Fallout New Vegas

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About this video

Since I've retired from uploading mods to this site on moral grounds, I have decided I will now be a very big-brained FNV video essayist, because enjoying FNV objectively makes me a genius, and as with all smart people, I must explain to everyone else just how brilliant I truly am.

(Don't worry, nexus staff! I'm not calling on you to treat mod authors like we're human beings with rights anymore, so there's no need for you guys to delete my video and permanently ban me from ever uploading videos again, like you did to my ability to upload images!)


  1. liquidlethe
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I do not understand the audience for those types of videos. Like who the hell has the time to watch numerous 8 hour youtube video essays? I see some that are that amount of time and still like part 5 or something.
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      Pretty sure it's just echo-chamber circlejerking. 


    2. iSebastein
      • supporter
      • 452 kudos
      From my understanding most people who 'watch' videos that are hours long are usually just letting the audio from it run in the background for white noise
    3. Sambath2500
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      For me, it's the kind of video that I would watch while I'm doing something else. Essentially background noises. At times, they can be entertaining enough that when I need to have something play (which I usually do), I would have it play
  2. deleted1394895
    • account closed
    • 74 kudos
    Let me refute your point by simply stating that New Vegas consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rhoncus quis mauris non dapibus. Quisque finibus congue tellus, eget tincidunt mi. Donec scelerisque sapien non tempus pellentesque. Suspendisse urna ex, volutpat et faucibus at, porta quis quam. Donec mi ex, interdum in tristique dapibus, molestie nec eros. Donec sagittis quis enim sed vehicula. Ut non massa molestie, vehicula eros vitae, tincidunt felis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec id erat porta, bibendum odio non, blandit ante. Integer rutrum arcu urna, ut porta purus vestibulum sit amet. Fusce lobortis, purus sit amet lobortis consectetur, risus leo iaculis odio, et elementum massa velit non dolor. Aenean nisi diam, ornare semper justo vel, rutrum lacinia est. Aenean sed ultricies ligula. Morbi vel diam nulla.

    Etiam semper blandit nibh, pretium pulvinar nulla vestibulum quis. Donec tempus nisi sit amet venenatis malesuada. Maecenas accumsan sapien a consectetur lacinia. Maecenas tincidunt ante sem, in vehicula ipsum fringilla at. Duis auctor dignissim felis a efficitur. Quisque sollicitudin ultricies tortor, ut elementum tellus pellentesque et. Sed sollicitudin augue in tortor ultricies fermentum.

    Donec venenatis sit amet massa ut tempus. Integer ex tortor, sodales feugiat nulla vitae, vehicula suscipit augue. Quisque id justo consequat, iaculis lacus viverra, aliquam justo. Pellentesque non fringilla neque. Etiam faucibus tempus posuere. Sed id interdum dui, et consequat orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce dapibus magna id velit scelerisque faucibus.

    Pellentesque commodo condimentum posuere. Nullam rutrum pharetra ligula, et congue lectus facilisis eget. Ut vitae massa vel ante rhoncus hendrerit. Integer lacinia quam neque, malesuada ullamcorper augue mattis ac. Praesent iaculis nisl cursus, efficitur justo a, dictum mauris. Nulla porta elementum tempor. Duis quis sodales diam, eget tempor nisl. Vestibulum metus dolor, euismod a diam id, varius condimentum ex.

    Praesent pulvinar turpis non quam interdum euismod. Etiam in fringilla tortor. Nunc facilisis quis tellus sit amet aliquam. Nunc et elit a massa sodales venenatis id vel lacus. Nullam at viverra dolor. Aliquam vitae ex augue. Suspendisse id scelerisque nisl. Etiam sed dui pellentesque, mattis ligula et, molestie mi. Sed imperdiet lobortis nibh, sed egestas est euismod in. Etiam feugiat dignissim diam ac hendrerit. Aenean in eros mauris. Duis ut ipsum augue. Suspendisse suscipit et ligula ac efficitur. Curabitur ut consectetur ligula, consectetur commodo nibh. Donec porta metus sit amet volutpat tincidunt.

