The Frontier - Learn To Drive
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About this mod
You can FINALLY have a need to Learn To Drive Vehicles in Fallout New Vegas and beyond!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod (and other mod developments of mine regarding Fallout: New Vegas) are now on indefinite hiatus.
Current Events, Natural Disasters, Environmental Factors and Rapidly Declining Health have forced me to put my focus on things of greater importance first and foremost.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I thank all those who have shown care and support in these troubling times.
My mods will remain up on Nexus, but will not be updated or maintained. I hope for and appreciate your understanding.
[[ReadMe - The Frontier - Learn To Drive FOMOD]]
[Main Requirements]
All New Vegas DLCs
Fallout: The Frontier - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/68009
Fallout: The Frontier - Master Build 0.5.5
Fallout: The Frontier - Hotfix Version 0.6.6
[Script Extender Requirements]
NVSE / xNVSE - https://github.com/xNVSE/NVSE/releases
FNV 4GB Patcher - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552
JIP LN NVSE Plugin - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58277
JohnnyGuitar NVSE - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66927
UIO - User Interface Organizer - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57174
[Other Possible Requirements]
NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635
The Mod Configuration Menu - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42507
[Additonally Compatible Requirements]
Tale Of Two Wastelands - https://taleoftwowastelands.com/
Fallout - New California - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45138/
[Additional Recommmended Mods]
The Frontier - Liberated : Disables quests and items from The Frontier bothering players who DON'T want to go to The Frontier but DO want to play with cars.
IMPORTANT NOTE : The Frontier - CarDoorSounds.esp is NOT compatible with The Frontier - Learn To Drive mod.
ALSO IMPORTANT NOTE : The Car Door Sound functionality is INCLUDED in The Frontier - Learn To Drive.esm . It is enabled by default, but can be disabled.
HOW TO DISABLE CAR DOOR SOUNDS : You can optionally Disable the sound by opening the Console and setting EnableCarDoorSound to 0 .
The Frontier - Bonus Cars : Adds a few new vehicles to the Mojave Worldspace, inlcuding Taxis, Corvega Atomic V8s, and a driveable Vikki & Vance Death Car.
Cars in Wastelands LITE : Places existing drivable vehicles around the Wastelands, and places NPC vendors who can sell Fuel and Tools to the player. Previously TheZomX's project, slimmed down and improved.
[What It Does]
This makes it so vehicles aren't usable until you have "learned" the basics of Driving, in the form of paying for Driving Instruction from specific NPCs, usually found in Mid-Game locations.
The "Learning" process isn't hands-on, but does require an up-front payment of caps (or somewhat less caps for characters with high skill levels in Repair, Science, or Intelligence.)
Successfully being taught the basics rewards the player with a Perk that enables usage of (still-functional) vehicles. This in turn balances gameplay so that you aren't able to drive right away.
Also includes compatibility for Tale of Two Wastelands and Fallout New California, with Instructor NPCs located in locations within their respective worldspaces.
Check out the separate "Spoilers" text of the Documentation folder for locations of the Driving Instructor(s) and their pricing models / quirks / perks.
[How To Install / Load Order Placement]
Use ModOrganizer2 or a Mod Manager, preferably MO2.
Open the .7z with MO2 directly, follow the steps presented by the FOMOD installer.
Once installation is complete, place "The Frontier - Learn To Drive.esm" below all other ESM files in your load order.
[How To Un-Install]
Use ModOrganizer2 or a Mod Manager, preferably MO2.
Toggle the Mod as Disabled. You can drive any time now, but at what cost?
Bethesda Softworks / Obsidian Entertainment , for post-nuclear roleplaying games and tools used to create content for them.
GECKExtender , for making the GECK more useful.
GECKWiki , for documentation on many basic and advanced GECK functions.
FNVEdit , for vital tweaking and bugfix checking abilities.
LazyVoiceFinder , for making it easier to put together voice acting for the NPCs.
NifSkope , for various model editing purposes.
DDSConverter 1.4 , for Face/Body texture conversion.
GIMP , for various texture editing purposes.
NotePad++ , for various text / other data storage during editing.
The Frontier Team , for Fallout - The Frontier, which provides the vehicles this mod relies on.
The Tale of Two Wastelands Team , for Tale of Two Wastelands.
The Fallout - New California Team , for Fallout New California.
pixabay , for the Car Door sound effects.
TheZomX , for their (old, deprecated, but never forgotten) works on various Car-related projects.
KNIGHTRAVEN69420 , otherwise known as KnightRaven , for publicizing TheZomX's efforts back in 2023.
PopcornHead , for suggesting the creation and implementation of this mod to cut down on the OP nature of cars and driving them right away.
YOU! For downloading, trying out, and enjoying this mod!
Thank you all!
This took a few days to create, and a fair amount of testing. Some things may need improvement, though.
There were some plans to implement a "I Forgor" scenario for mods like TTW and FNC when the player first travels to the Mojave, but I could never figure out how to trigger it properly, let alone get the message boxes to not be spammed. Onto the cutting room floor that went. Sorry.
If you find any major bugs or have constructive input to give, message me here on Nexus Mods.
I also hope it provides some degree of "balancing" to the game, as far as vehicles are involved.
Thank you for reading, enjoy, and have fun!