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  1. VoxelVarmint
    • member
    • 60 kudos
    Locking comments for now. Thank this fellow for that.

    Apparently some people are inconsiderate of the time and effort I've put into this project.

    If you want actual Craps so badly, make your own cool mod about it.

    Thank you to those who do find interest in it, though. Let those good times roll.

  2. LaredJester
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A dice game but still no craps playable mod 💀
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Playable Craps tables would be nice, wouldn't they.

      Then again, have you ever seen how complicated a basic Craps Table layout is?

      Can you imagine all the coding and calculating and interfacing you'd I'd have to do to get such a thing to function, even in a simple, down-to-basics form? Consider it.

      There's reasons why Craps isn't readily playable in Fallout: New Vegas, and why later spin-offy "installments" in this franchise opted for less complicated means of handling "a game with dice." And from what I've seen, theirs works, and so does mine.

      It is what it is, so be glad such a thing exists as it is now. If someone wants to do all work to get an actual Craps game going, and make it as thorough as I've tried to be with this mod, I'll be fine, as I've done my part.

      Also, if you can't say anything nice (or constructive for that matter), don't say anything at all. 👍

  3. Sinisterkiller1987
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Unlock comments for your Appalacha radio thingy mod.
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      I'm actually quite curious, what for?

      Been meaning to update that one, and other Radio mods I've put together, by the way.

      Hopefully the work I'll be putting into it will be worthwhile, as it sure does sound better in current testing.

      I'm excited to get the changes sorted out across the board. Thank you for being interested by the way.
  4. khfan93
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for this - I've long wanted more gambling mini games in this game! One thing I noticed while installing is that the FOMOD did not correctly autodetect that I had the New Bison Steve consistent interior overhaul installed. This appears to be because it is looking for the wrong ESP name. The actual ESP name for that mod is just "Bison steve edits.esp", but the FOMOD appears to look for "The New Bison Steve Hotel edits.esp" . Not a major issue as I was still able to manually select the correct version at the end of the FOMOD, but just something to flag for ya.
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Wew, thanks. I'll get to fixing that up right away. Good lookin' out!

      Edit: It's done! Thank you for pointing that out. I must have at some point renamed the plugin to keep my load-order a bit more consistent, but.. yeah.

      However! I may need to update all the plugins as far as what they look for in regards to plugin name in general now. Whew.. Gonna work on that a little later today. Beats having to redo the scripts and such multiple times!

      EDIT EDIT: Good news, looking through the plugins, I didn't set the consistent interior mod as dependency. Thank goodness.. As far as I can tell, I did however make sure those versions of the plugin are consistent with said interior mod, carrying over imagespace edits and such.
    2. khfan93
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the quick action on this!
    3. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      You're welcome!
  5. Fkyx
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Wonder if it'd be possible to implement a text based poker game. all the poker imagery and references made the lack of an actual poker game feel conspicuous
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Maybe someday. It'd probably be a bit basic, and likely a project someone could do later on. That and I dunno much about playing Poker.. yet.

      Meanwhile, I'm exhausted, need a good vacation. Y'know, taking it Easy, like Easy Pete, instead of the other way around, like Difficult Pete.

      Will still check back for bug reports and such though, if any, and work on them promptly.
    2. Fkyx
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      take it easy.

      might give it a shot myself since video poker is one of those textbook compsci projects. would be good practice
    3. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Thank you. I've been taking a good bit of time off, good time to do it, considering it's a holiday season.

      As for Video Poker, or some variant there-of, definitely worth a shot. Would love to see more minigames like mine crop up, honestly. Just gotta keep in mind, there's a lot to account for in terms of compatibility and such. Best of luck and effort to ya!

      Meanwhile I could probably do some learning of how to play poker in general via some older games. Hoyle Casino, perhaps even on the SEGA Dreamcast.. That thing even has Pai-Gow Poker, but kinda irrelevant given the scenario of state-side Fallout lore.

      On the plus side, it's very thorough in it's presentation and handling of the games it does include. Very configurable as well. I'd recommend it, very early 2000's and even has "talking heads" to some extent, just much smaller but also a bit more... lively? I should go play it some more, too.
  6. Nintendostar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does Luck effect gambling in this minigame like it does with regular gambling, and does it respect the option bLuckDoesntEffectGambling from Stewie's Tweaks?
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Luck doesn't affect the minigame at all at this time...

      I've seen how another mod (Jokerine's Iguazu Shopping Center) attempted to handle that with their basic Craps minigame, though. Thing is, trying to do the same with a single message box like I do already wouldn't be possible, because the engine limits message box choices to 10 options. It's part of why I only do 1-6 at the moment.

      In theory, I could update the mod once more and set it up so that higher Luck amounts triggers showing a different message box that narrows down the randomness from 1-6 to like, say, 1 number above, at, and below the bet on number. Means instead of a 1/6 chance you get a 1/3 chance of rolling a winner. I don't feel like doing anything dumb like 1/1 chances for 10 Luck, though, since that would obviously be a bit more than game-breaking.

