About this mod
Ghoulys Halloween adds in a new store (Ghoulys Halloween) in North Vegas that carries a variety of costumes, sweet treats, and unique decorations. Comes with (11) voiced NPCs, (6) outfits, (6) hats, (6) consumables, several new effects, a working candy bowl, a vendor, new locatio and various custom Halloween decorations.
- Permissions and credits
- Donations

This mod is now included in Outlander's 2024 Megamod
The Curios Project Presents:

Ghoulys Halloween - Costumes, Comsumables, and more!
A new store has setup shop near North Vegas Square, and they’re selling sweet treats and spooky wares for the Halloween season!
This mod includes:
- (11) Voiced NPCs, including a Vendor
- (6) Outfits
- (6) Hats
- (6) Consumables
- Several new effects
- A working candy bowl
- New location with custom interior tiles and exterior building
- Various custom Halloween decorations
Where can I find the store?
Directly east of North Vegas Square.
-Fallout: New Vegas
- All of my wonderful and weird voice actors, whose nonsense brought much whimsy into endless hours of 3D modeling.
Cellblock Psycho: Ghouly
Directional Owl: Ranger Owl
LaBombaRomba: Seth Pecker-Paddock
ItsRagbone: Santiago Culls
Nittykity/Picklejar: Trick or Trooper
userGUY76: Billy
princeofblackice: Ouroboros
Leaperparadox/Saxton: Merle Walton
John McAfee: Gump
Squid: Lark
th3overseer: Chot
rikkurikku & Widowbiker: Eve
- RoyBatty and NoBarkNoBiteNoonan who fixing a major issue for me at the 11th hour and saved the day!
- TheKraken, my most loyal bug tester. (Also gave me the idea to use the winterized power armor textures. Nerd)
- Everyone who put up with my non-stop shilling and questions in NH Arms, th3overseer’s malcontents, Tale of Two Wastelands, Psychoactive Interactive, The Chosen’s Way, Best Guest’s Best Guests, ModdingLinked and Another Millenia Stuff servers.
Want more?
Check out my other mods:
- Raider Power Armor FNV
- Fallout TV - Lucy’s Wasteland Vault Suit
- The Ghoul’s Handcannon
- T60P - Power Armor Sidearm
- Carbon Weapon Shipment 1 - Brotherhood of Steel Melee Weapons
- Plan D - New Vegas Poisoned Apples
- Mojave Synths - Synth Heavy Armor
And join my Discord!
P.S. Remember to endorse if you enjoyed this mod!