About this mod
NCR mod that overhauls named NPCs armor, weapons, ranks designation, and adds a couple of outfits and hats. Standalone mod
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Uses a couple of mods as Base:
- NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta made by dragbody
- US Army General Uniforms and more made by dicgas
- NCR Officer Peaked Cap - Beret Replacer Made by BurgermanJones
Whenever i mod FNV i usually install NCR Trooper Overhaul beta for the NCR, while it is a GREAT mod even after all this years, there was some things that never quite liked about the mod so i always edited the NPCs to better fit what i liked.
There are a couple of NCR Overhaul mods like the one used as a base to this mod, but to me this one was the most ❝Vanilla❞ and for that reason my go to choice to Overhaul the NCR.
To me it has some flaws, namely when you try to get it distributed to leveled lists like this mod, it has a bug that makes it to spawn like 10 armors on generic NCR Troopers. While there exists NCR Trooper Overhaul - RE-Distributed at least for me, didn't fixed that issue.
When the 10 Year Anniversary mod was released, i liked the fact that didn't touched the leveled lists. So in my most recent and actual playthrough i started to learn a few things on FNVEdit, like replacing armor, adding new items and things like that. And little by little unconsciously was creating something similar to this mod
As mentioned above THIS MOD IS INTENDED TO BE USED WITH 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MOD as that mod covers what this one LACKS: THE REGULAR NCR TROOPER ARMOR. While this mod can be used without that mod and even retextures said armors, it gets rid of the meshes of the NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta of the Trooper armors, the reason? to use vanilla NCR Trooper Leveled lists, while it doesn't achieves the variety of the Distributed Mod on Generic Troopers the AIM of this mod is to make clear distinctions between named NCR Troopers by Rank.
It doesn't edits or adds new leveled lists, that is the main reason to edit directly the named NPC records, also the reason to not use the Original mod Trooper Armors [namely the Facewrap Armor as the Original makes a new hat and doesn't includes the lower half of the facewrap vanilla armor].
The Main idea of the mod is to create a distinctive appeareance to NCR Named NPCs through the ranks, for that reason i classified the NPCs as follows:
- TROOP: Private, Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant First Class
- OFFICER: Lieutenant, Captain.
- CHIEF: Mayor, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel.
All Rank naming was standardized: on the vanilla game we have both Private and PVT, so i revised all ranks and made them Abbrevited, now all ranks are: Pvt. PFC. Cpl. Sgt. 1st Sgt. QM. Lt. Capt. Maj. Lt. Col. Col. and Gen.
To achieve the goal of this mod i used the Scout Hat of the original mod and rename it to Patrol Cap, so is used on the TROOP Category. Also included the MP Trooper armors, the MP helmet and the MP Hat, renamed MP Cap, from the NCR Overhaul. The Officer Outfit is used for the OFFICER Category (Duh) but left the Vanilla Beret and rename it NCR Officer Beret [to be used and compatible on mods like The Living Desert]. For the CHIEF Category i repurposed the vanilla General Oliver Outfit and rename it NCR Chief Outfit, added a Peaked Cap (created by BurgermanJones) similar to the one used by General Oliver but lacking the stars by the sides and keeping the bear logo, named it NCR Chief Cap [Also, in the Mod of BurgermanJones he created the same Cap but without the Bear logo nor the stars, that replaces the Vanilla NCR Green Beret, if you prefer it, that keeps the theme of this mod, nevertheless i highly recommend his mod] and for the GENERAL category i added the NCR General Coat (strap) made by dicgas and keep the Vanilla General Oliver Cap but rename it NCR General Cap.
I also left and used the Civilian Ranger Outfits, and distributed them to Named Rangers, gave them Combat Knifes and NCR Dogtags. To the Rangers using the Ranger Patrol Armor gave them a .357 revolver.
