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Frontiers Review.


  1. Duskill
    • BANNED
    • 74 kudos
    An actual review of people talking about the Frontier https://www.reddit.com/user/Duskillz/comments/ljkvbs/truth_about_zutheskunk_and_fallout_the_frontier/
    1. noopdog21
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      There is evidence of him liking minors.He had pictures of CP art. He literally had a website where he had an underage girl. 
    2. Duskill
      • BANNED
      • 74 kudos
      I've already said all I have on the subject in that post. The "pictures of underage girls" as you vaguely and fake shock-value worthy described pony and cub kink, are not "evidence" or CP, ask child rights protection organizations. 
      I've seen his art specifically, can even provide some of it in an unaltered form since I saved it as real evidence, and I can Vouch that he did far less than what you can find on this website in a gameplay form in some of the most popular ever quest mods, for example https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19305. 
      I can only repeat one more time one thing: the guy is a scapegoat for both the "devs" and this community's desire to do horrible things while (as they think) getting away with it. However, in reality if Zu decided to take legal actions many people who jumped on this hate vagon would be neck deep in shit. Dot. 
  2. noopdog21
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    The Frontier: 5/10
  3. nexusguy
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    A really well made and produced review, i mostly agree 100% with what you said, with some minor disagreements. The Frontier has a great exploration vibe, like you mentioned in the video, i'm one of the people that prefer exploring the Frontier more than the Mojave, mainly because it has more content but also because i get strong Stalker vibes from it, somehow, the exploration in the Frontier managed to capture the Post-Apocaliptic feel better than most Fallout Games in the main series, in my opinion of course. The writing for the MQ's is...Well it's not very good, the NCR questline has some cool scripted events that are worth experincing just for the action, but plot wise, it's not well developed. The Crusader's questline is...Well it's good, i would say it's on par with FO3 mainquest before the Broken Steel DLC. I haven't played the Legion questline, mainly because i'm not a fan of the Legion, but your video did make it appeal to me, perhaps i may do a Legion playthrough just to experience it.