Fallout New Vegas

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Note that these filters are made by the same person who is making raytracing filters for Reshade. I don't know how much better they are.


Pretty cool effect is how much better it helps with dark lighting. The non-glowing mushrooms on the wall fade in to the dark much more naturally, on top of the whole scene receiving more accurate light from the glowing mushrooms.

The light sources gives the fan a pleasant matte-metallic sheen and enhances the shadows around the areas not directly receiving light.

Depth of the scene is greatly enhanced by what I think is referred to as "indirect light". The inside of the trash can is, approapriately, cloaked in shadow as light isn't supposed to go through walls. Likewise, the parts of the wall and floor the machine and trash can are pressed against are similarly shaded. The light source also accurately colors the objects it shines on with a gold-yellow hue.

Like before, the glow of the fire more accurately casts a warm orange light on the surrounding objects, and also lights the surface of the nearby table more accurately. The barrels near the stop sign also recieve subtly different levels of illumination based on their distance and obfuscation, adding a lot of depth.

The filter is riddled with issues like this (at least in New Vegas). I am not toggling anything here. The filter will simply "turn off" as you walk and look around. Sometimes even because of other objects moving around the scene without you moving at all. I don't know anything about graphics, but think this is something to do with the "depth buffer".

Another common bug. This seems to be remnants of the earlier scene with the fire barrel. Again I think this is some kind of "buffer" issue.

There are also goofy filters with "cinematic" effects, and color correction. I don't why you would ever actually play with any of these on, but they could serve some artistic use. In New Vegas specifically I could see myself using these to make some vanilla style loading screens or ending slides.

Or you could roleplay as the guy from Cruelty Squad I guess.