Fallout New Vegas

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A small tour of the main Legion slave camp and Legion controlled town. Any suggestions or changes to fit Legion lore better are appreciated. I'm trying really hard to make this a more grey area for the Legion.

There are going to be frequent checkpoints through the territory and the player (if Legion oriented) can even join the Legion in destroying a local raider gang (and optionally crucifying their leader) that has moved in, something that would take NCR months, maybe even years to do the Legion will do in no more than a week.  

The question has been asked already as to why the Legion would be so far north (this takes place in Warm Springs, Nevada) the answer to this is that the Legion wins by applying constant and brutal pressure on their opponent. Having a Legion (About 5,000 Legionaries) putting pressure on upper Nevada would make the NCR thin their forces in order to keep New Reno secured which is a huge asset to keep.

How did the Legion get there if Western Utah is claimed by the tribes in Honest Hearts? They didn't go through Utah, they were originally with Caesar during the First Battle of Hoover with Graham, Caesar realized how well the NCR could throw bodies at an issue and decided it would be a wise tactical choice to try to spread them thin. This ultimately was my best reasoning because the NCR even admits that they are spread thin, so thin that they can't even specify where or why, they just conquered too much too quickly.

Any other questions are welcomed!


  1. bloxyman
    • member
    • 100 kudos
    Is there going to be a questline where you can have the NCR take over that Legion territory?
    1. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      The storyline is all in development atm. I'm leaning towards three storylines possibly, for sure two. The two I will for sure make are the DR and Legion ones. NCR just depends on how well I can make them all compatible because I'd like to make each storyline completely unique.

      1. Legion storyline where you help establish full control in the region along with the establishment of raiding fort to the west towards Reno.
      2. Desert Ranger storyline where the remnants of the rangers will be forced to unite remaining tribes to fight the Legion
      3. NCR storyline where you assist the NCR in reinforcing the region by repelling the Legion and arresting all Desert Rangers for Desertion.
  2. DiamondBorne
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Completely agreed with AndreasSelzer. The Legion we saw and fought was the frontline corp, They are definitely brutal and evil. But I would imagine Legion towns to be highly industrialized, high freedom (As long as they comply with Caesar), Very safe and peaceful to keep their morale high so they could feed The Legion warmachine with food, clothes, materials and weapons with no hiccup. Just like inner Roman citizens and their cities. You could also make a Legion town ruled by a few senator elected by townsmen, while they still obey direct order of Caesar these peoples will runs their town democratically. Please make Legion grey and pragmatic instead of a cartoon villain faction.
    1. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      Awesome thank you!
  3. AndreasSelzer
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Have Legion citizens praising the Legion, even the female citizens where protected. Have children stating that they wish to be a part of the Legion because the protect them. I f you want to make it more grey, have a little girl going up to a Recruit thanking him well he just nervously says thank you back. Have the citizens also say that they are free and that the slaves and tribals deserve their fate.

    1. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      Awesome advice, citizen dialogue has been added that already reflects their appreciation but I will be sure to add this as well! Thank you!
  4. DravenLovecraft
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Cool. Always great to see Legion content being made.