Fallout New Vegas

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On this long-awaited episode of Fallout Fives, we'll be ranking the SPECIAL stats. It's been a while since I uploaded a full length Fallout Five, so I thought I'd come back with a bang, and also a rather long episode.

The SPECIAL stats (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck) are the core makeup of a character, and determines what their capabilities are. They're debatably the most important aspect of the Fallout games, and so I thought I'd let you know which ones are the best (in my opinion.)

Note: this is the first Fallout Five to ever include more than five entries. History.

Quick list -

#7 - Charisma
#6 - Endurance
#5 - Perception
#4 - Strength
#3 - Luck
#2 - Agility
#1 - Intelligence