    Nunc ultricies libero in massa ullamcorper, ut vulputate est condimentum. Nulla viverra, tortor vel aliquet pulvinar, neque ex venenatis purus, et luctus enim turpis in mi. In vel efficitur est. Nullam faucibus, nisl eget efficitur iaculis, risus ante faucibus felis, in bibendum risus magna eget massa. Duis nec porta risus. Nam consequat lacinia odio et consequat. Praesent euismod arcu tortor, quis imperdiet erat fermentum ac.

    Nulla faucibus, neque non dictum pulvinar, velit tortor semper turpis, eu rutrum dui risus non sem. Aenean pretium dignissim convallis. Maecenas lacinia laoreet urna sed dignissim. Vestibulum magna leo, facilisis vitae dignissim a, elementum eu ex. Cras tincidunt dignissim mollis. Nam ornare nulla non velit aliquet eleifend. Quisque laoreet quam ut mauris venenatis, quis commodo felis sagittis.

    Nunc vitae neque condimentum, pharetra ante vitae, finibus elit. In id nibh erat. In vestibulum, nibh in elementum posuere, massa elit ullamcorper eros, nec consequat nisi metus in enim. Nulla in sapien eget mauris molestie molestie. Quisque imperdiet orci vitae massa egestas, in volutpat ex placerat. Integer sodales magna non enim laoreet tempor. Aliquam auctor libero quis lacus scelerisque, eu sollicitudin nisi porttitor. Cras a accumsan urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut mi ut mauris auctor semper in at mauris. Ut dictum ut libero interdum sollicitudin. Aenean quis metus at tellus sodales ultricies et at dui.

    In commodo, justo ut mollis suscipit, nibh nunc bibendum arcu, sed tincidunt purus lacus ut enim. In a purus ac ligula finibus volutpat. Suspendisse maximus odio id hendrerit vehicula. Donec sit amet fringilla urna. Nulla facilisi. Nam sit amet orci nisl. Nulla fermentum efficitur semper. Sed semper lacus ligula, id facilisis est vehicula et. Vivamus aliquam sagittis turpis.

    Aenean convallis, quam nec malesuada varius, quam ex pretium lacus, eu ultrices lorem nulla vitae eros. In fringilla scelerisque sapien, commodo dapibus massa placerat at. Ut scelerisque ante sed lacinia fringilla. Fusce a nibh porta, mattis tellus eu, blandit nunc. Quisque blandit dui sed ex tristique suscipit. Sed aliquet risus a sodales egestas. Maecenas vestibulum ex non vulputate iaculis. Ut congue semper fermentum. Cras accumsan lacus quis fringilla pharetra. Morbi lorem tellus, aliquet a commodo vehicula, congue ut lorem. Aliquam euismod nulla ex, eu mattis purus fermentum eu. Sed interdum ornare metus, in eleifend elit sagittis vel. Ut at ex mattis, fringilla felis ac, iaculis ipsum. Nulla commodo orci non hendrerit suscipit. Pellentesque fermentum purus id mattis tempor.

    Etiam pellentesque commodo pulvinar. Proin posuere justo vel massa consequat, et mattis libero fermentum. Maecenas interdum facilisis eros, vel sagittis purus lobortis ac. Ut iaculis mauris enim, semper iaculis odio volutpat at. Integer vehicula velit nisi, quis egestas risus molestie eu. Nulla eu dui pretium, semper leo sit amet, aliquet enim. Aliquam non nulla non elit ultricies scelerisque. Sed quis eleifend quam, ut placerat neque. Aenean a lectus sit amet nunc lacinia congue. Morbi egestas, ex vel tristique faucibus, dolor augue imperdiet ligula, ac cursus mi elit ac mi.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam sit amet ipsum eu magna vulputate viverra ac ac purus. Nulla in arcu eget lacus interdum iaculis quis quis nisi. In convallis non nisl a lobortis. Nunc odio dolor, tincidunt ut justo vitae, vestibulum pulvinar risus. Nunc tempor risus a neque consequat varius. Nullam vitae velit sodales tortor tempus cursus. Donec laoreet odio non pellentesque dapibus.

