About this mod
Patches I made that I don't bother to give them separate pages.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Print Weapon and Armor Model Paths - ESPless
Why? I have many replacers and I'd like to save headache when I try to eliminate overlaps, animation/B42 optics errors. (Now plus armors.)
Whenever you equip weapon (or armor) its model path (and editor id, full name) would be printed to ModelPathsWeapon.txt and ModelPathsArmor.txt in root folder.
Recommend using Zelda quick select and a cheat mod.
Duncan's Uncut Collection - TTW Sarah Patch
Solve an important script conflict that prevents player from giving vault suits to Sarah at Vault 21.
Duncan's Uncut Collection - Mojave Scenary Overhaul Patch
Moved around stuff at Nipton rest stop.
Titans of The New West - Lumen Patch
TOTNW and Lumen both edited models of Tesla cannons (normal and unique), in which Lumen just added a point light source while TOTNW made more edits to the nif structure for animation and what not. This simply copy the point light source into TOTNW nif. Technically doesn't require Lumen.
Mojave Scenery Overhaul - Sandy Roads Patch
Do I need to say anything?
Alternate Start - Super Lively Goodsprings Patch
Rather minor quest conflict about Ghost Town Gunfight.
Simple Currencies - TTW Patch
Some minor conflicts about doctor dialogue conditions.
Simple Currencies - Harder Strip Access Patch
Tale of Bi Wastelands - Cleaned ESM
For all sort of reasons it's dirty and cannot be auto cleaned.
And FYI, Tale of Bi Wastelands + TTW NV Speech Checks Patch.esm is USELESS with this clean.
Makes FO3 companions work properly when player is in Legion arena.
NCR Appraisers - FPGE Patch
Nova Arizona - TTW Patch
Patches two scripts, one for antivenom, another for the trip to the Fort.
Idk if there are other stuff need patch. Just patched what xEdit showed to me.