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About this mod

A screen accurate recreation of the T60P Pistol from the Fallout TV show. Includes a from-scratch new pistol, two variants, three mods, custom icon and sound, level list integration, and TTW level list integration

Permissions and credits
This mod was selected by members of the community! Show what mod you want to see next by voting on my next project HERE.

This mod is now included in Outlander's 2024 Megamod

T60P Power Armor Sidearm

Tired of being left high and dry by a lack of a suitable backup weapon while out on patrol? Need something a bit more "tactful" than a minigun? This is the weapon for you!

This mod includes:
- Custom T60P Mesh
- 3 Attachments
- Two Variants (Regular + BoS)
- Custom Sound and Icons
- Full Level List Integration
- Full TTW Level List Integration

Where can I find them?
The weapons are integrated into leveled-lists, making them available for purchase from in-game vendors. Additionally, both variants are available in the Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse.

-Fallout: New Vegas

- Revswagger and MedRenace for the fantastic screenshots.
- Revswagger (again) for the TTW integration.
- Everyone who put up with my non-stop shilling and questions in NH Arms, th3overseer's malcontents, Tale of Two Wastelands, Psychoactive Interactive, The Chosen's Way, and Another Millenia Stuff servers.
- Xamie, for making me a step-by-step tutorial on how to make my texture not awful.
- And Conor96. He knows what he did.

Want more?
Check out my other mods:
- Raider Power Armor FNV
- Fallout TV - Lucy’s Wasteland Vault Suit
- The Ghoul’s Handcannon
- Carbon Weapon Shipment 1 - Brotherhood of Steel Melee Weapons
- Plan D - New Vegas Poisoned Apples

And join my Discord!

P.S. Remember to endorse if you enjoyed this mod!