    Vestibulum lobortis neque eu dolor sagittis, a tincidunt dui feugiat. Curabitur mauris leo, ornare eget odio vitae, porttitor eleifend diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed eget ligula sem. Phasellus in enim arcu. Suspendisse aliquam in magna ut commodo. Praesent feugiat lorem sed vehicula sollicitudin. Phasellus ultrices enim interdum dignissim consectetur. Cras in interdum elit, ut tempor nunc. Etiam eu ligula scelerisque, tempor velit eu, iaculis turpis.

    Nunc auctor eget nulla eu feugiat. Mauris in pharetra leo. Ut sapien metus, accumsan at cursus eu, placerat vitae velit. Vivamus tristique a felis id fringilla. Vestibulum eget diam congue, malesuada ex ut, pretium nibh. Nulla facilisi. Morbi malesuada turpis ac egestas sagittis. Aenean faucibus urna sapien, ut feugiat lacus posuere nec. Nullam et nisi aliquet nisl lacinia efficitur porttitor et sapien. Quisque porttitor, magna a semper vestibulum, dui dolor porta dui, ut mattis diam nisl ut purus.

    Praesent eu consectetur nulla, sit amet pulvinar libero. Proin finibus at est id varius. Nulla luctus tellus non neque mattis, sit amet eleifend metus rhoncus. Etiam eget odio iaculis, porta metus at, ultricies arcu. Praesent facilisis ex justo, et accumsan turpis sodales ac. Suspendisse consequat, enim sed pretium placerat, nibh elit rutrum nunc, sed condimentum leo metus et sapien. Sed sed aliquam ligula. Ut molestie tincidunt tortor, et suscipit turpis condimentum in. Ut sit amet augue eget augue feugiat sagittis. Nullam eu tortor massa. Nulla facilisi. Nulla porttitor tortor quis ligula ornare lobortis. Suspendisse eget est lorem. Morbi leo orci, condimentum sed neque dignissim, facilisis rhoncus enim.

    Ut tempus mauris ut faucibus facilisis. Duis augue est, vestibulum ac ex id, facilisis finibus augue. Mauris sed nulla eu mi convallis hendrerit quis sit amet purus. Donec eget accumsan diam. Nam at elementum nunc, nec tristique urna. In gravida convallis suscipit. Vivamus non est eu leo ornare luctus. Donec consequat massa ut fringilla placerat. Donec quis commodo felis, non posuere tortor. Nulla eget laoreet turpis, nec dapibus lectus. Quisque sit amet laoreet sem, eget dictum magna. Maecenas in maximus arcu. Nullam id ullamcorper quam, eu tristique nulla.

    Etiam ac sagittis felis, a volutpat odio. Vestibulum vulputate pellentesque urna mollis maximus. Donec faucibus, tortor non auctor eleifend, dolor enim accumsan nibh, varius consectetur mauris tellus id sem. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam faucibus neque diam, a tincidunt risus facilisis sed. Nullam porta odio nisl, et lobortis enim bibendum a. Fusce vulputate, nisi ac faucibus commodo, nisl nulla pellentesque diam, sit amet vestibulum tortor erat in justo. Ut pellentesque consectetur metus, at viverra odio lacinia quis. Sed quis risus placerat, ullamcorper sem sed, aliquam nibh. Morbi commodo, massa id viverra placerat, lacus odio pellentesque quam, nec sodales dui felis quis nulla. Praesent pretium, purus ullamcorper hendrerit faucibus, ligula leo suscipit tortor, eget posuere dolor turpis vestibulum eros.

