- Refine results Found 258 results. 36417 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Allows any number of mods to be configured from a single menu.
A collection of utilities related to both creating and using mods.
Project Nevada is a mod aiming to make Fallout: New Vegas a more interesting - eventually more challenging - but surely more fun experience for you.
- 107.0MB
- 140.6k
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Project Nevada is a mod aiming to make Fallout: New Vegas a more interesting - eventually more challenging - but surely more fun experience for you.
This plugin is an extension of the New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE). It adds 1000+ new functions, which can be used in GECK scripting and (in some cases) as conditions.Additionally, this mod includes numerous engine bug fixes/tweaks, and restores several broken game features.
- 1.4MB
- 117.2k
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This plugin is an extension of the New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE). It adds 1000+ new functions, which can be used in GECK scripting and (in some cases) as conditions.Additionally, this mod includes numerous engine bug fixes/tweaks, and restores several broken game features.
UIO - User Interface Organizer
An NVSE-powered plugin that is designed to manage and maintain all UI/HUD extensions added to the game by various mods. Once installed, UIO will ensure UI extensions are always properly installed and, when necessary, properly removed; it will automatically detect, resolve and prevent UI-related issues, and will help keep the game's UI intact.
- 16KB
- 110.4k
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UIO - User Interface Organizer
An NVSE-powered plugin that is designed to manage and maintain all UI/HUD extensions added to the game by various mods. Once installed, UIO will ensure UI extensions are always properly installed and, when necessary, properly removed; it will automatically detect, resolve and prevent UI-related issues, and will help keep the game's UI intact.
Compatibility and support patches for Project Nevada and other mods.
FNVEdit is the Fallout New Vegas version of xEdit. xEdit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector.
- 21.9MB
- 50.0k
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FNVEdit is the Fallout New Vegas version of xEdit. xEdit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector.
Fallout Mod Manager - FOMM - Fork
Fork of Fallout Mod Manager - FOMM. Fixed some annoying crashes that current latest had.
- 2.2MB
- 40.9k
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Fallout Mod Manager - FOMM - Fork
Fork of Fallout Mod Manager - FOMM. Fixed some annoying crashes that current latest had.
Fallout New Vegas ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated
Say goodbye to screwing around with ArchiveInvalidation.txt! ... Now for Fallout New Vegas (INACTIVE) I am not actively playing this game anymore. Please read the comments section for help
- 580KB
- 34.7k
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Fallout New Vegas ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated
Say goodbye to screwing around with ArchiveInvalidation.txt! ... Now for Fallout New Vegas (INACTIVE) I am not actively playing this game anymore. Please read the comments section for help
New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE xNVSE)
The New Vegas Script Extender, or NVSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout: NV. It does so without modifying the executable files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.
- 3.8MB
- 31.8k
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New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE xNVSE)
The New Vegas Script Extender, or NVSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout: NV. It does so without modifying the executable files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.
xNVSE plugin that enables having custom animations for weapons and actors. Fixes the engine-bound anim group limit problem.
- 2.3MB
- 31.2k
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xNVSE plugin that enables having custom animations for weapons and actors. Fixes the engine-bound anim group limit problem.
Fallout NV Cheat Terminal Redux
Resurrection of the FalloutNVCheatTerminal project by borjoyzee. Requires all major FONV DLC.
- 131KB
- 19.7k
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Fallout NV Cheat Terminal Redux
Resurrection of the FalloutNVCheatTerminal project by borjoyzee. Requires all major FONV DLC.
An NVSE plugin which adds new functions and engine-level tweaks.For heathens who have forsaken the Vanilla-Style way.
- 5.6MB
- 18.8k
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An NVSE plugin which adds new functions and engine-level tweaks.For heathens who have forsaken the Vanilla-Style way.
New XRE vehicle engine adding drivable vehicles to Fallout.
FOOK - New Vegas is an overhaul for the Fallout: New Vegas game. FOOK is a coherent and balanced overhaul, adding and fully integrating many bug fixes, new items, high quality retextures and gameplay features to the base game. It also has full support for the Fallout: New Vegas DLCs.
- 2.0MB
- 14.6k
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FOOK - New Vegas is an overhaul for the Fallout: New Vegas game. FOOK is a coherent and balanced overhaul, adding and fully integrating many bug fixes, new items, high quality retextures and gameplay features to the base game. It also has full support for the Fallout: New Vegas DLCs.
Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed - Alt Tab Fix
Alt + Tab Fix and Crashes Fix, this uses a special Fake Fullscreen Mode, that allow Fallout 3 or New Vegas to run without any Fullscreen issues. Full autodetection.
- 358KB
- 12.2k
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Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed - Alt Tab Fix
Alt + Tab Fix and Crashes Fix, this uses a special Fake Fullscreen Mode, that allow Fallout 3 or New Vegas to run without any Fullscreen issues. Full autodetection.
This is a lore-friendly, mostly hand-drawn, total overhaul mod that tweaks around 3600 icons. They are immersively more consistent in terms of coloring and transparency. There are other bug fixes too, and many new details! Okay, just write that in the brief overview, it's not that hard.
- 2.6MB
- 10.8k
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This is a lore-friendly, mostly hand-drawn, total overhaul mod that tweaks around 3600 icons. They are immersively more consistent in terms of coloring and transparency. There are other bug fixes too, and many new details! Okay, just write that in the brief overview, it's not that hard.
Find a strategic location, start your village, establish trade routes and alliances, and fight for your freedom!
- 19.4MB
- 9.6k
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Find a strategic location, start your village, establish trade routes and alliances, and fight for your freedom!
Sortomatic is a script and object library designed primarily for player homes.