Fallout New Vegas

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Ever thought that it was silly NVZ didn't have powerups? Me too. So I changed that, among other things. Take a look at this footage. Some notable features are:Reduced amount of boss zombies on boss round. (only a third of the normal amount in this video. Subject to change.)
Reduced range of boss explosion. Significantly smaller. Doesn't KILL you, but can end the game through that kind of death.
Added Max Ammo!
Added Double Points! (Buggy. You can see me struggle at one point to get it. I never grabbed it sadly.)
Added Nuke! Works great, but has a placeholder model until I can fix the actual model's collision.
Added Insta-Kill! Never got one this match, which is odd. Probably fell through the map.
Boss round ends with a Max Ammo.
Improved damage values for the weapons.
Scripted knife melee compared to holding the knife. Press the "Grab" control to begin the melee, and hit "Attack" to actually swing.
Nerfed Speed Cola.
Prepared String Variable method of moving the box on teddy bears to allow for larger, more dynamic maps. Yeah, this map was only for testing. The real deal will be in production soon...