    Fusce rutrum volutpat porta. Aenean cursus porta est, id dapibus mauris condimentum at. Vivamus sit amet rutrum quam. Suspendisse vitae posuere metus, nec pharetra ex. Praesent pellentesque accumsan elit, sed sodales leo tincidunt id. Fusce hendrerit lorem ut nunc elementum auctor. Suspendisse sed orci blandit, bibendum nulla egestas, tristique risus.

    Nam in tristique leo. Nullam mattis, tortor quis iaculis rutrum, sapien diam suscipit lacus, ut pellentesque erat ex sed dolor. Duis in diam leo. Fusce pulvinar eleifend ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula eu blandit sollicitudin, nisl felis ultricies libero, a ultricies urna libero laoreet nibh. Proin dictum hendrerit velit, ac imperdiet orci molestie non. Nullam eget mollis nisi. Phasellus consequat enim sed libero accumsan, lobortis efficitur libero luctus. Vivamus condimentum, ante vel facilisis lobortis, tortor nunc sagittis est, et molestie justo risus a odio.

    Praesent quis purus et sapien ornare malesuada et et nunc. Maecenas id enim ac tellus fringilla consectetur ac sit amet ante. Proin accumsan, erat eu semper bibendum, augue eros lacinia eros, vitae convallis est nunc quis sem. Sed leo nunc, semper sed lectus vitae, varius blandit nunc. In bibendum suscipit neque, ac gravida velit auctor eu. Integer varius nisl sed mattis vestibulum. Duis et metus eros. Sed turpis orci, congue quis euismod ut, mattis vitae purus. Fusce nec lobortis mauris, sit amet consectetur arcu. Pellentesque nisi nunc, tempor ut interdum quis, aliquam non nunc. Integer volutpat pretium eros vel ornare.

    Nullam risus dolor, venenatis sit amet erat vel, placerat sodales metus. Sed porta, magna eu hendrerit ultrices, odio magna tempor lectus, sed mattis justo lacus vel mi. Fusce quis odio tellus. Phasellus porta rutrum fermentum. Mauris feugiat lobortis bibendum. Nam consequat ultricies tortor, ac tempus lacus cursus nec. Mauris ut dignissim sapien. Donec non lorem ligula. Sed facilisis est id ante mattis pulvinar aliquet vel urna. Ut fermentum blandit dui ac dignissim. Integer ac urna pulvinar, auctor erat at, viverra lacus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas aliquet odio nec aliquet blandit. Nulla condimentum nisi at dui varius, nec pellentesque massa tincidunt. Sed placerat massa eu enim tristique placerat. Praesent laoreet leo et felis volutpat, sed feugiat diam convallis.

    Ut sed iaculis quam, vel iaculis metus. In porta tortor et ante sagittis, vitae viverra erat vulputate. Donec sed felis eu lorem malesuada sodales non eu mi. Curabitur molestie porttitor purus, id congue orci hendrerit at. Etiam sit amet sapien sed orci luctus feugiat. Mauris sollicitudin vehicula consectetur. Fusce rutrum iaculis elit nec venenatis. Proin nec laoreet lacus. Praesent luctus dolor nec mi varius, nec dapibus ex consectetur. Sed egestas porta urna in placerat. Curabitur vulputate diam quis leo consequat imperdiet. In rutrum erat ac nisl dapibus, a tristique elit eleifend. Nulla faucibus justo sapien, eu gravida magna egestas sagittis.

    Ut convallis diam vitae tellus posuere bibendum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam malesuada, magna et aliquam aliquam, nisi tellus blandit dolor, in hendrerit nisl lacus eget ligula. Suspendisse id pharetra ligula. Proin id vulputate purus. Nulla ut lacinia enim. Maecenas pretium massa at accumsan porta. Morbi porttitor, turpis sit amet aliquet congue, mauris ex vehicula dui, congue semper arcu ligula vel massa. Nam condimentum lorem sapien, vitae feugiat enim hendrerit id. Etiam felis lorem, mattis eget dictum vel, aliquam vitae ipsum. Quisque sit amet volutpat sapien.

