About this mod
Energy Visuals Plus 2.1 is a patch to Energy Visuals Plus 2.0 which fixes several issues with the original.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Thank you, Grulag, for your many essential lighting mods.
Energy Visual Plus 2.0 is an essential mod for every lighting enthusiast. However, the last released version has several issues, which can break the enjoyment of using it. This mod, or rather a patch, is my attempt of fixing this issues.
The issues I have tackled in this mod are:
- Buggy disintegrations causing enemies disintegrated by alien weapons or holorifles to outright dissappear. Fixed.
- Use of explosions to apply lighting to impacts. Explosions removed, visuals kept.
- Plasma projectile lighting has been reenabled. Extended testing by a large group shown no crashes or issues with them anymore.
- Flare lighting causing insane frame drops and/or crashes, especially in interiors. Unfortunately, had to go.
This patch has been in testing for months by this point, without any obvious issues connected to it.
Grulag has been away for a few months. I believe that this patch will be absorbed into the main mod as soon as he is back. Once that happens, this mod will be removed.
Install as normal, make sure to override the original Energy Visuals Plus 2.0 mod. This mod still requires the effect meshes from it.
Vanilla+ Tonemapper
Parallax Shaders - Objects
Sandy Roads - Patch Collection
Animated Fans - Base Object Swapper
Physically Based Plasma Rifles - TTW