About this mod
A fully voiced quest from the creator of The Deterrent and Race To The Bottom. Jackson Hayden's wife has gone missing from Goodsprings and you are tasked with finding her. Choose how you will change these character's lives forever.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- Mirrors
Suspicious Minds is a small sized quest mod, around the same size as the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC from Fallout 4, with a major focus on replayability. Jackson Hayden, a farmer from Goodsprings, needs help to find his missing wife. The branching storylines offer the player the opportunity to broadly affect all the characters' lives. Will the player help or are they out for themselves? This quest will offer you multiple ways to solve each problem with an emphasis on roleplaying.
I've tried to match Obsidian's design philosophy the best I can. Inspiration has also been taken from Baldur's Gate 3 in quest design. Don't expect a Fallout NV DLC sized adventure with a massive worldspace to explore. Think of this as a branching side quest from the base game.
Featuring 600+ fully voiced lines of dialogue, roleplay to your heart's content. I'd like to thank the wonderful voice actors who collaborated with me for all their hard work!
Here is a small vertical slice of gameplay:
- 1h of gameplay on each branch. Playing all branches across multiple playthroughs adds up to around 3h of gameplay.
- Multiple ways of solving each objective, allowing a decent amount of replayability.
- Fully voiced quest with several new characters.
- Roleplay/Dialogue focused gameplay.
- No "Essential" NPCs.
- No Kill Run Possible.
Extract the contents of the data folder from the archive into your New Vegas data folder. Using a mod manager such as Vortex or Fallout Mod Manager should automate this step. Make sure you enable the .esm file.
Conflicts With Other Mods:
During development I test with a vanilla install of the game so there is a chance of conflicts with other mods. Let me know if there are any you notice.
This is not a difficult mod and has been balanced around a character between levels 1 and 5. This is intended to be completed as part of a playthrough. It can be completed perfectly fine if you are above this level.
Content Warning:
This mod contains profanity although nothing excessive. There is also discussion of serious themes such as alcoholism.
Companions will cause no issues.
Getting Started:
Speak to Jackson Hayden in the north side of Goodsprings. Saying Goodbye for the first time will start the quest.
Front Page Illustrator - Baboonski
Custom Leather Armor:
Honest Hearts Gecko Leathers Improved is used within this quest mod and is the custom armor
This armor is made by exeter and has been used based on the permission given in the description of the previously mentioned mod. Check out their other work. It's awesome!
Voice Acting:
Jackson Hayden - Dalton Michael (Twitter)
Teagan Hayden, Generic Finlay Bodyguard - D Casellian
Fingers - Josh Smith
Riggs - Rob Gantuangco
Duke - Ken Dillon (Twitter)
Dr Chambers - gignotabi
Finlay - Ichorum
Goodsprings Settler 01 - Ki McKenzie
Goodsprings Settler 02, Strange Old Goodsprings Man - Zigmas
Generic Finlay Bodyguard - Krimson Graey
Fingers Bodyguard - Mitch Leschinski
Shéa Macguire

Q: I Can't Find Riggs. Please Help Me?
Q: Why release this now when Fallout New Vegas is pretty much dead?
A: New Vegas was the last Fallout game I enjoyed so all my stories will be told within this version of the universe until a good alternative presents itself.
Q: Do you hate Bethesda?
A: No. I have a ridiculous number of hours on Skyrim and might make mods for it at some point. I would also like to try Starfield at some point. I just don't like their Fallout games. The way they’ve being doing business lately, that’s a different story.
Q: I really like your GECK YouTube tutorials. Any chance you'll make one on topic X?
A: Once I've made every mod I want to make, I'd like to buy a great mic setup and record all my knowledge in some good well crafted tutorials for the GECK to allow you guys to create stories of your own. Those companion tutorials need a remake too.
Q: I feel as if the writing was insensitive in this mod and you did a poor job of representing this real world issue. Can you do better next time?