    Nulla nulla ipsum, elementum ac suscipit ut, bibendum sed mauris. Etiam elementum magna id lectus convallis fringilla. Etiam non arcu lectus. Integer consectetur eros eget aliquet scelerisque. Suspendisse ullamcorper eros ut magna egestas fermentum. Curabitur lobortis turpis sed nulla molestie, quis hendrerit quam congue. Sed sit amet quam lorem. Pellentesque sapien mauris, porta eu bibendum sed, volutpat sed magna. Sed non nulla eros. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas vestibulum quam sed odio interdum venenatis pulvinar nec sapien. Proin varius enim non lectus mattis, sed ornare ipsum fermentum. Quisque vestibulum sapien ut ligula efficitur convallis.

    Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sed velit nulla. Nullam vel efficitur dolor. Fusce ultrices ac nunc eget blandit. Suspendisse quis felis egestas neque imperdiet maximus. Praesent mauris metus, condimentum eu pellentesque aliquet, semper eget massa. Vestibulum mollis risus interdum, lobortis justo non, tincidunt orci. Sed in ex sapien. Suspendisse faucibus bibendum augue, ullamcorper aliquet purus vulputate hendrerit. Donec placerat elit dolor, et sodales nisl euismod quis. Quisque vehicula viverra magna, id interdum erat interdum a. Curabitur sed lorem turpis. Suspendisse in dui nec lorem consectetur mollis.

    Morbi velit libero, pharetra a purus a, pellentesque lacinia lectus. Donec ac quam leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris congue mi et erat posuere, a pulvinar augue luctus. Donec eleifend nec lorem a accumsan. Pellentesque eleifend tempor lacus, non bibendum nisl consectetur sit amet. Duis tristique, sapien quis molestie cursus, purus sem pellentesque lectus, vel eleifend velit erat ac neque. Nam eleifend urna eget sodales porttitor. Aenean a justo est. Nam a lorem vel dolor tempor egestas bibendum et lacus. Vestibulum bibendum ipsum in lacus aliquet, in hendrerit magna pharetra. In eget lectus commodo ligula congue sagittis sit amet nec tellus. Vivamus non ultrices lacus.

    Proin sed purus nulla. Nam in leo enim. Sed et lectus ligula. Aliquam a est faucibus, facilisis tellus a, porttitor nibh. Nulla accumsan nunc vel diam vehicula, ac cursus elit tristique. Maecenas in metus elit. Donec aliquam iaculis libero vitae commodo. Donec dapibus, felis non imperdiet placerat, nulla nulla viverra libero, eu sagittis justo est non lectus. Suspendisse at pretium erat and that's why Ulysses and Christine is a perfect pairing.
    1. GodOfFear95
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Not reading all that, happy for you tho, or sorry that happened?
    2. deleted1394895
      • account closed
      • 74 kudos
      Damn and here I was thinking I made a great case :(
    3. MethuselahTheStar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what in the unholy supernova did you just write
    4. LDPrime
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Lmao, I appreciate the lorem ipsum post.
    5. deleted132075503
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
    6. LordGeneralCheese
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      my sides
    7. DaBoss18
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  3. freakuac
    • supporter
    • 52 kudos
    Meanwhile, a good portion of NV players started off as a Courier with only 1 Intelligence.
  4. avgnfan5200
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    so youve retired from making amazing well done mods, because the nexus team wants to prevent cry baby modders when they have hissy fits and deleting loved mods, I.E tomminfinite, and having meltdowns and deleting vital mods to the community i.e The dude who made the fo4 MCM, and have now been rendered to low level trolling on a dead nexus account and echo chambering on discord. quite a fall from grace over something so trivial. the egos of FNV mod makers never cease to amaze me, you guys think youre fighting some moral holy rebellion by deleting your mods and just end up proving why mod archives are completely justified. youre free to do what you want, but damn dude, its rough to see a talented mod maker whos made some of my favorite mods, that in my opinion are better than someguy2000s mods, resort to bait and trolling for attention. id love to have seen how the story continues after the high desert, but that seems like itll never happen. but hey, its only a matter of time before another brilliant quest mod author comes along and makes a really good mod series akin to someguys and yours. wish you luck on life
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      Well, no, I retired from the nexus because they repeatedly censored me for having the audacity to publicly express my dissent over their new: "Everything you make is ours now, and we're going to use our content to push our new premium plan, and you guys get nothing in return." policy.
      Then they lied about my character while censoring me, and then they banned me from ever posting images to this awful site ever again. 

