About this mod
The long-awaited return of akimbo weapon presets that you don't have to do yourself not sure if anyone actually wanted this but I've done it and you're welcome
pre filled out text files for the akimbo framework
now with Another Millenia support
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
currently available
AAA from Tammers nif bashed weapon pack
CFWR from classic fallout weapons remastered
EditorID: DLC02Weap10mmPistolSilencedWasteland
EditorID: DLC02Weap10mmPistolWasteland
EditorID: NVDLC02Weap45AutoPistol
EditorID: NVDLC02Weap45AutoPistolUnique
EditorID: Weap10mmPistol
EditorID: Weap10mmPistolSilenced
EditorID: WeapNV9mmPistol
EditorID: WeapNV9mmPistolUnique
EditorID: WeapNVSilenced22Pistol
EditorID: WeapPreord10mmPistol
EditorID: WeapUniqueColAutumns10mmPistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPSecretPolicePistol
EditorID: WeapCzechPistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPCompact45Pistol
EditorID: CFWRWeapClassicMDEagle
EditorID: Weap32BurstPistol
EditorID: aaaWEAP44MagnumAutoloader
EditorID: Weap32Pistol
EditorID: Weap32MachinePistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPUniversalServicePistol45
EditorID: aaaWEAPUniversalServicePistol10mm
EditorID: aaaWEAPUniversalServicePistol9mm
EditorID: aaaWEAPSemiAutoMagnumPistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPSecretPolicePistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPPoliceDutyPistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPMiniMachinePistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPMicroMachinePistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPCompact45Pistol
EditorID: Weap32MachinePistolUnique
EditorID: CFWRWeapClassicUniqueDEagle
EditorID: CFWRWeapClassic6520Pistol
these look better with KB and mouse but annoys me a controller user
they seem alright which is not surprising considering the top 2 are from a different mode file I've merely expanded on it
EditorID: WeapShotgunSawedOffNPC
EditorID: WeapShotgunSawedOffUnique
EditorID: WeapShotgunSawedOff
EditorID: WeapUniqueKneecapper
EditorID: WeapShotgunSawedOffDC
they do not work right look right wonky
EditorID: NVDLC04weapflaregun12ga 12 gauge converted flare guard from my mod
EditorID: NVDLC04weapflaregun
EditorID: flaregunconverted 25mm grenade converted flare guard from my mod
With new Vegas weapon overhaul the main one for guns it loads on the front magazine not from the grip like vanilla other than that fine all the animation for reload is already two different they fire fine but the reloads look wonky
EditorID: NVDLC05WeapNV127mmPistolUnique
EditorID: WeapNV127mmPistol
EditorID: CFWRWeapClassicMC96
EditorID: DLC02WeapChinesePistolWasteland
EditorID: WeapChinesePistol
EditorID: WeapUniqueZhuRongChinesePistol
EditorID: aaaWEAPUrbanAssaultPistolFullAuto
EditorID: aaaWEAPUrbanAssaultPistol
EditorID: WeapChinesePistoleva
if you wish to edit the akimbo text files for either the pistol or double barrel simply add another line make it look like the ones in the file including the word editor ID and the spacing and you can add pretty much anything from any mod items included a most weapons from the base game DLC is included
classic Fallout weapons remastered the D eagle unique D eagle and Colt 6520 10mm pistol
some of the 32 pistols from TTW 32 Caliber Weapons Pack my expansion TTW 32 Rearmed Combined included a lot a lot of the pistols from Tammers nif bashed weapon pack