For the purpose of this mod, also standardized the equipment carried based on the Ranks and Rank System:
Private - Corporal:
Service Rifle or LMG
Combat Knife
Armor/Outfit (Regular - Fatigues)
Helmet (Regular - Patrol Cap - None)
*Almost all Named NPCs lacked a Combat Knife and a Dogtag, i added them but not a side arm
MP trooper:
Hunting Shotgun
10mm Pistol
Cattle Prod
Armor (MP Armor)
Helmet (MP Armor)
*Hunting shotgun for when you need to use lethal and less lethal rounds, a side arm for self defense, and the cattle prod for non lethal attacks
Sergeant - Quartermaster:
Service Rifle or LMG
9mm Pistol
Combat Knife
Armor/Outfit (regular - Fatigues)
Patrol Cap
*Sergeants are NCOs and the backbone of all armies, so to me it makes sense to have a side arm for your senior troop soldiers
1st Recon:
Hunting Rifle
Combat Knife
1st Recon Beret
Armor (Survival - Assault)
*left the Hunting Rifle as they have a role more akin to skirmishers/Recon Units. I recommend using this mod
Lieutenant - Captain:
Marksman Carbine (not on a safe area)
10mm Pistol
Combat Knife
Armor/Outfit (Regular - Officer)
*A better sidearm, and a better more compact primary weapon i gave them a Marksman Carbine, a weapon that shares parts and ammunition to the more modest Service rifle
MP Officer:
10mm Smg
10mm Pistol
Cattle Prod
Armor (MP Armor)
MP Cap
*Gave Lt. Boyd and Capt. Pappas this Loadout, in the case of Boyd i never undestood why she is in charge of policing duties of McCarran and Didn't had the MP Armor on the vanilla game, the SMG is for a more direct approach
Mayor - Colonel:
.44 Revolver
Combat Knife
Chief Cap
*A more distinct Look to make them stand out, gave them the Revolver almost as a ceremonial and prestige weapon.
Hunting Revolver
Combat Knife
General Cap
*The Coat from the mod of dicgas was the last piece i needed to have a reason to create this mod.
*On the Troop and Officer Categories i choose between the Combat armors or "Fatigue" Outfits depending on the context: If the NPC is on a Secure post. On some cases, the loadout might change, to better reflect the context
- First goes this mod on your load order [It doesn't need the original Mod, neither the Peaked Cap nor the Army General Mod]. there are different versions of this mod, choose only one based on the mods you have installed
- Next goes the 10 Year Anniversary Celebration Pack in practice, is not estrictly necessary, but the mod was created with that mod in Mind.
- OPTIONAL but recommended Some people don't want the whole package included in that mod (Like Myself) So you can install this MOD to be Compatible with this mod, only download the Optional File 10 Year Anniversary NCR - Female Helmet Fix and place it last on your Load Order.
- Added a YUP Patch Version, requires YUP Patch.
- Added a Brave New Word remodeled faces compatible version. requires both BNW and YUP Patch. if you use this version, don´t select the Trooper distributed option, if you use the override.esp, place my mod after it.
- Added a version that carries over the Simple Character Expansions, Requires YUP patch, but Simple Character Expansions is not required, but will work with both mods installed.
- If you Use Brave New World, i suggest to use only the revoice scripted option, do not use the NCR Overhaul option or the Override.esp. An alternative that i Suggest is using Character Kit Remake altogether with BNW Revoice only and the Simple Character Expansions Version.
- For Some NPC i gave them the Salvaged NCR Power Armor, i recommend using the Titans of the New West 2.0.
- I Removed the Backpacks of the original mod, for that i suggest using CIBS - Customizable Integrated Backpack System alongside Canvas Backpacks - FNV - TTW.
Any Mod that modifies the NCR ARMY or NCR RANGER Vanilla NPC Records, but is easily fixed with FNVEdit.
Final Considerations & Known Issues:
This mod was made using mostly FNVEdit, there are a couple of minor edits to textures, While i learned a little on how to use GIMP, I'm not a skilled artist, the textures, and models were not made by me, i requested the mod authors to use their mods for this mod, if anyone can do a better job for the textures (the original NCR Overhaul have small NCR flags on the uniform, that i poorly tried to remove, to make it consistent with the 10 Year Mod) we could update the mod, giving due credit. If i were a more skilled modder, i would included some details, like the Ribbons on the Army Uniforms, removed the Stars on the NCR Chief Outfit etc.
The 1st Recon Survival Armor Uses the Vanilla Meshes/Textures, it was having a bug were the Arm was Black and without Textures so i decided to revert it to Vanilla.
The Civilian Ranger Short Sleeves and Ranger Jacket outfit doesn´t have Female Meshes/Textures
There Might be some Leftover textures of the NCR Overhaul Mod, While i tried to Remove most of the unused Textures, was having some troubles like the one mentioned above.
Finally big thanks to dicgas and BurgermanJones for letting me use their respective mods.
And to Dragbody For his amazing mods.