      Why would I ever willingly contribute new content to a site that finds that kind of behavior acceptable? But by all means, lets not let that (or the little fact that I haven't deleted anything, nor do I have any particular intention to do so) get in the way of this fun and logical narrative of: "Those bastards dumping hours and hours of their time and energy into creating free content that I enjoy sure are fucking assholes! It's so entitled and egotistical of them to want to retain the slightest modicum of creative control over the work that they made for free! Why can't they just shut the f*#@ up and give me more free stuff, the entitled cunts?!"

      I mean, you say I'm a talented mod author that's made a bunch of your favorite quests, but I'm not allowed to make a dumb shitpost video that amused some of my friends without it being "bait and trolling for attention" or what have you? I guess providing you however many hours of entertainment isn't enough to entitle me to a shred of human empathy. Funny how that works.
    2. avgnfan5200
      • BANNED
      • 3 kudos
      i didnt say you deleted your mods, i gave examples of two who have, i do respect you for not taking them down. 
      but as for posting mods on websites in general, yeah once you upload something to the internet, and someone gets a copy of it, what happens to your creation at that point is out of your control. anyone can upload or change it as they see fit, im not saying its right, but thats how stuff works. theyres always a risk when you make something that itll be taken from you or stolen to make someone else money. its happened to me. 
      im not sure what went on between you and the nexus team, but i do believe you arent lying. they banned my first account years back because i told them their vortex manager (worse than NMM imo) and making high speed downloads be behind a paywall was really dumb and greedy. i do agree with modpacks and mod archives though. in your case, why not continue to make your badass mods, but upload them on a personal site, or discord or a site like moddb? why quit outright and let them win? and i do apoligize for calling you what i did, almost every mod author ive talked to has been a egomaniac brat that thinks their creation is gods gift to the earth ( a certain member of the TTW team) or is so sensitive and unstable that they constantly delete their mods *cough tomminfinite *cough* and/or block people for a slight critique *cough* tomminfinite *cough*. the only good encounters ive had was with someguy2000, and the kvatchcount (became friends after said certain member of ttw harassed them). i havent really gotten to talk to you, but i, wrongly, assumed it was for other things, i am sorry. 
    3. Warhound545
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Edit: I do see that you're not being as hostile as most of the people who bring this stuff up. This was more of a broader statement with a broader "you." I just used some of your statements as an example.

      I'm continually disappointed by the entitled and tone-deaf complaints coming from people on this site with regards to this crap. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. If it wasn't so f***ing repugnant, I'd admire how this community has managed to turn itself into a cult. The site can do no wrong. Selfish users are so focused on their own inconvenience rather than wider issues at play. They turn on the modders they "respect" rather than give two flying flopping fucks what actually caused the "hissy fit." It's all "me, me, me, me" even as they rave about the selfishness of the creators who toiled for free to give people content for free for finally reaching a breaking point where they can't support the direction of the host site. They're just "deleting beloved mods."

