Fallout New Vegas

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Another brief showcase of the beautiful progress made.Here is a list detailing all of the features of the map

Adds a separate worldspace in which zombies mode takes place, with a new map.
Adds zombies into the worldspace!
The zombies spawn in intervals that stay true to the real title.
The zombies gain health the same way they do in the real title.
There is a points mechanic that is true to the original. It is fully functional, and interesting.
There are buyable things, like:
A Varmint Rifle, 20 gauge Caravan Shotgun, Thompson SMG, Browning Automatic Rifle, AR-15, Mystery Box, doors, and a Juggernog machine. Pack-A-Punch is in the works.
There is an easteregg song. There are two if you get creative!
There is a teleporter - functions are still being worked out.