it back though.
+A quick demo video is now available.

+Added support for dinosgamez's The New Bison Steve Consistent Interior Overhaul mod / edits plugin.
+Regardless if you've manually ESM flagged "The New Bison Steve edits.esp" or not, it mostly just carries over the edits.

+Added Luck-based functionality, off by default but can be enabled by setting "LuckEnabled" in Dice.ini to 1.
+Added the option to toggle DiceCheatCode via Dice.ini . Set "DisableBans" to 1 to bypass being banned from any Dice tables.

+Massive update. Now only requires one plugin, AC_Dice_REDUX.esp, chosen via a FOMOD.
+Now requires xNVSE/NVSE and JIP LN NVSE, for more robust scripting and messages all that.
+All of the necessary components are accounted for in the FOMOD, which autodetects what mods need specific versioning.
+The tables are all in the same locations, but balance adjustments have been made to some bet amounts and payouts.
+Added a couple of Dice mini game locations to Westside, because ghettos could use some more fun things to do, right?
+Some tables will become unable to play at if the related shop keep somehow dies. No dice with the dead!
+You can still override this behavior with the DiceCheatCode global variable. May set this up in the .ini someday, as well.
+If you'd still like a modder's resource, I recommend only the base New Vegas version of the mod for development purposes.

+Added TTW Support and appropriate detection to the Patches and AddOns FOMOD.
+Added Tale of Two Wastelands Team to the list of additional Authors.

+Tweaked some of the mod patches included the Patches and AddOns FOMOD.
+Added Nehred to the list of additional Authors.

+WCOTL38 Patch: Removed the "IsBanned" setup, since the mod uses The Tops casino comps as a base.
+You can't play at the tables until after you open the casino. If you do try, it'll show a message that the casino isn't open yet.

+The New Bison Steve Patch: Made a combined version, so you can play Pre- and Post-Rebuild.
+While the above combined version is recommended by default, the old option for Post-Rebuild only is still an option.
+Adjusted the Bet Amount and Payout Multiplier for the table in the Steakhouse extensively.

+Added support for Nehred's "Wild Card - Open The Lucky 38" mod. Replaces all the Craps tables with Dice mini game tables.
+Patches and AddOns FOMOD detects whether you have any mods heavily altering The Lucky 38 and adjusts as necessary.

+New Main FOMOD installer containing No-DLC support and Dead Money DLC support has been added.
+The Main FOMOD installer checks for DeadMoney.esm in your load order, and automatically selects the appropriate option.
+If you don't have DeadMoney.esm, or wish to not enable support for the Sierra Madre, No-DLC version is the default option.
-Removed Freeside Alleys functionality from main plugins, however they are still available in the Patches and Addons pack.

+The Patches and Addons FOMOD installer has been updated to be more thorough in it's autodetection and autoselection.
+Includes patches for Run The Lucky 38, The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino, and Iguazu Shopping Center.
+Also includes options to add functional Dice minigame tables to locations across the Mojave, all-in-one or individually.
+Freeside Alleys functionality moved here. Consolation prize for removal from Main plugins: New table near South Gate.

+A new FOMOD using the Modder's Resource package as a base is now available.
+This FOMOD package has Patches for some mods that add / modify some casinos, and includes Add-Ons for new locations.
+Please read the documentation and change logs for more details.

+Updated the Modder's Resource package. Now includes a new texture set (complete with textures) for a 1-player setup.

+Fixed an oversight with the payout calculation.
+Before this update, it was only adding BetAmount*PayoutMultiplier, resulting in losing the initial BetAmount. Easily fixed.
+Did some tweaking of the Win / Lose Messages. It now shows how much was paid out (or lost) along with the number rolled.
+A couple of new variables were added to the scripting, mostly to set the "PayoutAmount" value for messages.
+"PayoutAmount" is automatically set once, even on already existing tables. It's notable that it's more of a cosmetic detail.
+It's safe to update from earlier versions of the mods. This includes the Modder's Resource version.

+Added a couple of Dice game "tables" to Freeside. Should be compatible with mods that make Freeside one big space.
+These tables (and the basic Dice game table object, which isn't normally placed) use Caps instead of Chips.
+For Freeside Alley Dice tables, you can possibly be banned from playing at them if you have a high amount of Infamy there.

+Added an optional download with BAT files that are intended to work with the main plugin; you can replace tables with them.

+Added an optional download of a modder's resource version for content creators. It works standalone of the main plugin.
+Credit must be given and documentation followed if you want to use the modder's resource package. No exceptions.

+Initial Release.


Use a Mod Manager or Mod Organizer 2 (preferably the latter) to install. Activate the plugin you installed.


Disable all tables via the Dice.ini . Load your latest save. Wait a few moments. Save. Quit. Close the game.

Disable the mod in your Mod Manager or Mod Organizer 2.

The objects that were newly placed will be removed, but the objects that they replaced will (in theory) return.


Bethesda Softworks / Obsidian Entertainment , for post-nuclear roleplaying games and tools used to create content for them.
Bethesda Softworks , for their handling of the "Dice" gameplay mechanics in a later title, which inspired me to make this mod.
Bethesda Archive Extractor (BAE) , for giving me the ability to dig into and reference assets from.
Archive2 , for further asset poking into and prodding around.
GIMP , for texture editing purposes.
NotePad++ , for text editing / coding purposes.
NifSkope , for mesh editing purposes.
GECK Extender , for making it a little easier to debug the scripting.
FNVEdit , for various debug and tweaking stuff.

xNVSE / NVSE , for additional scripting functionality.

jazzisparis , for the JIP LN NVSE Plugin.

carxt, for JohnnyGuitar NVSE.

Tale of Two Wastelands Team, for Tale of Two Wastelands.

PaladinRider and Omega549, for Run The Lucky 38.

Nehred, for Wild Card - Open the Lucky 38.

Nehred, for Vikki and Vance Improvements.

Mike Hancho, for The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino.

dinosgamez, for The New Bison Steve Consistent Interior Overhaul.

Jokerine, for The Iguazu Shopping Center.

YOU! For viewing, downloading, and enjoying this mod!

Thank you all!


It's nothing too fancy, but it gets the job done. Would have liked to do a 2-12 version sooner, but 1-6 seems to be fair enough.

The only major issue I've found is that chips lost / earned do not count towards Casino Comps. Can't be all gravy, y'know.

If you have a positive comment or constructive input, please either message me directly or post it on the NexusMods page.

Also, if you have found any bugs, don't hesitate to make bug reports. I'll work on things ASAP!

Thank you for reading! Enjoy, and have fun!