      Overseer's already made this point but let's drive it home some more... You have no personal rights to other people's free work that they post for your enjoyment at their pleasure. Th3overseer hasn't charged anybody a penny for his work. He gives it to the community freely because he wants to. Yet the moment he no longer wants to use this site, he's the villain. He hasn't even deleted his mods like others, though entitled children still act as if he had. I'm confident you pay a subscription for some product. Do you have this reaction when a service provider cuts part of what you pay for? Maybe a game's taken off the pass, maybe Netflix no longer offers a show you liked. Or is that okay because they're running a business? If so, why are you more upset that a man who worked for free no longer wants his content accessible (or is choosing to post no further content), than when a business you were paying for does the same thing?

      And that's without even going into what caused this 'talented modder whose made some of your favorite mods' to throw a 'hissy fit.' Do you even know? Do you even care? Do you give half a s*** that the Nexus charges people a recurring premium subscription for access to mod lists when the creators of those mods don't make a fraction of that profit? The Nexus is making money off of other people's work without paying them at all. And for providing a 'service' that could be done for free via guides that are available. For free. Yet if the modders decide they don't want to be a part of that and try to pull their mods from a parasitical process, well they're horribly selfish and throwing a "hissy fit."

      I don't know you personally and I don't have anything against you. But what the f*** man. If you respect th3overseer so much, you might try lending an ounce of credibility to his opinion and his frustrations.
    4. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      I'm only definitely retired from posting mods to nexus, specifically. If I decide to make more, I plan to host them on some combination of discord/ModDB/that third site that we're not allowed to namedrop here. 

      I was taking a hiatus from modding to play other games when all this nonsense started, and since then, I've switched gears and have been putting most of creative energy into an original project. When I eventually get around to my 80th FNV playthrough, I'll make a concrete decision on whether or not to make more mods, and if I decide against it, I plan to release all my design docs and answer any questions people have, so there can at least be closure for the overarching plot.

      I appreciate your apology. No harm done.
    5. avgnfan5200
      • BANNED
      • 3 kudos
      i dont pay for premium services. ever. i use kodi with oath, virtually every tv show and movie is on it for free, i refuse to give hollywood a penny even for a good film or show. as for games, ill always go to certain websites that have them for free, play them, if i like the game, ill buy it. or if its from a vile company like EA, never pay for a legit copy of anything of theirs. but no, i wrongfully assumed overseer was like 98 percent of the other modders ive met.

      even before this nexus premium debacle, mod makers for the most part have acted like elitists with an ego to match. or are extremely unhinged and unstable. this modpack stuff just really broken them and made them go crazy. like i dont agree that nexus gets cash and the maker doesnt receive a penny, i misread what overseer said, i thought he was referring to nexuses mod archives, which i actually support and completely understand why. going back on the f4 mcm dude. he effectively broke hundreds of fo4 mods after he deleted his MCM mod because he supports russia in this whole ukraine drama and nexus doesnt. like his disagreement with the nexus team has nothing to do with people who use his vital mod. because of his hissy fit over petty politics, hes screwed thousands of people over. or like cry baby wuss tom having a meltdown every 5 seconds and deleting his mods, what? 4? 5 times now? the mod makers created this problem themselves, i dont blame the nexus team for archiving mods at this point, in my opinion its 100 percent needed.