      However, I'll also make sure all this Luck-based functionality is Off by default but toggleable as well, probably via global variable that you can set up via the .ini , along with the DiceCheatCode global variable.

      I'll get to work on it today.
    2. Nintendostar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! Especially for making it toggleable. I do agree that 1/1 odds would be *way* too overkill; hell, I find vanilla game Luck odds to be way too overkill too. I've always wanted a mod that clamps Luck rather than completely removes its effects on vanilla gambling, but alas, no such mod exists as far as I am aware of, so I prefer to keep it off in my own game.
    3. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      You're welcome. It took a lot of work, but hopefully everything is working as it should.

      Putting it into perspective: There's like.. 19 different plugins to update, and at least 32 scripts in each plugin I have to update. Usually I do this by having the scripting done in .txt files beforehand and then updating them via copy-paste from those text files to the scripts in the GECK, but it still takes a while...

      Also I do a little cleaning via FNVEdit after running the GECK on a plugin, because some plugins that are dependent on other mods (such as Run The Lucky 38, especially) need it due to any saving of the plugin having leftovers in the form of worldspaces and cells that had no edits done to them. Gotta keep things tidy.

      Also, don't worry, I may say there's 19 plugins, but on the end-user side, it's only 1 plugin necessary. They're all named the same, too, just that each has different master plugins and such to make them compatible with said larger-scale mods.

      So, anyways, got the stuff done. This updating stuff takes almost half a day, but it gets there eventually.

      I hope 7 Luck isn't too low for being considered "high Luck". I just referenced what Jokerine used in their Craps scripting for that number.

      Also, the second message box idea was scrapped, in favor of using the same message box but with a different "AwaitingInput" type variable for when you have "high Luck".

      If you find any bugs, let me know. I think I may need a good long nap for a while before taking on more.
  7. ImEgg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    are you able to install this mod in the middle of a playthrough or will it bug out?
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Should be fine, yeah. I've installed (and built) it on my current playthrough as it is, seems to be doing well.

      The new tables and locations are placed in such a way as to not be overbearing and at best lore-friendly. If you aren't interested in playing at a location, disable it via Dice.ini . By default the .ini should already have all tables enabled for your setup, but disabling them doesn't cause any negative side effects.

      Extra care was taken to make sure existing references and objects aren't removed but instead either toggled, resized slightly, or moved out of the way within reason in order to make room for the tables.

      Notably, it doesn't outright delete any references, and anything that needed to be moved around, toggled, or disabled should (in theory) be restored to their vanilla positions and sizes and all that if you ever decide to un-install it, provided the associated locations are all also disabled via the .ini .

      However, if you ever feel like uninstalling, I'd recommend using the .ini to set all tables to "disabled" by setting each value to 0. Then load up a game, wait (as in stand still for a second or so), save the game, exit, then un-install. It should be safe to load up the game at that point and things will go back to normal.

      Anyways, to answer your question more briefly, yes, it's safe to install on an existing playthrough.
  8. DevvEloper
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    This mod is awesome, but sadly it uses way too many .esp slots. I have the regular esp, the resource esp, the ttw esp, the mergedExtrasBison esp and the WildCardL38 esp.

    I know how to merge all of them into one, but that one would still have a dependency on the resource one.
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Alright, I'll figure out something. Thanks to the kind input of another user here, I have a lead to start with.
    2. DevvEloper
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      That's neat! I've seen the other guy's comment too and it's a very good lead.

      I mannaged to merge all of the esps into the resource.esp only, so in my playthrough I only have that esp but everything works just fine. However, the implementation of .ini configs sure will be the next step in modularity, so I'll wait for that.

      In the meantime, don't hesitate to think otherwise: your work here is magnificent.
    3. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Thanks for your kind input as well! I'm glad people are enjoying it!

      So, I've got it sorted out. The .ini stuff seems to be working. It checks the ini every time the game is loaded, and also checks for whether you have NVSE and JIP LN NVSE installed. After that it runs through the list of locations to enable and.. enables them. If the .ini has a table setting as 1, it'll enable it. When it's set to 0 it should disable it.

      The only quirk I've found so far is that this process causes some world objects (mostly just one I've seen so far, the animated NCR flag object) to brighten for a very brief time (about 3 seconds) before normal lighting occurs. I'd investigate whether using the Pop-In flag on every enabled / disabled reference could alleviate this, but I'm dog tired from the work, pardon the expression.

      I'm new to using NVSE and JIP LN expressions, so if you find any major bugs, lemme know in a bug report.

      Also, I technically condensed the end-user plugins to one (or two, though it can become one again if you use WryeBash to merge the Rainbow Casino patch into a Bashed Patch.)

      It's been a massive amount of work, and hopefully the end results will still bring joy to more people out there.
  9. deleted78355343
    • account closed
    • 314 kudos
    I think instead of having a different esp for every location, all base game and DLC locations can be condensed into one esp. And then you can connect the tables to xmarkers and toggle them with Enable/Disable. You can create an ini file and use this GetINIFloat to check their values. That way it'll be less files to manage overall and it'll be easily toggable for the user. 

