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About this mod

Diversifies the wasteland economy with different merchants accepting different currencies instead of just caps. NCR merchants trade in NCR dollars and Legion merchants barter with Legion coins.

Permissions and credits
When bartering or paying merchants to repair your gear, some NPCs now accept payment in NCR dollars or Legion denarii as alternatives to caps.

This system extends to medical services as well. For instance, when requesting treatment from NCR medics, they will now charge you in NCR dollars rather than bottle caps.

Additionally, certain quest rewards are now issued in NCR dollars or Legion denarii instead of caps. For example, Fiend bounties are paid in NCR dollars, while Centurion Aurelius rewards you with denarii for each dog tag you bring him. References to payment in caps have been adjusted, and dialogue has been re-edited wherever possible to reflect these changes.

Finally, you can easily track the different currencies in your inventory. By clicking on the caps label in your Pip-Boy’s item tab, you can cycle through your various currencies to view their amounts.

If you want the value of these currencies to change dynamically based on quests (e.g., opening trade at the Mojave Outpost to strengthen the NCR dollar), you can enable this feature in the mod's config file.

Note: Due to an engine limitation requiring all item values to be stored as integers, the conversion of an item's price from caps to NCR/Legion money may not be 100% accurate to the exchange rate. This is most noticeable with low-value items and trades involving Legion denarii (e.g., bobby pins).

Most of this mod is scripted; however, some hard edits were made to NCR doctor dialogue and quest payment adjustments. It is recommended to use xEdit to check for conflicts, though there should not be significant overlap with other mods.

Fixes from YUP have been forwarded into this mod.

Enabling merchants from other mods to trade in NCR/Legion money is straightforward and does not require an additional ESP for patching. Merchants are flagged using JIP LN's Auxiliary-Variables:

MerchantRef.AuxVarSetFlt "_XCurrencyType" 1 for NCR
MerchantRef.AuxVarSetFlt "_XCurrencyType" 2 for Legion
MerchantRef.AuxVarSetFlt "_XCurrencyType" 0 to revert them back to using caps

Note: This only applies to the barter/repair menu. Hard edits are required to change a doctor's payment method to a different currency.

-JohnnyGuitar NVSE
-ShowOff NVSE
-lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes
-UIO - User Interface Organizer