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About this mod

A retexture of the base plasma pistol AND Novasurge with full RTR and NVR support. TTW Compatible.

Permissions and credits

Retexture of the plasma pistol.  And now the MPLX Novasurge as seen in TTW.


It was ugly.


Substance Painter, Photoshop, Quixel/Fab, Blender, Nifskope.

Thanks to FusionPrime, Grave, NoBark, Wall, and especially Conzo for tons of help.  Thanks for senz gaming and pr0bability for testing!

Special thanks to the TTW team for various mesh fixes, some of which are in the included mesh.  Any mistakes due to my changes are mine alone and don't reflect on anyone else.

Things you need:

NV and all DLC (obviously).  Assuming a correctly set up game based on VNV since this mod uses a scriptrunner.  JIP LN at minimum is needed.  RTR is recommended.  I did leave a vanilla cubemap for non-RTR users, but did not extensively test the looks.

Works with TTW, and without.  The MPLX is TTW only.

Want to make it all worthwhile?

Watch my streams to see it in action.  And drop a sub while you're there.

My YouTube.