Fallout New Vegas

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Messing about with Combat Styles and Cover Edges:Lick-Wood ignores cover and tries to stay as close as possible to his enemy while firing large bursts with his Machinegun; Jake is
(theoretically) keeping his distance and firing from cover at a steady rate.

1 comment

  1. harimau93
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Bethesda's FO3 back then really primitive since it was made using Elder Scrolls Morrowind & Oblivion as a base, plus I remember someone said how FO3 gunshot bullet travel is like a fireball spell using it as a base to work because it was Bethesda first time developing a game like this.
    If you can make NPC throwing grenade on enemy to distract his cover that would be cool too, kinda like FO4.
    1. Radioactivelad
      • premium
      • 184 kudos
      NPCs already throw grenades if an enemy is behind cover.

      The problem is that most NPCs in the vanilla game (and mods) never have throwables and the default combat styles favor approaching the enemy instead of maintaining cover.