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File credits
Salamander- For letting me recolor his LOD recolors and upload them OrgasmicSneeze- For helping me redo many textures and the new parallax terrain textures Osu- For Wasted DC and many other cool LOD mods Marcurios- For UHQ (I was unable to reach you for perms so please let me know if you need me to change anything) Inthegrave- For tolerating me annoying him on discord and helping me learn how to optimize meshes
Donation Points system
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-Fixed improper name in esp causing missing textures (Thanks to DarkSolarLegend for pointing it out)
Version 1.21
-Forwarded changes from high priority LOD for those who choose not to merge the plugin in xedit
-Reran all meshes through sniff universal fixer so the engine doesn't have to add the vertex color shader flag manually
Version 1.20
-More mesh fixes
-Redone LOD assets (Thanks to Osu for permissions to optimize these assets)
-Redone Mossy Rock Textures, Redone LOD textures (Thanks to OrgasmicSneeze)
-New parallax terrain textures on all rocks, includes an esp to enforce them on differing rock texture sets (Once again thanks to Sneeze, highly recommended to merge this with another plugin in xedit)
Version 1.12
-Increased quality of main close up model rock textures while simultaneously reducing file size for better optimization
-Removed all unnecessary mipmaps and file compression on LOD gen textures (no need to regen)
Version 1.11
-Fixed flipped normals resulting from stripyfing cliffcanyonl02.nif (caused a hole in the mesh)
-Vertex color adjustments for more consistent rocks
Version 1.1
-Reverted to UHQ meshes (better UVs for these textures, more optimized)
-TTW and NVMIM hole fixes reapplied by hand (let me know if I missed any and I can take a look at it)
-Meshes converted to strips and set to static (should help with memory overhead and also add full decal support)
-Numerous mesh fixes and overall file size optimizations
Version 1.02a
Fixed improper texture issues with 1.02 mesh swaps that weren't noticed on upload
Version 1.02
Forwarded mesh fixes from TTW and NVMIM
Version 1.01
-Removed improper emissive value on rockcanyon07 (no need to regen LOD)
Version 1.0
Coming soon: Terrain POM/PBR support :)
-------------------Description----------------- Standalone version of one of my favorite rock texture mods from FO3 redone for TTW and Sal's NVVR guide. Requires Wasted DC esp. Requires Object LOD regen. Recommended to use and merge parallax enforcer esp into another mod in xedit in order to have proper parallax for all texture sets, and also save on a plugin slot.
-------------------Note------------------------ This mod adds two new texture paths to the game for rocks only; TTWrockcanyonrubble01 and TTWDirtWastes01 inside of textures\landscape. This was done to make TTW rocks more compatible with NV rock mods like the lovely Sandstone Desert made by gosh without the two drastically altering each others visuals. That way if you ever want to change them to another parallax terrain texture; you can do so without altering your visuals in NV. This should be highly compatible with most anything and everything.
---------------CREDITS----------------- Salamander- For letting me recolor his LOD recolors and upload them OrgasmicSneeze- For helping me redo many textures and the new parallax terrain textures Osu- For Wasted DC and many other cool LOD mods Marcurios- For UHQ (I was unable to reach you for perms so please let me know if you need me to change anything) Inthegrave- For tolerating me annoying him on discord and helping me learn how to optimize meshes