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About this mod

Base Object Swapper scripts to integrate items from other mods into world spawns.

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Simple Diseases Immuno Boosters World Spawns:
World spawn Buffout and Rad-X have a 10% chance each to spawn as Immuno Boosters from Simple Diseases.

JSawyer Expired Stimpak World Spawns:
World spawn Stimpaks have a 50% chance to spawn as their expired variant. Works with JSawyerSawyerBatty FNV and TTW, Vigor, Lone Star and any other fork where Expired Stimpaks have the Editor ID JSawyerStimpakExpired. Not needed with JSawyer Ultimate Edition.

NV Nuka Quantum World Spawns:
World spawn Nuka Colas have a 10% chance to spawn as Nuka Cola Quantum. There are only a small handful of Nuka Cola spawns in New Vegas, hence the higher chance for such a rare item. Recommended to be used alongside Quantum Chance - espless for a chance to find them in vending machines as well.