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About this mod

Adds food from the Frontier into the Wastland (Vanilla and TTW) so you don't have to go through the Mod to get them.

Permissions and credits
Adds food from the Frontier into the Wastland (Vanilla and TTW) so you don't have to go through the Mod to get them.

This mod includes two scriptrunner files (one for Vanilla and one for TTW), one adds to Vanilla and Vendors to Vanilla lists and lists
Vanilla and TTW share, the other to TTW-exclusive leveled lists, easier to make as seperated files, and one ini.

Food added:
Fresh fruits: all sorts of fruits, The Frontier adds really an large amount, sadly there are only an handfull of places you can loot them, the tribals in HH are your best bet as long as you haven't beaten the DLC and don't mind making the Burned Man your enemy.
Fresh meat: mainly in ovens and Genaro in Freeside
Canned food/canned animal food: can be found in various clutters, the most common addition.
H-Bomb drink: three flavors (energy, apple, and candy corn) for your enjoyment, or simply to spite Nuka Cola enjoyers by drinking an H-Bomb right infront of them.

The Frontier (Original and cut version should work)
NV Script Extender
TTW (optional)

jazzisparis and LuthienAnarion  - JIP LN NVSE Plugin