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About this mod

Adds Creatures from the Frontier into the Wastland (Vanilla and TTW).

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Adds Creatures from the Frontier into the Wastland (Vanilla and TTW).

This mod includes two scriptrunner files (one for Vanilla and one for TTW), one adds to Vanilla lists and lists Vanilla and TTW share, the other to TTW-exclusive leveled lists, easier to make as seperated files.

Husks and Wendigos are added to regular Ghouls (Will also spawn in Point Lookout)

Chilling ones are added to Glowing ones (Will also spawn in Point Lookout)

Chitlurks are added to both Mirelurks and Lakelurks (Will also spawn in Point Lookout)

Bullthorns are added to Bighorners (calf to calf, female to female, bull to bull)

Bombus are added to Bloatflies

Paragalis are added to Centaurs

Autocomander, Mechatrons and Fuel Service Bots are added to Robots (as Vanilla NV doesn't has spawns you will need an mod like TTW, or Mojave Wildlife - Fallout 3 style, to actually get those despite the existing LL in the vanilla esm)

The mod also makes the factions friends with the factions they are added to if they aren't already part of it.
additionally Husks and Wendigos friends to non-ferals and Paragalis friends to regular and BM Super Mutant factions.

The Frontier (Original and cut version should work)
NV Script Extender
Showoff xNVSE
TTW (optional)


jazzisparis and LuthienAnarion  - JIP LN NVSE Plugin
The Dormies - Demorome and Trooper - Showoff xNVSE