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Old Dogg Izumiko

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About this mod

Gives the Chinese Stealth Armor sets from T6M Unique Item the stealth/invisibility effect from Operation Anchorage and rebalances all the armors to match the TTW balancing

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This is a feature/rebalance plugin/patch for Izumiko's T6M Unique Item, adding the Stealth Field effect of the original Operation Anchorage Chinese Stealth Armor to the T6M Unique Item versions, and rebalancing all armors from T6M Unique Item to match TTW balancing and armor.
Credit to Izumiko for creating the original mod. It's still the best-looking version of the Chinese Stealth Armor for New Vegas, in my opinion.

Make sure you install this mod's .ESP file after or overwrite the original T6M Unique Item.esp file with mine.

Other mods I recommend for improving the Chinese Stealth Armor/sets from T6M Unique Item:
Chinese Stealth Armor HQ Retexture
Bouncing Added Item Mods - Updated

T6M Chinese Stealth Armor and T6M DDC Stealth Armor:
Added the Stealth Field when crouching effect from the original Operation Anchorage Chinese Stealth Armor.
Increased the Sneak bonus from +5 to +10 so you receive +15 Sneak when you equip one of the armors and one of the helmets at the same time.
Increased the Poison Resistance bonus from +10 to +15, to match the Radiation Resistance bonus.
They now increase your Agility by 1.
Changed DR/DT from 0/12 to 24/6, to match the TTW Chinese Stealth Armor (when equipped along with a helmet).
Increased item health from 100 to 400, to match the TTW Chinese Stealth Armor.
Reduced weight from 20 to 17, to match the TTW Chinese Stealth Armor.

T6M Chinese Stealth Helmet, T6M Stealth Helmet Unique, T6M DDC Stealth Helmet, T6M DDC Stealth Helmet Unique:
They now grant +10 Poison Resistance, to match the Radiation Resistance bonus.
They now increase your Perception by 1.
Changed DR/DT from 0/3 to 4/2.
Changed item health from 100 to 40, to match the unobtainable TTW Chinese Stealth Helmet.

T6M Cass' Outfit:
Moved the +1 Charisma bonus from Cass' Necklace to Cass' Outfit.
Changed DR/DT from 0/12 to 3/2, to match the TTW Daniel's Outfit.
Reduced value from 600 to 8, to match the TTW Daniel's Outfit.
Reduced health from 400 to 80, to match the TTW Daniel's Outfit.
Reduced weight from 12 to 2, to match TTW Daniel's Outfit.

T6M Cass' Necklace:
Removed the +1 Charisma and +5 Guns bonuses, making this item now purely cosmetic.
Reduced DT from 1 to 0.
Reduced value from 300 to 100.
Reduced health from 400 to 100.

T6M Cool Guy Outfit:
Changed its +5 Energy Weapons and +5 Guns bonuses to a +1 Agility and +1 Endurance bonus.
Changed its DR/DT from 0/12 to 12/0, to match the TTW Merc Grunt Outfit.
Increased its value from 1 to 50, to match the TTW Merc Grunt Outfit.
Reduced its health from 400 to 100, to match the TTW Merc Grunt Outfit.

T6M Gecko Leather Armor:
Increased the Fire Resistance bonus from +10 to +15, to match the TTW version.
Added a +15 Poison and Radiation Resistance bonus, to match the TTW version.
Changed DR/DT from 0/10 to 24/5, to match the TTW version.
Reduced value from 500 to 160, to match the TTW version.

T6M Gecko Leather Armor, Reinforced:
Increased the Fire Resistance bonus from +10 to +15, to match the TTW version.
Added a +15 Poison and Radiation Resistance bonus, to match the TTW version.
Changed DR/DT from 0/15 to 28/5, to match the TTW version.
Reduced value from 2000 to 220, to match the TTW version.

T6M Raider Itouen Armor:
Added a +10 Action Point bonus, to make it more unique.
Changed DR/DT from 0/12 to 16/4, to match the TTW Raider Badlands Armor.
Increased value from 1 to 180, to match the TTW Raider Badlands Armor.
Decreased health from 500 to 100, to match the TTW Raider Badlands Armor.

T6M Lucky 38 Special:
Added a +5 Energy Weapons bonus, to match the TTW Armored Vault Suits.
Changed DR/DT from 0/12 to 12/8, to match the TTW Armored Vault Suits.
Reduced value from 350 to 180, to match the TTW Armored Vault Suits.
Reduced health from 300 to 100, to match the TTW Armored Vault Suits.