      listen, i know firsthand how the people who use or play your creations can be. alot of them are entitled brats, rude, or morons who think you work for them and they deserve this and that. generally ive ignored those types. let em chimp out, keep making what you want to, and dont punish the people who play or use your stuff because of some assholes, or disagreements with whoever, or because you forgot to take your schizo meds that morning and had a meltdown on reddit for the 99th time (looking at you tom). thats what i do, the worthwhile people still get to use my stuff regardless of whatever is going on, and i continue to make it for them. 
  5. giannizzzzz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Weww you see, fawwout new vegas is actuawwy vewy intewesting in that it is both a fun post apocawyptic wowe pwaying game and a compwicated mowaw study about humanity in a post apocawyptic setting. Thewe awe 4 diffewent factions in the game: the technowogicawwy advanced but fwawed NCW, the tywannicaw swave empiwe and cuwtuwawwy assimiwative Caesaw’s Wegion, the highwy cowwupt and awwogant Mw. House, and the distuwbing wobot Yes Man. These factions awe aww simiwaw in that none of them awe the definitive “good” faction. The NCW is cowwupt, Caesaw means weww but y’know.. swave empiwe. Mw. House is faw too awwogant and inhuman to contwow the Mojave Desewt. And at the end of the Yes Man ending, he expwains that he’s wepwogwamming himsewf to have fwee wiww. Thewe’s no tewwing what Yes Man wiww do now that he has the abiwity to say no. Anothew unique pawt of the game awe the wess impowtant factions, such as the Boomews ow the Gweat Khans. Youw actions in the game awe impowtant, and at the end of the game you see how youw actions have effected each faction. Additionawwy, the game’s diawogue and voice acting is extwemewy weww done. You weawwy feew wike you’we tawking to weaw peopwe, to the point whewe peopwe have expewienced weaw emotion upon the death of these chawactews. Aww of these factows come togethew to fowm one of the best, most timewess games evew cweated.
  6. deleted132075503
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    New Vegas is the worst fallout of all time
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      I can't wait for the day when everyone recognize the quality and brilliance of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
  7. Arnedarvin
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Another classic 8 hour video from the beloved "CynicalFalloutGaming" Channel. I would have preferred you took another 8 hours to really explore the artistic choices behind the piss-orange filter, Chris Avellone's fetish insertions, and actual explorable caves, that really provided that essential level of detail and style to New Vegas's very lively, and very finished worldspace, but I assume you'll be saving those portions for a sequel. Thank you for your beautiful and immense effort in undertaking such a hidden gem of a video game. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to go make montage tribute edits for the Legion set to loud bass-boosted nightcore to prove to my parents that I'm not a social outcast, but a fine appreciator of all things road and crucifixion related. 
  8. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 104 kudos
    th3overseer is back.
  9. Kazuya482
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fallout New Vegas. The writing is extremely subtle, and without a theoretical degree
    in physics (little Fallout New Vegas joke no birdbrained Bethesda fan
    would understand) most of the writing will go over a typical player’s
    head. There's also Caesar’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven
    into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from
    Imperial Rome, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have
    the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this
    writing, to realize that it’s not just great they see how its something
    deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Fallout New Vegas
    truly ARE truly idiotic Bethesda fans of course they wouldn't
    appreciate, for instance, the humor in all of the NCR trooper’s
    existential catchphrases "Patrolling the Mojave Makes you Wish for a
    Nuclear Winter," or "We won't go quietly the Legion can count on that"
    which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers
    and Sons.

    I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Chris Avellone’s
    Genius unfolds itself on their monitors. What fools... how I pity them.
    And yes by the way, I DO have a Fisto tattoo on my left butt cheek.
    However you may not lay your eyes upon it, It's for the ladies' eyes
    only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points
    of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
  10. Roni8501
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    A compelling point, but have you considered NCR farms Megaton one brahmin bighorner Goodsprings Novac through Nipton Tenpenny Tower bomb? I feel these points refute your assertions. Of additional importance is factions endings Broken Steel Enclave blow up the Citadel Hoover Dam Yes Man becomes assertive. I would argue these show the evidence you brought forth in a new light.
    1. GodOfFear95
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      These are all excellent and big brain takes, but have you considered Deathclaw Cazador nightstalker Doctor Klein Penis Envy Scorpion? Because if so, Ulysses Biological Seeding FORBIDDEN Mentat Courier Bull Bear Flag Divide.
    2. drfiveminusminus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      they keep the roads safe tho
    3. MethuselahTheStar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      roads are STUPID
    4. MethuselahTheStar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      roads SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    5. NachoSuplexSupreme
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      but have you considered House space best hope for humanity snow globe RobCo Securitron immortal Good karma courier plan?