Fallout New Vegas

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Showcase of a quest in Campaign Of The Fallen. Also a little bit of worldspace exploration. Feedback needed!


  1. PineappleSurprise
    • premium
    • 150 kudos
    This looks pretty damn good. You said you wanted feedback, so I'll list a few things that stuck out:


    -The airport bunker door probably shouldn't be Very Hard lock - if it is, there should be a key somewhere nearby. I could see a lot of players getting softlocked because they can't pick that door.

    -The little "cutscene" where you see the runway lights turn on seems a bit unnecessary - maybe you could have the player turn them on from some high vantage point, like the control tower?

    -I noticed a part where you pick up a key from a skeleton in the sewers? If that key's important later, expect a lot of players to get stuck because they can't find it, since skeletons aren't normally things you can loot, and tend to be ignored.

    Anyway, that's about it. It's already looking pretty impressive - good luck with it
    1. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      As for the two lock points, my design philosophy is that there are multiple ways to do something. Locked doors that are essential have keys - but you have to look around for them. But 90% of keys aren't vital to opening a door. Just if you don't have the correct lockpicking skill. I'll definitely take out that overlook scene though, I wasn't 100% on it. Thank you!
    2. PineappleSurprise
      • premium
      • 150 kudos
      Figured I'd mention that there's a lot of good stuff you showed off here. I especially liked the sand crawlers (and how they use the "sleeping" mechanic, which almost no one's used in a mod before), and the spiders coming out of the busted water pipe. And I guess I should mention that the interior/exterior areas seem pretty well put-together, for what that's worth.

      I'm also glad to hear it'll have some actual player choice and, y'know, RPG elements, as Fallout should have.

      Definitely looking forward to playing this when it comes out.
    3. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      Thank you so much! I tried to make it follow Obsidian’s design philosophy as best as I can. character interactions, permutations of choices and consequences, etc. I’m eager for everyone to play it!
  2. ELPascal
    • premium
    • 309 kudos
    I'll make sure to give it a watch some time soon!
    1. ashtonlp101
      • premium
      • 167 kudos
      Thank you!