A: Sorry to hear that. Creating this mod was a massive challenge for me as a writer. I tried my best to sensitively discuss these topics but as a developing writer there might be some places I miss the mark. At the time of writing this, I'm happy with what I've created. Always looking for feedback though. Feel free to shoot me a DM.
Q: Do you block anyone who criticises your mods?
A: No. I appreciate criticism and constructive feedback. Try to be polite about it. You're not obligated to like my mods, hating them is ok. However, I'm also not obligated to read your messages if you're acting like a prick.
Q: I encountered a bug in my playthrough. Will you fix it?
A: I will fix any bug that I can reproduce. Make sure to fill a bug report in and try and be as detailed as possible including (if you can remember) what dialogue options you chose, what actions you took etc. You could help make this mod better and I'll be grateful!
Q: This is ridiculously short. Why is this not a 8 hour epic expansion pack?
A: This GECK stuff, and this mod in particular, is complicated. This mod is an experiment for future mods. I wanted to see how feasible widely branching paths were to implement. So see this mod as more of a tech demo more than an expansion pack.
Q: What does this mean for your future mods?
A: I'm still going to design like I normally do. My philosophy boiled down to one statement is New Vegas combined with Deus Ex.
Q: Do you want to team up for my massive expansion mod?
A: Working on a team project feels like an obligation to me. One which I do not enjoy. I always feel guilty not being able to get work done to match team deadlines. I prefer working to my own deadlines. Plus, too many chefs spoil the broth. I'm very opinionated about what Fallout content should look like, whether I'm right or wrong. I prefer to have full directorial control. Finally, these team projects always end up inevitably leading to modder drama and I prefer being on good terms with everyone without all that in my life. Good luck with your project though in all seriousness! I wish every modder success and in their endeavours. Most of you are the nicest people around!
Q: Banning me is violating my right to free speech. Are you against free speech?
A: Yes. This comment section is literally 1984.
Q: Two years since your last mod and this is all you came up with?
A: I did that thing I shouldn't do and started many projects at once. Halfway through developing my next big story "The Devil In Disguise" (I'll stop with the Elvis songs after), I stopped to create this experiment mod as a "breather" and haven't touched that project since. This combined with a big "The Deterrent" update kept me very busy. I will likely go back to "The Devil In Disguise", make a little more progress on that and then jump onto that Legion mod I'm gonna talk about below.
Q: What mod are you creating next?
A: I'd like to make a large quantity of quests, similar in size to base game quests, for Caesar's Legion. Playing this game with JSawyer mod and siding with Caesar leaves you brutally underlevelled. I'd love to create some new quests for this faction, with a similar complexity to that of the base game. Nothing too complicated or too deep, just good old fashioned content. Don't expect the same level of things going on narratively as my previous mods.
Q: What do you think about Fallout: The Frontier?
A: Please go outside and seek help. It has been years.
Note - Let me know if any of these changes don't work. Sometimes Nexus scraps changes if the file size change is too small.
- Gustav pelt dialogue condition changed to '>=' rather than '==' to increase robustness.
- Changed Gustav to a static spawn.
- Removed altered Navmesh map around Goodsprings Saloon. This fixes Sunny Smiles going out the front door during Back In The Saddle and reverts it back to vanilla behavior where she walks out the back door of the saloon along with Cheyenne.
- Altered conditions around Duke's force greeting dialogue to use the function GetStageDone instead of GetQuestCompleted. This is to maintain consistency across checks.
- Removed deleted Navmesh which had the potential to cause crashes for some users. Thanks to Coldtrain2000 and DarkenedRogue for discovering this.
- Altered Navmesh around Jackson's RV. There was a high chance he would get stuck on the stairs when running to kill Joe Cobb. This chance should be significantly reduced.
- Fixed issue with quest objective around giving Teagan's wedding ring to Jackson. The quest objective should now properly update. Thanks to TwilightKhan for discovering and informing me of this.
- Strange Goodsprings Man - blooper line removed and replaced.
My Other Work:
The Deterrent
Race To The Bottom
For updates on all things related to my modding. Follow my Twitter and Youtube Channel.