    GetINIFloat - GECK (geckwiki.com)
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Good idea. I was thinking of making a less cluttery setup at some point. It's either now or never, and I choose now.

      I'll get to work on it, though I must admit, I was initially trying to avoid requiring extenders and the like such as JIP...

      However, considering most people are installing and/or using that already, along with NVSE, may as well loosen up and give it a whirl.

      The base concept has been proven to work without them, but now it's time to modernize. It'll take some time, but I'll figure it out.

      Thank you for the pointers.
    2. deleted78355343
      • account closed
      • 314 kudos
      There's probably a vanilla way to do it, but GetINIFloat is pretty quick and simple to use which is why I recommend it. 
    3. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Perhaps. I'll make sure to leave up the older FOMODs just in case.

      Right now I'm working on something I'm gonna call "AC_Dice_REDUX". I'm planning on making sure all the locations are the same throughout, and will take care to keep other things consistent while ensuring the "too many plugins" thing is sorted out.

      Basically, instead of having multiple .esp's, I'll set it up so that only one plugin named "AC_Dice_REDUX.esp" will be installed, but also have multiple versions of it in the FOMOD to account for .esm requirements.

      I've done something similar with my Suave Adventurer's Outfit mod and compatibility with another mod I've made, .45 ACP Revolver .

      In that scenario, I set it up so that the patches for adding the Unique weapon from the latter to the former doesn't require a multitude of differently-named patches; instead, it can just call on the ID's from ANY version of the latter since they're all named the same and set up mostly the same.

      Anyways, the plan is now to keep it as compact in the load-order department, while retaining locations, scripting, textures, messages, sounds, all that jazz. I figure I could do it without requiring the AC_Dice_Resource.esp , too. We'll see.
  10. A1ienAtomz
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    But can we play in the alleys of Freeside?
    1. DanG97games
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I second this recommendation
    2. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Done. If you have recommendations for other spots in Freeside to put them, please let me know.

      Meanwhile, Enjoy!
    3. justWidle
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I would suggest The 38, but that probably would require having "Run The Lucky 38" as framework.
    4. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Interesting, hadn't really thought of that, but you raise a good point. Expect a little something-something by tonight.
    5. MuteSignals
      • premium
      • 176 kudos
      what about somewhere not in new vegas? like Primm or Novac
    6. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Primm has the Vikki and Vance and soon will have the Bison Steve / Lucky Casino also covered.

      As for Novac, I may slap a table down somewhere around there if I feel like it.

      Stay tuned.
    7. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      There we go. Check out the Patches and AddOns FOMOD package.

      Now you can gamble your Pre-War Money at the vanilla The Lucky 38, or your Lucky 38 Chips if you have PaladinRider's Run The Lucky 38. This also applies to Nehred's Wild Card - Open The Lucky 38.

      You can play around at the bummiest bets and payouts at the vanilla Bison Steve, or roll 'em high if you have Mike Hancho's The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino.

      If you have Jokerine's Iguazu Shopping Center, I've made a patch for that, so Rainbow Craps can be more fun.

      The Vault 21 Atrium now has a couple of dice mats set up. Just don't mention their snake-eyes-like layout.

      Cliff at NoVac's T-Rex gift shop seems to have expanded his toy baron activities to include dice games, too.

      There are tables (one each) at a couple of Saloons, namely in Goodsprings and in Boulder City.

      Freeside's Alleys now have a table (or 3) that you can gamble at. New one is around the South Gate somewhere.

      I spent all day working on this, and hopefully it brings joy to people out there.

      Thank you for the feedback and good input, everyone! Enjoy!
    8. Fire1nu
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      ghetto areas would likely have them.
  11. Nintendostar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This extremely simple dice game is fairly believable as a common-as-dirt form of gambling. Could it be added to Rivet City in TTW? It's always bugged me they have literally no form of entertainment in the biggest settlement in the Capital Wastes.
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      I was thinking of adding some TTW support at some point, yeah.

      If you have some specific locations and spots within said locations to set things up, I'll see what I can do.

      That said, I'll get to working on it sooner or later, and knowing me, sooner.
    2. Nintendostar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think it'd fit most well in the Muddy Rudder, given the vibes of the place and the fact it already has one of the few signs of entertainment outside radio in Fallout 3; a pool table. For other areas I could think of, it could probably also fit in Moriarity's, Canterbury Commons (lotta travelers coming through there with money), Paradise Falls (the slavers need something more to do than just abuse the slaves all day), and maybe even the slave living areas in The Pitt (dice are an easy form of entertainment to make or procure for slaves, though balance may be a concern here so it may not be fitting on that level).
    3. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Alright, thanks for the suggestions. Didn't take me too long to figure out those spots and more.

      I added the Dice mini game mats to several locations (including ones you mentioned) in the Fallout 3 part of the game, including The Pitt and Point Lookout.

      The plugin included in the Patches and AddOns package currently covers all the locations and includes documentation on these locations as well.

      I may consider making single plugins based on this patch for people who want to try merging up their own versions.

      All things in due time. Meanwhile, have fun, and enjoy!